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black and decker boy

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Everything posted by black and decker boy

  1. Now has a baby boy!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cheesysmith


      remember, boys love their mummy. use it for blackmail with her at every chance :-)

    3. KalKat


      Yaay!.... goodbye to sleeping nights though! ;)

    4. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      Day 2 and still transfixed!

  2. An interesting review of the K1 has appeared in the New Hey blog https://newheymodelrailway.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/hornbys-new-k1/
  3. It's like a lot of things, Railmatch are decent paints but some colours are better than other in terms of coverage and the same can be said for PhoenixPrecision. I only tried aerosols once and now only airbrush. I do like Railmatch acrylics, they are far better than Humbrol and are now my paint of choice.
  4. Is making fruit scones for the first time. Jam and clotted cream at the ready....

  5. That's pretty good sound and at that price should encourage many more to give it a go. It's a shame they have used the wrong body but hopefully TTS will now grow the market for sound and give rise to more full price locos so fitted over coming years.
  6. Reminds me of my days at Newcastle Uni living near Heaton TMD and watching them service HSTs and 91s at all hours in all weathers
  7. Watching it snow before heading to Modelling Saturday by the Risborough club.

  8. Watching it snow before heading to Modelling Saturday by the Risborough club.

  9. I agree. The TTS models should grow the market for DCC and DCC Sound in a market sector that probably has shied away due to cost and perceived complexity up until now. Finescale / perfectionists will wail about accuracy of the model, fidelity of the sound etc but they aren't the target for these models. As an entry level model, they appear perfect.
  10. Stock take of my kits, looks like I'll be busy for a few years, 24 brass and many more plastic kits to build.

    1. newbryford


      Only 24? Call yourself a modeller....? ;)

  11. I'm missing ABS, we would have had a detailed criticism By now.....
  12. Strange footprints in the snow covered garden this morning. Burgular? Santa? No, an escaped horse having a wander!!

    1. Trebor


      it was probably horsetan out for a hack or searching for more brussel sprouts to curry.

    2. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      Well the deep rumbling noise as it passed last night would be explained by that!

  13. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  14. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  15. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  16. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  17. LED strip lights are very effective, low voltage and ultra lightweight and available in coils up to 5m long. http://kirkmellington.wordpress.com/lighting-system/
  18. Do you have any pictures of fully finished (ie painted) kits to show how the parts blend together?
  19. An interesting photo of Bacup on page 607 of Backtrack mag, vol 28, no 10, Oct 2014. Hull based ivatt class 4, 43077 and Nuneaton based stanier class 5, 42946 (or so it says) in July 1963.
  20. Love the light glinting off the rails. Nothing in that picture to suggest its a model, absolutely brilliant and raises the bar yet further!
  21. Was the confirmation an email by Invicta? If it was, you need to contact them with current payment details. My batch were despatched within 24hrs of me doing this.
  22. Had my EM conversion of the NCB model running on Kirkmellington at Expo EM last weekend and it was mentioned to me that it was fiction. Still, it looks good and runs sweetly so I can at least modify the livery a little without compromising authenticity!
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