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Status Updates posted by darren01

  1. My Dad died today, the man who got me into all things Railway, I will miss you Dad. xxxx

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Re6/6


      Thought are with you and your family Darren. I wish you strength at such an awful time.

    3. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      Part of him lives on in you.


      Take care,


    4. sigtech


      My Sincerest Condolences to you Darren. Steve

  2. Why is it a thankyou is so hard to do, spent sometime sorting out info on a station, photo's drawings , sent and not a word back

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bgman


      Ignorant! Nuf said

    3. loickebros


      i know the feeling i sent someone on here some Bachmann bodyshell screws a few years back and heard nothing just rude!!

    4. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      Take heart that we're not all like that. RMWebbers have come to my rescue in the past with info and posted odds n sods. My gratitude was profuse to the point of annoying!

  3. It says something when O guage is cheaper than 00.

    1. Boris


      it speaks volumes, mainly about corporate profits


    2. darren01


      yep your right about that one.

  4. If the pound gets stronger vs the dollar and keeps rising will models come down in price?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Gonna sting a bit...

    3. Turbo_Tim
    4. Horsetan


      Not if the suppliers now want to protect their improved profit margins (such as they are).

  5. look's like i may have to finnish my job as my Doctor want me to give it up as it is affecting my health.

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Make sure you get him as a firm character reference before going to the Gestapo, sorry, DWP.

    2. darren01


      Have to take some time off work and go to the Hospital for some test.


  6. BBC 4 Railways on now

    1. Mallard60022


      I noticed some things I had missed when I first watched it, especially coaches. Sad am I not?

  7. playing with Templot, Weymounth shed

  8. Weymouth shed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      June 1967. Very sad, however escorted around by then girlfriend who was a steam enthusiast. Happy (?) days.


    3. Horsetan
    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      "girlfriend who was a steam enthusiast".


      Oh Quackers, you are a 'one' :)

  9. Had mu first cage fight the other day.......the bugie did not know what hit it.

    1. eastwestdivide


      Read that as bugle first time round!

    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Fair play to the Budgie for even attempting to take you on (I've seen you're photo - and you're lovely)

    3. rembrow


      Must have been a monster cage that the budgie lived in-I taught I saw a puddy cat a creepin up on me

  10. Had to do something I was not looking forward to doing....taking my Dads layout down, it has taken me a week to remove all the boards and track, buildings and all the hard work that had been done on his layout, the layout had to go as my father is now in the advance stage of parkinsons and can no longer get in and use the layout any more. It was hart braking doing this as so much work had been done on this layout, it took me a whole day just to pack away all his rolling stock, locos. The rail...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. steve22


      Yes, thoughts very much with you and your dad.



      My thoughts are with you mate and your father.

    4. darren01


      Thank you all.

  11. Wish the rain would stop, so i can get out and cut the lovely ply i have, never had this much rain before.

  12. That's the last T34 done.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Soviet tanks rule.

    2. Horsetan


      Sovetsky Soyuz!

    3. 2mmMark


      Tanks for the memory.

  13. What a party last night, still feel out of it today, Happy 2016 to you all

  14. Went into town today and popped in to the model shop and saw the Oxford Adem's mind you at

  15. Not good weather for going out on a motor bike, bit windy.

    1. marc smith

      marc smith

      Go to the pub then! ;)

  16. Bit windy down here in Devon!.

    1. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Windy here as well. I put it down to the veggie madras.

    2. Herbert Nigel

      Herbert Nigel

      Bit windy up North too!



      What have you all been eating.

  17. Why do some threads turn into a chat zone that has nothing to do with railways, just looked at on and 54 pages of nothing other than silly comments.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Americans are a little like Canadians; Trisonic to discuss. :)

    3. Re6/6


      I'm about to make a cup of coffee.

    4. Mallard60022
  18. Any one know what the gaugemaster announcement was all about this weekend?

    1. lofty1966


      A solenoid point motor.

    2. cromptonnut


      I think it's quite clever actually, saves the cost of the mounting plates so even though it's a little more expensive than the Peco motor it works out the same price, and the solderless connector is a bonus for some.

    3. darren01
  19. That's going to hurt?.

  20. Just finished my Fruit D,Now to weather it.

  21. Have a parcel coming not by royal mail and was a bit worried as i would be working, it would be sent back, So went on to there website and had a look at my options, Leave in porch, leave with neighbour ect, so i decided to fill in where i would like them to leave it, Then it went to the next page and told me what to do next, Could i leave a note on my door telling the chap where to put it!.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Domestic security at its finest.

  22. Working on building the last two turn outs for the new layout.

  23. Order a few loco on line a over a week ago, nothing turned up, so contacted the shop and was told they where posted through my letter box!, by Hermes on the 14 of this month, so my order is now missing and i am out of pocket for the sum of

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. darren01


      It's not the shops fault it's Hermes, the shop are looking into it and if not resolved are offering replacements

    3. darren01


      I am just annoyed with Hermes.

      For losing it.

    4. DougN


      Well the companies pay peanuts... all you get is monkey's. Good luck with the process. it is a lot of folding to have "missing"

  24. Will be glad when this school term is over, 8 weeks with EBD kids is to long!

  25. more point work done.

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