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Everything posted by toboldlygo

  1. I've weathered one of these for certain @gwrrob, it certainly didn't have the 3D printing pattern on the roof (that's what the lines are). I suspect the roof is the bare 3D Print.
  2. End of the week update. 4 more kits completed.. 40' Passenger Brake.. Dia. P16 Monster CCT Van. Siphon F's 1546 1548 (P4) And a couple of works in progress.. PD Marsh Morris Z Post Office Van And a vintage Cambrian Kits GWR Dia. N14 40T Loco Coal Wagon (P4) That's it for now.
  3. Mid week update.. More would have been done, however I had no choice, but to slow down after having my first (Covid) jab. 40' Passenger Brake. Decaled & reassembled & ready for weathering.. Time for a trio of Siphon F's.. Completed. Decaled & ready for weathering.. Dia. P16 Monster, partially decaled (I ran out of decals oops). The Ton & Tare are a bit of mystery to me (anyway) , I've got someone on the case though.
  4. Reading @Hroth's posts on another thread about British Tank Killers, hunting British Tank (Engines) turned the poor M7 into an alcoholic
  5. Resurrected one the M7's the other day for a client, it was a tad poorly - running wise and needed a few bits repairing and replacing. Then looking at my records it's the first M7 on my bench for 6 years
  6. First jab done

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toboldlygo
    3. Hroth


      I had a fizzer, waiting for the second round....  :whistle:

    4. truffy


      Well aren’t you the brave soldier!

  7. A bit later than promised - I kind of carried away.. Stafford Road Model Works Dia. M17 Bullion Van finished.. K's 1st Siphon F, almost there.. An Ian Kirk Outside Framed Monster CCT - where did that come from?? K's 40' Passenger Brake, just some detail painting to do before decaling - once the glue holding the roof on has cured. Something slightly smaller, but still 1/76th Scale - Morris Z Post Office Van.. Very red at the moment. And the 1/35th scale Churchill is finished. TTFN
  8. Another busy week on the bench, so time for another update. The Churchill is ready for weathering.. The Mink F is finished.. As is an M7 - first one on the bench for 6 years, needed a number of repairs for the client, plus weathering and dcc chipping. M17 Bullion Van finally got this one painted, though it became apparent it was sitting far to high on the bogies. After smaller diameter set of wheels and some surgery with a junior hacksaw - it's now sitting a scale foot lower.. It has been decalled today, alas no photo yet Siphon F number 3 All painted and is currently in the queue for decalling.. 40' Passenger Brake. This is all primed, next job will be paint. I should have another update in a few days. TTFN
  9. Did the layout take ages to reboot after the latest update? I understand that bushes have to be planted not installed
  10. Much worse, I discovered these while inspecting the bunker trenches on @gwrrob's 16xx.. Apparently Model Rail and Rapido had installed an anti-tamper mechanism...
  11. Looking at the sun-light through the top seam of the boiler, it looks to me like the sides of the boiler have not been held/clamped together for long enough for the glue to set properly - once parts have been added, the seam's been pulled apart, rather than it being a lack of glue. As to fixing it, the easy option would be to put some low tack masking tape on the outside of the seam and squeegee in some Perfect Plastic Putty tinted to Hornby's Green (use Vallejo Model Air 71.324 Dark Green) into the gaps and let it set. The hard option requires clamping either side of the boiler (without damaging anything and applying some pressure). Then running some Tamiya Extra Thin (or equivalent hot glue) along the seam - just don't mask the outside. In theory the hot glue will soften the existing glue enough that pressure applied by the clamps will close the gap.
  12. Any suggestions, I'm looking for suitable Sprung Buffers for a Siphon F and an AA3 Brake Van - Dart Castings (MJT) are out of stock, MRD online shop isn't up and running and I'm not sure about the Slater's or Wizard Models ones.
  13. Another update.. .. and more kit building.. Mink F All painted (I gave it a gloss clear coat this evening) and ready for decals. Siphon F's 1 & 2 are awaiting decals. Siphon F number 3 is currently primed and in paint. Another K's kit and a 3rd build of the 40' Passenger Luggage Van, bogies still to be assembled and mods made to get the roof to fit. Unlike the previous two I've built - this will be in chocolate & cream livery. Bullion Van I've finally got to a point where this is almost ready to paint - just lamp brackets and screw links (and large amount of lead) to add. The 3-D prints need to be much finer, before I attempt another complete 3-D print build. A brief intermission while the paints and glue's cure - a quick Easter Build. Tamiya's 1/35th Scale Churchill Mk.VII. The tooling's from 1977, however it goes together easily. This is the later rebox, which comes with the newer rubber band style tracks that can be glued using TET (Tamiya Extra Thin) and take paint easily. First 1/35th Scale kit I've built too. Till next time and have a Happy Easter TBG
  14. They also work exceptionally well with Modelu Lamps, as they are 3-D printed with holes in the base
  15. Meanwhile there's railway kit building going on the bench... A Hobbytime Mink F Enjoyable, but very time consuming kit - so many parts, but the instructions are clear and precise. The K's Siphon F breed program.. First one was brought as a built kit, but needed the roof refitting, new buffers and a repaint. The second Siphon F was brought as a kit, minus buffers & bogies. Bogies are Shapeways, wheels are Bachmann, Buffers are Lanarkshire Models, vac pipes are Hornby and lamp brackets are Rexel No.56 staples.
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