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Etched Pixels

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Status Updates posted by Etched Pixels

  1. tis windier than the night after a vegetarian curry party

    1. Horsetan


      Anyone got a match?

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      yeah.. we play Cardiff at 5:30 pm 8)


  2. is watching his voyager happily cicle the room now the woodwork on the loop is finally done. Next challenge to make it look like a bridge

    1. beast66606


      You will struggle to make a Voyager look like a bridge, try a 70 and drop it in place

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I wondered what they were going to do with the bent one at Newport ;)


  3. sun, sea sand and the tourists yet to arrive, some days its good to live by the sea

    1. PhilEakins


      The 'grockles' arrived here in force about a month ago, coach loads of trippers arrive every day ..... For some reason a lot of them are from Wales.

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Minor outbreak of beached students here, no real tourists yet


  4. has discovered a new way to make it rain - reach for the can of primer

    1. multiprinter


      Tell the water companies - they'll be claiming a water shortage soon.

    2. Sailor Charon

      Sailor Charon

      That's ok. It means I don't have to mow the lawn :)

  5. either someone is throwing rocks at my roof or the stormy weather is back

    1. 69843


      Sorry, wrong house!

    2. yorkie_pudd


      over fed pigeons on bombing practise

  6. youtuber - the site for vegetable fanatics

    1. Horsetan


      It's had its chips.

    2. ozzyo


      You should be on the stage,

      it left 1/2 an hour ago.

  7. GNR day in the 'build all the old kits in the acquisitions box', today an N2 and a J52 mostly assembled, not that I actually have a chassis for either currently!

    1. Horsetan


      Are these the old 4mm scale whitemetal jobs?

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      2mm (Highfield, ABS/Beaver DGM and Langley) - with a Skytrex Beyer Garratt to investigate

  8. I have seen somethng I've not seen for almost a year - the surface of my desk

    1. nick_bastable


      be afraid very afraid


    2. Jawfin


      Something is horribly wrong!

  9. Guess who just glued the roof on a coach before remembering he'd only glazed one side ...

    1. Kev_Lewis
    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Oh, I wouldn't like to be in your shoes right now, hope you get it sorted without much bother.

  10. Oh god the students are returning

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      yep soon Headingley will be back to student ville....


    2. Mallard60022


      Once, years ago, that was good news!

  11. "snackccident" - what happens when someone leaves cake near you

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      wonders why he was thinking about an accident involving snakes initially.

    2. Horsetan


      I read it that way as well....

  12. Another shapeways order, another shapeways problem

    1. 2mmMark


      Sad, isn't it? There are 3 French metre gauge models which really appeal but I'm reluctant to spend 60 euros on what might be a substandard result.

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I've had no problem getting bad prints redone, they are very good about that. It's the problem that every order they seem to find a new inventive way to f**k something up differently


      This time it seems they've taken a block of six subtly different models extracted one of the from it and printed it six times (despite it being one stl upload)


  13. 100 decals applied today, 8 to go

    1. fursty


      Eight more days or eight more Decals? :-)

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Both I suspect!. Stil got the glazing, minor paint fixups and compartments to finish on ex GCR coaches and a pair of non corridors done but not yet decalled.



  14. listens to the tap tap of water through the roof into the room below, this is going to be expensive

    1. SHMD


      Temporary/cheap/broken roofs are best listened too by a multitude of randomly drafted cups, mugs, pots and pans!


  15. Hooray its raining (not often I say that in Wales!)

    1. RandyWales


      First time I've heard that from a resident of Swansea - the UK rainfall capital...Anyway....it's now stopped.

  16. Ah bliss .. finally a breeze

    1. DavidLong


      I know, makes all the difference, doesn't it?

  17. Yay Dead Snow on tv tonight

    1. Jawfin


      At least it's not yellow.

  18. I wanted to 3D print a saint but his halo kept snapping

    1. RJS1977


      Try 3D printing his Volvo instead...

  19. decides that learnig to play sharps and flats on tin whistle should only be attempted when nobody else is home

    1. Sam Moss

      Sam Moss

      Same with the recorder. Thats why I stick to instruments wth keyboards as my main ones!

  20. ah the rain has arrived - a day late but in style

    1. Padishar Creel

      Padishar Creel

      we're expecting it in 4 or 5 hours from now in SW-BaWü

  21. had an entertaining weekend, including being on a 150 that overshot Garth station and had to reverse a bit, passing a 97/3, a pair of DRS 37s on the network rail train, and a bizarre FGW 2 car unit half 150 and half 153. Even saw a movement on the GCG line ! and all by accident

    1. 3chordboy


      don't supposed there are photos of some of these intriguing little oddities? :)

  22. windier than PM question time here today

    1. Mallard60022


      Nah! PMQS - that's a load of old far*s making loads of hot air.

  23. watches the rain, seems to be trying to make up for the driest April on record, the road outside is about an inch deep

    1. scots region

      scots region

      deppressing ait it?

  24. Postage prices up today.. oh joy

    1. Allegheny1600


      Not Again!!....?

      It's that bloody crozier again?

  25. seems to have spent the entire day packing kits and watching the goodies

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum...

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