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Status Updates posted by RedgateModels

  1. has put away all his stock and boxed it all up ready for clearking the study to redecorate. Need more bananna boxes, lots more ....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ian


      You're decorating the study with bananna boxes?

    3. RedgateModels


      you are a very silly man Mr Morton ...

    4. ozzyo


      No he's got a lot of H.S.Ts.

  2. Taking George to a birthday party at 11 then on to Wakefield :)

  3. looking for something railway related for Saturday - looks like the Wakefield Show so far ......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. coachmann


      Wanting something railway-related for Saturdays.... Try the booking clerks wife!

    3. eastwestdivide


      something for the weekend, sir?

    4. RedgateModels


      Wife is taking #1 son to London for the day (pre birthday treat) That leaves me free to take #2 to something "trainy" :)

  4. Just celebrated totting up how much copperclad and rail I'll need for the new improved Fourgig East with a trip to the chip shop ....mmmmmmm chips!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Right, that's it!


      I want chips too!

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      We all want chips!!!

  5. Remembers why he loves SWMBO so much, had modeller's block last night trying to visualise 4gig - she came up with an utterly brilliant idea for the foreground just like she did for Summat Colliery :)

    1. beast66606


      I better get that plan sorted then !

    2. RedgateModels


      mmmm, and I'd better start thinking about rodding runs ......

  6. Went to Birmingham yesterday - no not the NEC, the Sealife Centre with the boys whilst SWMBO went shopping, I think I enjoyed it more than if I'd gone to Warley :)

    1. ian


      You'd have been salivating over the new Dapol O gauge wagons...

  7. off to pick up #1 son from school in 10 - taking him swimming 'cos poor George can't go and needs his Mum today ....

  8. is hungry and there's a Feasters burger on the desk .....

    1. RedgateModels


      and now it's in my tummy, much better .......

    2. beast66606
  9. Dash to A&E tonight - little George fell into the dishwasher and ran his hand through on a pair of scissors - all ok now, kids!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ian


      Nasty. He'll be in need of a big cuddle with mum.

    3. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      :( hope it's not too bad! Did summat similar when I was a wee nipper two decades ago, only that was on a steak knife...!
    4. RedgateModels


      Cheers chaps, he's been a little star, big bandage on his right hand, good job he sucks his left thumb! Docs recon the bandage can come off on 2-3 days. Lucky boy not to hit bone or tendon. Now where's the Calpol? ......

  10. ooh! St Minions on the front cover of HM - How mwny more Mansfield Show 2012 layouts will get the same treatment before March?

  11. Evening #2 with the R859 Black 5 - body washed, chassis stripped and cleaned. A few spots of oil and missing motion replaced from my stocks and she's all ready for many more years of running :)

  12. Old tender drive Black 5 bought from Wycrail - fixed armature, new brushes and springs and the old MK1 tender drive is running like a good 'un ;)

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      I had an old tender drive black5, I cut away the underside of the boiler, fitted a Crownline detailing kit and modified the valve gear to look something like. The whole thingg ran like a box of spanners until the wheels disintegrated..

    2. RedgateModels


      Ah but this is the original Fliechmann derived unit - will run forever ;)

  13. Has just received a pack of 12x36g gluesticks - should be enough for that Scalescenes Goods Shed!

  14. Breakfast now, Wycrail later :)

  15. I've packed the 2-8-2 for Wycrail, hope Chris will get some shots of it on Catcott ;)

  16. Has started an O gauge Scalescenes Goods Shed - going to be a whopper!

  17. 4gig now stetches to 8 feet in Templot - complete with run-round loop, sidings and a double slip!

  18. Wish me luck - I'm tackling a single slip in Templot tomorrow, or maybe tonight .... 4Gig is set to be 8Gig ;)

  19. Has a Vulcan O gauge Pannier on his workbench .....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedgateModels


      OK, I've scanned the instructions :lol:

    3. RedgateModels


      oooh, compensation, something new to me.....

    4. Horsetan


      Ah, you might be able to claim....

  20. Day one at Legoland survived, let's see what tomorrow brings

    1. bcnPete


      You mean you escaped without buying loads of minifigures? I got caught with that everyday when I was last in the UK...!

    2. RedgateModels


      Oh of course, only got hit for four though :)

  21. is looking for a loco drive 8F chassis ......

  22. is very happy with his new website - thanks to disco-dave and his excellent business :)

    1. Absolute Aspects

      Absolute Aspects

      Have to say its looking rather good :)

    2. Stubby47


      Not too keen on the white text on the header photos - it's not easy to read, but otherwise, very good.

  23. Is contemplating sound fitting his Austerity Tank "Harry" for next year's shows

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      If you like - but you'll have to bring DCC along - I have a Lenz system but I've not opened the box!

    3. disco-dave


      If you add sound to Harry, you'll have to Sally as well. We can't have favouritism

    4. RedgateModels


      I've only got one spare sound chip ..... Anyway, Sally will get the fancy Giesel chimney ;)

  24. All packed up ready for Wirksworth tomorrow :)

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