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RMweb Gold
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Status Updates posted by RedgateModels

  1. Is wondering why captions on images in the gallery seem to be optional again ...........

  2. Two X04s in the post today - must get another batch of armatures rewound .......

  3. has another two X04's to refurb

  4. Andy's just confirmed the RMweb Roadshow will be attending the Mansfield Show March 3rd and 4th 2012 :)

  5. Boiler bands and cab lining done on the Duke, still putting off the running plate lining ;)

  6. can't believe he didn't buy a Sprog sooner!

  7. Just spoke to John at Bromsgrove - my Powercab needs a new pcb, but he's doing it today! - top service as ever, serves me right for being rough with it in the first place ......

    1. RedgateModels


      and now it's in the post! - utterly brilliant service :)

  8. whohoo! SPROG has turned up today :)

    1. steveb860


      Congratulations, boy or girl lol

    2. RedgateModels


      JMRI is a bit geeky innit!

  9. Dropped my Powercab tonight - display is bust, hope John at Bromsgrove can help!

    1. RedgateModels


      and the man has come though again, posting off to John today, he hopes to have it back to me by the weekend - top man!

  10. Dropped my Powercab tonight - display is bust, hope John at Bromsgrove can help!

  11. is still waiting for his SPROG to arrive (no not another kid!)

    1. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      It'll be worth the wait.

    2. RedgateModels


      whohoo, just got an email - it was posted today :)

  12. spent a pleasant if hot couple of hours knocking together my Powercab panel/auto SW/Rolling Road box/base thingy - it matches the kitchen!

  13. was at Derby Slum Sidings today on UK3 Rail Grinder. Any drivers pass by between 11 and 12 noon?

    1. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Your a Driver to Ian?


      I'm a Driver down on the Wessex....

    2. RedgateModels


      Nah, Doc Control/Safety Advisor for Harsco Rail

  14. Another successful J39 DCC decoder fitting - thought I'd stuffed up the chip at first, but it was set not to operate on DC, a quick reset and all is well :lol:

  15. George is six today, it's a Thomas fest!

    1. Stubby47


      Many happy returns to young George !

  16. Valentino's in a cold sweat, placed all his money on that last bet .......

    1. beast66606


      Better give him an alibi then ...

  17. just cleaned out the airbrush jar, got a full tin of pre-thinned BR green for next time .......

  18. Duke is black, masking and PP BR green airbrushed on today!

    1. Dukedog


      Get on with it man! I want to see it finished!

    2. Ed-farms


      Why not line it out in BR Black? Annoy the purists ;)

    3. RedgateModels


      it's green now, very little bleed to touch up - well happy. Got to clean the airbrush now .......

  19. is considering plan C for his 77xxx - a 43xx boiler grafted to his Dapol bodied Comet chassis 76079 - The Bachmann 76079 bought at the weekend might be too good to chop!

    1. Horsetan


      Change of plan?

    2. RedgateModels


      #2 :lol: basically I'm getting all the bits together for all 3 options and then deciding which will be the best .....

  20. Was honored/embarrassed to be presented with the Best in Show trophy at the Boston Show yesterday :)

    1. Garry D100
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Well done Ian!

    3. LNERandBR


      It's a brand new trophy. The club only got it last Thursday.

      It was a well deserved win.

  21. all packed and ready for the Boston Show tomorrow http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/43492-boston-model-railway-society-exhibitions/page__view__findpost__p__470577 hope to see a few RMwebbers for a chat, saves me from actually playing trains!

  22. back at work today after a bad case of Bejing Belly yesterday

  23. has a very sore ankle but the utility flooring is done, just the tiling to do then it's on to the study!

  24. has a very sore ankle but the utility flooring is done, just the tiling to do then it's on to the study!

  25. flooring down, just all the painting to do tomorrow....

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