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Everything posted by Stubby47

  1. Possibly also worth noting is the amount of ballast over the sleepers, both in the cable detail pic and the ones showing the relay boxes. Stu
  2. Hi Peter, On the station building why have you added the drain pipes before painting, and why have you painted the building in sections ? Thanks in advance for your reply. Stu
  3. So that's that, then. not even got to 2010 yet, and it looks like the Challenge is over, as this has got to be the winner. As always, your modelling / real photos look fantastic, not only a credit to the modeller(s) but the photographer as well. Brilliant, just brilliant.
  4. As always, thanks for your replies. Kenton - I think, as Rich points out, that crane is probably a bit big for what I need, but it's very impressive. Jack - thanks for the idea, it seems quite similar to how Stephen describes his version. Stephen, Wow. Thank you indeed for the chapter & verse on how you actually did this. I have considered using DCC, but as I've not ventured that far with loco control yet, it seems a tad excesive just for a crane, although obviously I'd go the whole hog with the layout as well. DC control does, of course, bring it's own power supply problems for the cable winding and body rotation motors, but I'm sure I can fiddle something. RC as used in micro cars might be an idea. To keep in the design of the layout (being in a box I can just pickup and move) the weighted cord would probably not work, but by replacing the cord with a screw thread I can still use the slot in the baseboard method. So again, thanks to all for your input, it's proved it's a very feasible idea. Stu
  5. Hi all, I've decided I'd like one of the Airfix cranes on Polbraze, and it would be really good if it could be made to work. I appreciate that for each movement I'd need a separate motor / control, but I wondered if anyone had actually done anything like this before. I'd be happy just to get the crane to slew and raise/lower the hook, but to get the crane to travel as well would be the ultimate result. Can anyone help, please ? Stu
  6. Ah, but this is the 1970's Marc, when smoking was almost mandatory... As for making it really smoke, that's probably taking things a bit too far (...suethe unit below ground, small pipe leading to underside of ashtray..... no, no NO !) Stu
  7. Just had the call back from the NRM. Apparently their system doesn't process Maestro cards very well, but other cards should be ok. I can either use another card, or send a cheque & letter to the NRM... Stu
  8. Despite my earlier post..... I've just tried to place an order. Not possible at the moment (computer glitch with Maestro cards), but so far (15:40pm) they've had orders for 20 of the 250 they have to sell. So I'm expecting a call back today, not waiting until tomorrow in case they've all gone. Stu PS - Not told SWMBO yet and no doubt she'll have to sign for it...
  9. Living in Truro, and having see her twice in the city, I was looking forwards to buying one as a 'special' - but not at that price. Very disappointed.
  10. It's starting to come together now. These shots were taken with out the extension fastened to the main building, hence the slightly wobbly look and the columns not looking exactly correct. The main view from a similar perspective to the original prototype A seagull's eye view A close up of the office
  11. Following my help request thread for 'what items would go in a harbour office', I've added a roll top desk, some filing cabinets, a book shelf, a desk around the windows at one end and some desk items, being a book and some ashtrays so far. The extension now has a roof and the start of the panelling and other dressing around the outside. Other items to add are : Inside : Telephone, kettle, mugs, coat rack & coat, maps/charts, vhf radio & radar, people!, chairs and lighting Outside: A telephone repeater bell, official posters on a board/poster cabinet, sandbags, a set of weighing scales, radar & vhf aerials, fish boxes, lobsterpots, etc Just to proove I'm not all there, I added a cigarette to one of the ashtrays...
  12. Managed to get a bit more work done on the Harbour Office. Stage 2. The building is now 3d. I've inserted a false floor to give the box some strength. The wall to the extension has been given a panelled wood effect. Stage 3. The extension is being constructed, it's seen here temporarily placed against the main building for the photo. The wall of the entension are all clear platicard, with the panelling and framing added on. As this building will be at the front of the layout, I intend to detail the office inside. I'll also probably add lighting (a first for me).
  13. Ok, this is the first stab (actaully the second, but the first was too small...) at the front wall of the Harbour Office. The paint is simply water colours, dabbed on in small, stone sized blobs. I think it needs more definition, so a black 0.3mm pen will be purchased today to help. The steps don't quite line up with the step wall - this is because I can't make steps and resorted to using a piece from the Airfix footbridge. However, the side of the wall will be well covered with ivy, etc., so shouldn't show too much. The brick work around the door & windows also needs to be improved - I have a cunning plan... Comments (good or bad) always welcome. Stu
  14. This is another of those Marc Smith inspired ideas.... The picture below was taken at the Launceston Steam Railway yard. The building, I believe, is being used as a residence, but I will be re-defining it's use to that of the Polbraze Harbour Office. Marc had asked in a comment on my gallery if I would be making a model of it - well, yes, I am.
  15. Thanks, gents. I'm not being strictly accurate in the model, for example the main window on the ground floor ought to have 8 mini panes across the top, but I hope to make a good enough representation that viewers can recognise it.
  16. Added a bit of glazing to the AC Arms last night.
  17. The Market Inn, or as it's now known, the M.I. Bar, is on Back Quay, Truro, next door to the Hall for Cornwall. Stu
  18. This is a shop near the cathedral in Truro, which although standing empty for some time, is now (Nov 2009) being readied for opening as a sweet shop. This is the real thing and this is the model - note the addition of two windows - a complete mis-calculation on my part...
  19. This set of blog entries will concentrate on some of the buildings I make for various layouts, or just for fun. To start, here is a repeat pic of the real pub on which the A.C Arms is base, followed by the latest progress of the model.
  20. He he. I am hoping to take Wheal Tiny and will take Polbraze if I'm allowed and it's in a decent enough state. I could fit Porth Byhan in as well, but probably not...
  21. Does this mean you'll be bringing three layouts to Taunton next April ?
  22. Could you not use the buildings you're planning for Bodmin on a smaller layout (eg the 2010 challenge) to tide you over, keeping the full sized Bodmin until you have the space to do it justice ? Or, build another part of the Wenford branch (the clay trains must come from somewhere) with the future plan to connect the two layouts together (eg at an exhibition) ? Stu
  23. Given that the brickwork looks to be fairly well constructed, I'd have gone for slate (or tile, depending upon where you are in the country). Stu
  24. These two vans (or what used to be vans) are in a field just off the A39 Green Lane in Truro. No details of what they were, as the undergrowth is more overgrowth. Stu
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