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Etched Pixels

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Status Updates posted by Etched Pixels

  1. is busy adding roof vents to TPO test builds

  2. is busy detailing an ING 25/1 and test building GWR TPO stock

    1. bcnPete


      Sorry to be a bit thick - What's ING? Assume that's a class 25/1? Look forward to see some pics if it is...

    2. Kris


      The TPO stock something that you might be selling in the future?

    3. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      ING = It's N Gauge


      Kris: Hopefully. Colin Allbright did L21/L.24/L.25 TPO stock for Ultima but never finished the last corrections or instructions. I'm just doing the final tidying up now


  3. is debating how to paint a T gauge clayhood

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cromptonnut


      ... and with a very small brush, I guess?

    3. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I'm just dreading the decals


    4. Horsetan



  4. is going slowly mad lining kettles

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      I think lining look better on locos

    3. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      I think lining look better on locos

    4. ozzyo


      I find a beer or two helps!

  5. is having a spring clean, what an amazing amount of junk

    1. Horsetan


      Is it etched junk?

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      No - the brass junk and scrap all gets recycled and goes to the Corris railway to be turned into things like coach door handles


    3. ozzyo


      You wont be able to find things for weeks to come.

  6. is peeved - the old Ultima PowerMac G4 just blew the power supply and tripped all the fuses

    1. Kris


      That's a pain, at least these can be replaced with ease. I hope it won't cause you any issues with the day to day running of Ultima.

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      All rescued in the end with a mix of Linux to read the hard disks, an ancient windows copy of Freehand to export all the data and I now have the data in a sane format too.

  7. is pondering folk songs for railways: The Old Maid In The Garratt perhaps 8)

    1. sir douglas

      sir douglas

      the 3801 song by ray king

  8. is slowly working down the gloat pile, trouble is I now have things like LMS n/c brake 3rds and a flatiron but I don't think I;ve got room for another layout 8)

  9. is starting to think that the harp is like soldering, you need at least one extra hand

    1. ozzyo


      Sounds about right.

    2. Horsetan


      I remember an advert for Harp.



      Stays sharp

      To the bottom of the glass...."

    3. ozzyo


      They forgot one word, rimes with happ.

  10. is still working down the gloat box. Skytrex garratt now in black and running nicely. No idea what I am going to do with it,. Rule 1 current era railtour stock perhaps 8)

  11. is still working down the gloat box. Three coach roofs needing ventilators and detail bits next up, about my most hated job

  12. is watching his voyager happily cicle the room now the woodwork on the loop is finally done. Next challenge to make it look like a bridge

    1. beast66606


      You will struggle to make a Voyager look like a bridge, try a 70 and drop it in place

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I wondered what they were going to do with the bent one at Newport ;)


  13. is wondering a 3ft gauge cornish mineral railway wagon would have looked like had it lasted into the 1970s

  14. is working through things from the 'pile'. Next up filling and tidying a part finished white metal flatiron acquired in a box of bits from ebay

  15. Langley N2 assembled. How I love white metal kits where the inside of the body is fractionall smaller than the chassis

    1. Kelly


      does white metal suffer 'shrinkage' like resin does then?

    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      That depends - if you make a rubber mould from a master it shrinks a spot, if you make one from some of the other materials it grows about the same amount instead - very useful.


      In this case it needed a bit of filing of the top of the motor block to fit - something that *could* have been in the instructions . grump 8)


  16. Letter from Precision Micro/Chempix. All etching costs going up 4%, minimum order to

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. coachmann


      sounds like they have brought in an academic. Interlink and CityLink threw all their old customers away and the GPO benefitted. PPD, PEC and othere are still etching.

    3. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Likewise I think all my artwork will be moving north. All the newer stuff is already with PPD.


    4. davefrk


      No please not everyone, they usually turn my stuff round in a week. Soon it will be like the others 4-6 weeks.

  17. line ponds not coaches

  18. listens to the tap tap of water through the roof into the room below, this is going to be expensive

    1. SHMD


      Temporary/cheap/broken roofs are best listened too by a multitude of randomly drafted cups, mugs, pots and pans!


  19. main boards finally in place, join 'adjusted', points in the post

  20. Nothing like a bit of warm crumpet for lunch

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      Crumpet while thinking at least. And with proper jam (the sutff whose main ingredient list isn't glucose syrup and then a chemistry set) but starts Strawberries...


    3. steve22


      Funny how after a while you get to know which people might well make comments in which column among these postings. Hi there Debs!

    4. Debs.


      I tried biting my (metaphorical) lip; but I just couldn`t resist. :-)

  21. Oh god the students are returning

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      yep soon Headingley will be back to student ville....


    2. Mallard60022


      Once, years ago, that was good news!

  22. Oh the joys of April 5th and having to do the accounts

  23. One fiddle yard end wired, 16 motors now switching, all looked good until I realised the diagram has 17 points. Time to go back to work and do the one I missed

  24. oops.. time to dash and buy a card

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