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Status Updates posted by Talltim

  1. Cut four pieces of brass tonight, only to find they were all too small...

    1. Hroth


      You know what they say about measuring before cutting*.....


      Oh well, they'll probably turn out to be useful for something!


      Off to hide in a cupboard as I can't leave the building


      * Summarised thus: Measure once, repent at leisure!



  2. Pop quiz, which railway has a skull and crossbones in its coat of arms/logo

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hroth


      Should be old Beardys trains....

    3. Northroader


      What about a complete skeleton?

    4. manna


      Penzance Rail.

  3. Sad. Broke my GWR 150 mug I've had since I was 10 :-(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. locoholic


      There's bound to be one on ebay at some point!

    3. Talltim


      Nor even found a photo of the same one on t’internet

    4. Talltim


      Got a replacment :D

  4. Email attachment blocked - apparently the ECML Railway Investment Choices Draft contains an image that 83% likely to be pornographic

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. keefer


      must mean it's not total b0ll0cks, just mostly!

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Aren’t railways sheer p0rn for people like us? :-D

    4. adb968008


      It's probably got too many references about drilling tunnels, erecting pipe work, going bi-modal or use of the second man.

  5. Last regular HST should leave Paddington on Friday 15th February 2019....

    1. Liam


      Let's make the most of them while they're here, then.

    2. Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Wow, I remember regular service starting - was it September 76?

  6. Been reading my favorourite railways book "Railways of Latin America in Historic Postcards" by Christopeher Walker again. Always dangerous for my other modelling projects!

  7. Measure twice print once. Got some parts printed a while ago, realised they were too short so I modified the CAD. Recently tagged the revised parts onto another order only to find that I hadn't re-uploaded the new CAD. Now got two sets of too-short parts. grrr.

    1. bgman


      Got that t-shirt !

  8. TWY RDG ANIMAL ON LINE 09:18 TVSC SSM advised the Driver of 1R02 reported a swan on the Down Relief line at Kennet Bridge Jn. The Driver managed to pick up the swan and convey to Reading in the cab. 09:27 Reading MOM advised he is with the swan in the waiting room.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Was it expecting Mallard?

    3. bgman


      Swan pie mmmmm

    4. steveNCB7754


      Update! Swan fined for not having a valid ticket (though this may turn out to be a mute point).

  9. Did some modelling for the first time in about 3 months. Only fitting a couple of corner plates and drill some holes for a hand grab, but better than nothing

    1. Londontram


      As my mum used to say "Every little helps said the old lady who piddled in the sea"

  10. Why am I looking at Japanese PlaRail trains on Amazon

    1. Talltim


      There a load of Thomas ones in the loft... They've probably melted

  11. Started watching Code, realised it was Australian 20 seconds in, from the train in the opening sequence...

  12. Can't find my PRR Gondola book :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Either way, I hope you find it.

    3. dvdlcs


      Pennsylvania Rural Railroad?

    4. Talltim


      Found it, it was with my PRR gondola kits


  13. 16 tiny NBW fitted = 1 evening's work :(

  14. Captain Kernow will approve, the wife got me a sausage making kit!

  15. At the Beaver Scout planning meeting the (female) leader said that she had just bought a train set as her dad had had refused to buy her one when she was young. When asked, I admistted to having a train set, sort of. I didn't add that I was currently researching whether 1870s built Pennsylvania RR GA class fixed bottom gondolas had 5 side stakes or the 6 that the drop bottom version had...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNER4479


      In which case be careful of her asking if you're interested to see her collection of magazines...

    3. Horsetan


      Wonder if his licence is up to date?

    4. 46444


      What licence?....

  16. Soooo. My Shapeways model seems to be about 50% too big.. AAAAARGH

  17. Drilled 24 holes and fitted 24 banana sockets. Railway modelling at its finest

    1. Horsetan


      I've never understood why they're called banana plugs when they don't have the same curvature or shape as bananas....

  18. checking out my recent post ratings blue screened my laptop :-(

  19. 24 hours at work coming up!

    1. steve22


      That's tough. Longest I ever did was twenty one hours. Is yours legal?

    2. Talltim


      Dunno. I had to tell my boss to go home, he had done about 28 hours

  20. So, within 30 seconds of testing my new static grass applicator, I've given myself a shock...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Was the shock that it works so well?!

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      That's really shocking to hear....

    4. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      Did your skeleton light up?

  21. Someone give me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022
    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      What do I get in exchange? (and I've got all the sausages I currently require, by the way)

    4. Talltim


      As seems to happen quite often to me on eBay, when I first find out about brass US H0 loco I wuld like, there's quite a few on eBay for resonabl-ish prices. This leads me into a false sense of security, so I don't bid, thinking they are quite common. Then none appear for 3 years (got a saved search) Now one has appeared, in Rails of Sheffield of all places. Its just a bit expensive...

  22. US eBayers not posting abroad srtikes again. He even offered to change it so I could bid, but because it already had bids he couldn't. Would have been prepared to go up another

    1. Horsetan


      They generally don't like posting outside the US, same as many of us don't like posting out of the UK.

    2. Dazzler Fan

      Dazzler Fan

      The VAT and Royal Mail collection charges at the recipients door in the UK can be a shock!


  23. Staff at Chesterfield station had made a bridge out of three wheelchair ramps across floods in the subway this evening

    1. Mallard60022


      XLNT improvisation

  24. Just heard a travel advisor not know how to pronounce Ely. "I think its Ell-ee, or maybe Eel-eye"

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Loledge, all aboard the roflcopter. Learn thy job announcer man.

  25. Northern's Random Unit Generator strikes again! 3 car 158 on the Nottingham - Leeds this morning

    1. 69843


      Ah, unit roulette.....

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