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Status Updates posted by darren01

  1. just ordered a high level models 0-4-0 saddle tank...Here come my go at kit building!!.

    1. Coombe Barton
    2. darren01


      The 14in RSH 0-4-0ST.


  2. Just got back from the Taunton show today with lots of nice bits ,show was very good!.

    1. Matloughe


      It was definately - am Inspired to get on and do something... just what? Those 7mm Modelling Books arrived today while out. :D

    2. darren01


      Sound like a plan too me!.

    3. Matloughe


      Yep O Gauge Boxfile ;-)

  3. last night of work for a week!...just need to get better and then on with the layout!

  4. looking forward to the show this weekend at Taunton

  5. ill working nights ..should have stayed at home...no modeling done this weekend as well!.

  6. I work in a nut house..need to find another job!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Likewise but now I have a very big Monkey Wrench and it works........



      You dont like nuts. I love peanuts

    4. marc smith

      marc smith

      Everyone else in the whole world is a nut! Except for you & me, of course! ..... and I'm not too sure about you actually ;) lol

  7. Ho god can i go on another 14 hour shift at work!

  8. i will be happy to get a day off work,at the mo i seem to live more at work than home!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackRat


      Modelling time? :)


    3. DonB


      It's cheaper to over-work existing staff than to engage new workers, a sorry fact!

    4. darren01


      Yes this weekend i will spend all of it doing some modelling on the new layout.

  9. working overtime again,so no modeling being done at the mo....roll on the weekend !.

  10. Milk unloading bank almost done,Just the canopy to do now.

  11. How much more concrete palling have i got to paint!.

    1. fursty


      The rest of it, then your back to the modelling?

  12. Milk unloading bank done,just need to add railings now,then the pump room and canopy.

  13. Dame motor bike cam shaft snapped on my way home today! Last month I paid out over

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. skipepsi


      sounds like oil pump might be worn


    3. DonB


      There's a lot to be said for evening classes in Motorbike maintenance!



      O no not again you will have to scrap it and get a new one.

  14. Down in the pit...just finnished an ash pit for the new layout, looks nice with BH rail on top of it.

  15. Working on a layout that my Dad owen's 120 feet of main line track ballasted, shed and yard one and two almost done, the yard one willhold about 130 wagons!.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mudmagnet


      A busman's holiday then Darren!

    3. Matloughe


      As me & my frieds say "Pics or it didn't happen" ;-)

      How's it going Darren?

      ~ G

    4. darren01


      So far it has taken three days just to do the ballasting and still going ,once done i will put up some pics.


  16. Araidite wot's it good ...not gluing anything...unless you can wait 2 days for it to set,my as well use spit to glue anything...Now in the bin with it...waste of time!!!!.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GC Jack

      GC Jack

      Samefor me and my two tubes have just leaked onto the workbench. Impossible to remove it

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I used it to mend a broken pavior in my front drive after an idiot lorry driver dropped a loaded pallet on it - and it's still stuck a good 18 months later.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'm wondering if the heat is having an effect on curing/hardening times?...

  17. Brass steps and brass draincocks look good on my B/B

  18. Last night at work for six weeks of bliss...and model railways!!!

  19. Just one more week and then six weeks off,maybe some work on the new layout !!

  20. More track work done ,i should get some photo's up!

    1. Jason T

      Jason T

      Yes, you most definitely should; there has been a distinct lack of updates on your new project and a lot of people eager to see how you are getting on :-)

  21. OK what a rubbish weekend i had ,no work done on layout ,due to back pain, did not get much sleep as well.POO!!!!

  22. Now I have the weekend off to get on with the layout…..and my back has gone…the pain is unreal. Feel sick. Sitting here at work…I have left teeth marks on the table …the pain …the pain…

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danemouth


      Been there, done that, you've got my sympathy. Painkiller sandwiches for you :-(

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Deepest sympathy Darren - it is very nasty when your back goes and the main person who smiles in my case is my chiropractor!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Take it easy, Darren, a recovered back always trumps working on the layout - hope you get well soon!

  23. Now I have the weekend off to get on with the layout…..and my back has gone…the pain is unreal. Feel sick. Sitting here at work…I have left teeth marks on the table …the pain …the pain…

  24. Now I have the weekend off to get on with the layout…..and my back has gone…the pain is unreal. Feel sick. Sitting here at work…I have left teeth marks on the table …the pain …the pain…

  25. Now I have the weekend off to get on with the layout…..and my back has gone…the pain is unreal. Feel sick. Sitting here at work…I have left teeth marks on the table …the pain …the pain…

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