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Everything posted by Welchester

  1. You just reminded me of the schoolboy rhyme: Poor Willie's dead and gone. We'll see his face no more. For what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4.
  2. A splendid film. The wagons at 1m04s, however, have a distinct transatlantic appearance.
  3. A friend (who knew him) reminds me that today is the anniversary of the death of F.W. Hawksworth in 1976. Just thought it might be of interest.
  4. SNCF trains drive on the left except in Alsace-Lorraine, which was German when the railways were built. Motorists in Sweden drove on the left until the 1970s when they changed sides.
  5. Well, you can buy horsemeat burgers in France, but I've never seen donkey.
  6. It only really works for lobsters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobster_Thermidor
  7. I'm not going to argue with a lawyer about lawfulness! There were those, however, who considered themselves still bound by their oath of allegiance to James II, and refused to acknowledge the new régime.
  8. Yes. Dogs are very resilient, aren't they? Fortunately, the vet was able to perform the extraction under local anaesthetic while we waited and we could bring her straight home. It shouldn't make life too difficult, as I gather dogs use their incisors only for prehension. It's a shame though as she's only three.
  9. The Midland Railway at Gloucester could put up a crediatable opposition.
  10. You'd be looking sorry for yourself if you'd run into a solid object and had to have all your upper incisors removed.
  11. Is the Alex Crowley in this clip a descendant of Aleister, the 'Great Beast'?
  12. Did not Cherie Blair come from Liverpool? Or was it just that her father played a 'Scouse git' in Till Death Do Us Part? It doesn't seem to have held her back?
  13. You're thinking of 'Jump', which I'm often tempted to sing in church.
  14. I forgot to say that the station in Walsingham is not Catholic but Eastern Orthodox. http://wasleys.org.uk/eleanor/churches/england/norfolk/walsingham_stseraphim/index.html
  15. The protesters ('Walsingham Witness') are generally held to be part of the enjoyment of the pilgrimage. Disappointingly, their website seems to have disappeared. I once saw a splendid placard which listed the consequences of idolatry in cumulative heinousness and ended, 'mass murder, international terrorism and bingo'.
  16. The tonic wine has its own (age protected) website: https://www.buckfast.com/
  17. Another remake involved a milkfloat and a hairy baby maker.
  18. Shortage of cash led Ridley to sell the rights to The Ghost Train, a move he later regretted, because the royalties would have saved him having to continue to work into his eighties.
  19. Preferred, I suspect, only because the earlier version with Jack Hulbert and Cicely Courtneidge survives only in part and mostly without sound. The surviving footage is available to watch here.
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