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Everything posted by Temeraire

  1. Hi Graham sorry I meant to reply and got distracted! All good here thanks, missus has been working normally throughout and I've carried on as best I can considering most of my work involves visiting hospitals! As you can see the restrictions have given me the time to progress things in the shed since you visited. Glad to hear you've got your own gaff now, have you got plenty of modelling space to get Aylestone rebuilt, and I had seen your videos of the n gauge.
  2. No it's not Andy, this is definitely Kevin's work but similar set up inside.
  3. Cheers Graham but the loco is all Kevin's work on loan, its not seen any use since he sold Leaford but you're right it does look good. Like everyone I'm still waiting for the Dapol one, as being a Lima loco I'm not sure it will make it up from the FY with 15 PTAs in tow! How are you and the brother coping with the last year? Say hi to him from me.
  4. Cheers and hopefully it won't be too long Phil.
  5. Evening all Two days running eh, don't worry it won't last! As the plaster is still drying I just had a bit of a play today and spent sometime improving the running of a loco. Plus it is apparent I haven't completely cleaned up all the pointwork after all the glue and paint has been poured all over it! I need to spend a day running an 08 over it all until it runs perfect again. oh well two steps forward and one back. Different traction today on the Merehead to Exeter Riverside stone 59003 rolls through Exford Park. Keeping to the stone theme, 47500 approaches the junction slowly with a Meldon to Exford Yard ballast working. Having crossed the junction it now ambles into the loop behind the station.
  6. Evening all So things have moved on a bit more so thought another update might be interesting for some? When I had some time this week, I finished the placing and carving of of the Celotex formation at the far end of the shed and today I coated it all with Sculptamould. First a panoramic view of the whole scene. More Dover than Dawlish so far! Drivers' eye view of the curve. The bare bones of 'Kennaway Tunnel' (ish. Once I'd cleared up I ran some trains as a reward until dinner was ready. Also I fitted the battery to the tail lamp on the PTA train and loaded them with stone. 'Fearless' bursts from the tunnel as the 101 heads into the curve. A short time later with the DMU at the platform, 56037 screams through with the loaded Merehead to Exeter Riverside stone. Once the plaster has dried out fully, I'll hopefully get some paint on it all to make it more Dawlish coloured as well as bit of carving of texture to the cliff faces.
  7. Cheers! but it’s taken three and half years to get this far, and it’s only because of a pandemic that I’ve made this much progress in the last year!
  8. Evening Stu I hope you're well mate. '10 is looking good so far, it made me remember a pic I took back in the day at Basingstoke. 50010 Monarch at Basingstoke with 15.10 Waterloo - Exeter 7th June 1988. I always thought it was probably one of the best pics I took with my first SLR camera. hope its useful!
  9. Evening all Since the last update all the mainline ballasting has been completed as well as weathering it all. It's kept me occupied through this latest lockdown, and I've found it quite relaxing to shut myself in the shed with the radio on just getting on with it! The four track area. Compare to the last post for the difference. A bit further along at the junction and tunnel entrance. Close up of part of the tracks close to Exford Park station. Another view of the same area. So there we go another task ticked off the list. The sidings and stabling point will be ballasted later as things progress but at least the mainlines are complete and the rails all cleaned up so running can take place when I just want to play trains. Next on the list is the 'Dawlish-esque' cliffs/embankments from the tunnel area around the sweeping curve to the other side of the shed so watch this space.
  10. My three arrived this morning and a very nice model but anyone else had transit damage? All three of mine have broken buffers.
  11. Looking as good as ever, Happy New Year Pete.
  12. Off until next Monday Andy and won't be furloughed, medical company so we have kept busy! How's things with you, hiding from everyone I guess? Happy New Year and hope to see you soon(ish).
  13. Hi Alex, Happy Birthday and hope you and the family had a good Christmas. With the sleepers placed the sheer size of the layout is becoming more apparent and you're going to need more locos! While you've been sticking down the sleepers (how many by the way, are you keeping score??) I've been ballasting, amazing what lockdown boredom can do eh? Hope you have a good New Year and I hope to catch up sometime when BoJo allows.
  14. Evening all I hope everyone had the best Christmas possible under the current circumstances and are looking forward to a hopefully better New Year! With time at home and no visitors, I took the opportunity to spend some time in the shed and made a start on the ballasting of the mainlines. Monday saw the junction completed. Whilst yesterday I spent most of the day getting as far as the last crossover. Finally this afternoon saw the completion of the four track mainline up to the scenic break. Having the heater on while out there helped with the drying as the Monday work is already dry and rock hard! Next I will cross to the other side of the layout and make a start on the double track through the station site and on round to the junction to finish, after which it'll be time to throw lots of paints at it to give it a more realistic colouring. Happy New Year to you all.
  15. Hi Rich Unfortunately no I don’t have a camera truck, maybe I’ll invest in one once the layout is a bit more ‘scenic’. Spent a few hours this afternoon painting the concrete sleepers ready for ballasting, still a little to finish tomorrow followed by fitting the catch pits and then there’ll be no excuse for not ballasting anymore!
  16. All looking great Stu, look forward to seeing the Christmas arrivals! Have a good (as you can) Festive season with the family and hopefully we can all get together in the New Year sometime.
  17. Hi Steve long time no hear fella, don't understand quite what is taking so long with the 59 I'm sure there were painted samples at Warley last year? Thanks for the nice comments about the shed and if you're ever this way drop in, but perhaps don't park your artic outside! If not I'll catch up with you at the MidHants if they ever give Lion a running day! Where are you living now, I lost track?
  18. What strain they’re loaded with polystyrene!
  19. Morning all Been a few weeks and not had a lot of time in the shed with decorating and work taking up time. What time I had was spent making, painting and laying concrete trunking alongside the track, adding dummy point motors and concrete bases for relay cabinets etc. Last week the Accurascale wagon delivery finally arrived and last night I got time to unpack them and see how they run, especially as the dedicated traction arrived this week! (Given up waiting for the Dapol 59). Once a couple of issues had been sorted the wagons ran well round and round and up and down to the FY and so I thought a video might be in order! There maybe further updates in the next week or so as the NHS App last night told me to isolate for 10 days. Shame!
  20. Was looking at Google Maps for something else and came across Rhymney Leon. Platform with runround and sidings. Could develop a 'what if' based on it?
  21. I'm guessing not many Leon, although Buxton had the depot/fuelling alongside the station, but it adds to the interest and operating potential! Good to see you back.
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