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Everything posted by LH&JC

  1. Redcar have given Plymouth a good thrashing!

    1. oggy1953


      didn't think Plymouth had enough players left to form a team

  2. I'm pretty glad I didn't go to see Olton Hall bring Mallard back to York!

  3. Oops, what about the GER Decapod?
  4. Dub Dee 2-10-0 maybe? 29ft 8in
  5. I'd say "lousy governments" is a fairly restrained phrase, and is it disrespectful to state facts?! Back on the not gone yet but won't be missed theme, automated checkouts!
  6. More world cup speedway tonight, hope team GB don't embarrass themselves

    1. gwrrob


      Russia should walk it.

  7. sleep, zzzzzz

  8. I hope that I'll have enough money to buy an LT pannier when they are released.

    1. scots region

      scots region

      I hope that I have enought to buy a.. oh no musn't say!

  9. Duncombe Park this weekend, a weekend of steam and beer!

  10. Good win from Redcar, that's what I like too see!

  11. I've just read the fifth book in the "learning to read" trilogy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      They do one about reproduction as well, it's called "learning to ######"

    3. KevinWalsh


      aha, Boris is in the gutter again

    4. Mikkel


      Basically there are three kinds of people: Those who can count, and those who can't.

  12. Redcar beat Sheffield and team GB have beaten the Aussies, good times!

  13. Mmmm parsnip crisps!

  14. Newcastle 42 - Redcar 47 that's more like it from the Bears!

  15. Tomorrow I could clean my flat or see Flying Scotsman, it's a tough one!

    1. Boris


      How about doing the world a favour and flattening Scotsman? Turn it into razor blades or something useful.

  16. Just had a snooze, has the apocalypse started yet?

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      It will start right *now* if you insert a specific DVD into your player!

    2. Horsetan


      Currently making my way through a yoghurt...

  17. I really must stop sleep glazing.

    1. JaymzHatstand


      Did you buy this conservetory in beiruit?!

  18. Tornado, Dominion of Bittern, the Duke and Olton Hall are in steam at the NRM today!

    1. RedgateModels


      and Tornado's going to the NYMR just when I'm in the area....

    2. english electric

      english electric

      olton hall going to shildon this week


  19. 1 essay down, now for the other essay due on Monday and the exam also on Monday. I might be pushing my luck.

    1. scots region

      scots region

      my first higher's tommorow


    2. LH&JC


      Feel confident?

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Good luck, both of you! :-)

  20. I've just won my first item on ebay, a Fowler railcar!

  21. Is building a 16mm coach, boy are the sides & frame bent!

  22. I'm the man in grey, I'm just the man at C & A.
  23. My 2mm scale traction engine is finished, I need a railway for it now!

  24. Is building an N gauge traction engine the start of a slippery slope?

    1. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      No.. when you try and motorise it that's when you know you are hooked !

  25. Just packed for a running day at the York Model Engineering Society tomorrow, I hope Offler performs well!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      You mean you'll be standing on the carriage shed roof watching the ECML trains go by?

    2. LH&JC


      Maybe, it depends how much use Offler gets!

    3. sir douglas

      sir douglas

      i've been past theres so many times but never seen anything running

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