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Status Replies posted by Kylestrome

  1. It was the cat

  2. It's a little humid but fairly breezy at the moment.

  3. That's all 18 TOPs HUOs ordered. Now to tell my Missus!

  4. Could be a classic snooker final. Late night ahead?

  5. Off on your hols? Then why don’t you go ‘Ey up and away?’

  6. Why is it that having spent ages carefully shaping a seated footplate crew member to fit in a very confined space to the point of sitting perfectly, when one applies super glue and re-inserts, it no longer sits correctly?

  7. Your call is important to us, thanks for holding..........

  8. Today I bought a self assembly wardrobe but so far nothings happened.

  9. Silly question, why are all the new posts times still showing GMT?

  10. We demand rigidly defined areas of Doubt and Uncertainty!

  11. Harricot beans in an Italian dressing served on a lightly grilled ciabatta.

  12. It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play

  13. Today I have acquired something totally unique in the world of rtr model railways... Tomorrow I get to play with it.

  14. Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you dear RMweb; Happy Birthday to you. 13 years old today.

  15. Has anyone in North Yorkshire had a power cut?

  16. There's a lot going on that I don't understand.

  17. Off to Yorkshire.....wish me luck!

  18. Off to Yorkshire.....wish me luck!

  19. Chap on phone: 'You ordered 5 sheets of the white on red, sorry but we only have 1 in stock.' Me: 'do you have any sheets of the red on white?' (which is essentially the same). Chap: 'yes we've got loads of those...'

  20. Here's a Nugget of a headline. Many chickens clucked a sigh of relief today and yesterday and the day before that. Their impending executions was put off due to the inability of DHL lorries to cross the road.

  21. I wish I'd had more time today, I might have spent the afternoon in the bath again.

  22. Been playing with Thomas the Tank Engine with my youngest daughter. Toot toot!

  23. When my missus found out I worked in tech support she really got turned on. Then off. And then on again.

  24. SWMBO forgot it was Valetnine's day. Should I (a) have a sulk and bring it up in conversations with friends for years to come or (b) never speak of it again?

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