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Trainshed Terry

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Status Updates posted by Trainshed Terry

  1. Just finised repairing a Heljan Hymek which had a dodgey gear box runs a lot better. NOW!

  2. AGGHHHHH!!!!. Just found that missing can of spray satin varnish..

    1. Boris


      If you think that's bad, try finding that your wife has dropped the cans and put the wrong lids back on

    2. Trebor
  3. I do belive that ebay has crashed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bescotbeast


      Crashed for me since 12:40 today

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      It back. but lost 4 hours in the three items that I'm selling.

    4. bescotbeast
  4. Sitting feeling likev bursting into tears as my depresstion has retured with vengance.

    1. TheCuckoo


      That sucks. It's a horrible thing, and destroys lives. I often feel like I am running on borrowed time and that sooner or later it will catch up with me again. I hope this is only temporary, and that you'll be feeling brighter soon. All the best. ray.

  5. Doing some methfix decaling.

  6. Having a serious case of depression. Feel like crap and want to burst into tears. Not a nice feeling. All work related.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      As 1216 025 - I too can relate if any help - YOU ARE NOT ALONE TERRY.

    3. davefrk


      Terry, from my wife who's been there for the same reasons, she says try 'Youtube' 'I had a black dog his name was depression'. A lovely cartoon from the World Health Organisation. She found it inspirational. Hope your problems get better and aren't as deep as they sound, My wife is no longer working there.... And she's a lot better.

    4. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Sympathies Terry. Modelling can be very therapeutic....

      It has worked for me before...

  7. I do wish people use a spell check system as the number of spelling mistakes is on the increase.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. trisonic


      MY neeples explode with delight!

    3. DougN


      Nothing like Apple predictive text..(it capitalised the A above! )

    4. petethemole


      Speling is a kreative art, as any fule kno.

  8. Yet another stuffy night, to try and get some sleep!

  9. Rumblers of thunder in the air tonight. ( Phil Collins song anyone )

    1. Horsetan


      Rainy Night In Georgia.

  10. It is to warm to sleep.

  11. I was hoping to go to Chatham expo, but I have had a headace for most of the day and taplets and it still has'nt cleared. Ifit has not gone tomorrow morning a trip to the doctors is called for.

  12. I was hoping to go to Chatham expo, but I have had a headace for most of the day and taplets and it still has'nt cleared. Ifit has not gone tomorrow morning a trip to the doctors is called for.

  13. Warning.Free copys of the THe Sun wil be posted through every bodys letter box tomorrow to be delivered by post people.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Straight into the recycling...

    3. eastwestdivide


      Distance from letterbox to recycling bin = 3 feet. Didn't even unfold it.

    4. admiles


      Wouldn't read that tat anyway and that has nothing to do with the LFC thing

  14. It's raining in Essex.

    1. yorkie_pudd


      same up here but probably the wrong type of rain for experts haha

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      It's never stopped raining since last night here in Saxony...

  15. Dam it. Forgot to buy some spring oinons for tomorrow.

  16. Fried egg and bacon butte for breakfast NICE. :-)

  17. After 10 hours it has finally come back to life. My Internet connection.

    1. NXEA!


      Me too!

    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Some nicked the cable again.

  18. After 10 hours it has finally come back to life. Myi

  19. GROAN!!!. A year wiser today, but birthday money to spend on essential items.

    1. Catkins


      If people brought you a present instead of money, would they expect you to sell them and spend the money on essentials?

  20. Yipppeee three weeks of starting monday. Modelling time .

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      The week usually starts on a Monday?

    2. DougN


      Heaven....hope no ones suggests any other activity such as renovations!

  21. That odd no new contents.

  22. 02:30 and I'm wide awake. WHY.

    1. SHMD


      Try counting MGRs...

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