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Pennine MC

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Everything posted by Pennine MC

  1. Cue six weeks of speculation about whether Garry's car will have shape issues ;-)

  2. So that'll be glossier then Colours vary for all sorts of reasons; not sure why the assumption is always that one or other is wrong.
  3. Can I promote my status to a gallery if I can't make it an article...

  4. The whole shot is nice Dave but I really like the concrete steps, it just makes the scene somehow
  5. Accountants aside, I can imagine Gerry Fiennes being a much more formidable obstacle to freight use after the fight he'd had to get them at all There are odd published pics of them on freight (although not short ones); I can recall a GSY one on fitted vans in 'Traction' and a blue one taking a Freightliner over Welwyn viaduct in 'Modern Railways'. As for short passenger trains, the early morning Doncaster to Hull mail was regular working during the period that they powered the Hull Pullman
  6. found my status again, promoted it to an article and got sent out of class :-(

  7. haven't found my status but do have a pen, 36p in change and some toast crumbs

  8. Five D6858, looks like GSY, freight heading for Millerhill over Gala Water, 14.10.68 - nice broadside in 'Border Country Branch Line Album' by Neil Caplan.
  9. Your status is wrong as well (this is why I dont have one, y'see)
  10. Long Live Rock - The Who (with the 'R' word, this could go on a while)
  11. Cact, I shall be using my laptop sideways so I can use that head-on shot as a desktop Cracking shot, only the cab glazing gives it away. (Note to self, acquire 8F PDQ)
  12. I think it's in a letter to MRJ, possibly from Don Rowland and following a letter from Dave Larkin, itself following the random publication of a pic of one of the LNER wooden alumina hops. Of course, can I hell as find it now...
  13. And if 30-something looks through the rest of the thread, or even on the old forum, he'll find more posts and maybe some pics
  14. Thanks chaps, sounds like the Port Sunlight run is what the 40's on then. Looking at the pic won't help with routeing, it's a broadside of loco and first three wagons with no other tracks visible. BTW it's dated 1980, either April or May IIRC
  15. Having checked the caption, TBH that might be an incorrect assumption on my part Brian. The shot is described as 'southbound freight at Golborne Jcn'; the location is AFAIK near Warrington but in terms of traffic flow determination, I suppose it's pretty inconclusive
  16. Added to that a couple of more unusual ones, alumina from Burntisland to somewhere in Essex and slate powder from Wadebridge, in conjunction with the recently oft-mentioned Slate Presflos. I also had sight of a print that Dave Larkin had acquired of one marked 'Dried Hydrate', I dunno what it is but it sounds a bit contradictory They were also used for soda ash from Cheshire along with the airslide-modified grain hoppers - there's a pic in the Janes 40s volume of a broadside of a train including these and I think that use might have lasted into the 80s
  17. Thanks Chris, I thought that might be the case
  18. I think it's a Collett 'Sunshine', as per Bachmann model; when thinking about caption errors like this, I sometimes wonder if the authors are working off small transparency or negatives - the difference in shade is there if you look for it, but could be overlooked
  19. Thanks David. I had it in mind it was just after the forum move, whereas it was actually just before
  20. My recollection of this c1973 is that two three-car sets had been formed, each having one of the ex-Railair GUVs sandwiched between one of the 116 cars and one of the 128s. I did post some pics of them a while ago in response to a query, but can I hell as find them on a search
  21. I wouldnt attempt to be comprehensive re- the WR Park Royals, but my impression was that they got passed around a bit during their short stay. Kingswear certainly saw them but I also recall a pic in a contemporary Railway Magazine of a freshly painted one at Reading depot
  22. 37238 has the Vulcan grilles - it's not just a D6826 in a different colour
  23. I think that's what they mostly settled into, thee heavier work, after the usual spell of 'oo, what can we use our new toys on' - the Glasgow-based locos also wandered up the WHL on freights for a time in the late 60s Without rushing about in this heat to double check, I'm fairly sure most if not all of these early ScR machines were of Vulcan Foundry build (not RSH as per Bachmann's D6826). Parade, rain, rearrange
  24. Mid 70s? As ever, I'd like to see more evidence of that. When DMU liveries have been discussed on the forum previously, I believe that a ScR GRCW class 100 has been suggested as being the last green DMU car in normal service, lasting until 1973 IIRC. If anything, my impression is that the WR was rather quicker than the other Regions in repainting its DMUs.
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