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Everything posted by 'CHARD

  1. Sorry, it is impossible to resist the irony, please forgive me: anomaly /əˈnɒməli/ noun 1. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
  2. It made me chuckle, confirmation of his declared ignorance of prototype detail!
  3. Most usual parlance was 'The Company Train,' although it's also referred to as the Management or Executive train outside of EWS/ DBS.
  4. Unless and until they get round to the similar 40T Esso LPG tanks that ran in block trains from Milford Haven to Westfield (Fife), I'll stick with the massed Bachmann fleet, shortcomings notwithstanding.
  5. Sam's Trains failed to spot this and commentated about how good the value of the Salmon was, having mistaken it for the Bogie Bolster, price included.
  6. Well, they define Era 7 as 1968 - 1971 or some such, and that would do for me (1967-68)! Their definitions do demonstrate overlap, but I can see why - it's an inexact science.
  7. Not according to their own definition of Eras: 'ERA 6 (British Rail Pre-TOPS) 1957-1971' (source, https://uk.Hornby.com/catalogue/era )
  8. They could produce an injection-moulded pale blue 9006 'Fife and Forfar Yeomanry' on this new chassis as an introduction to the 'Lima Heritage' range!
  9. Great announcement, and decently priced. Hopeful of earlier liveries in the fullness of time.
  10. Hornby; it was tongue-in-cheek as you noted!
  11. Sounds like the cue for some (shhhhhhhhh.....!!!!) modelling! Perhaps that's why they've done it this way, two contrasting East Coast PCs and a bite at the EMR cherry using an aftermarket decal supplier.
  12. The Swan Vesta van is being produced by Oxford 😜
  13. Ideal for the 'lack of prototype accuracy' brigade. AKA (in some quarters) the 'attract youngsters into the affordable end of the hobby' set. I think new starters deserve the respect that accuracy represents, but then it's hardly aimed at me and what do I know?
  14. If a bubble-car is a Bo-Bo (clue, it isn't), why isn't a two-car DMU a Bo-Bo+Bo-Bo? Come on, these are schoolboy errors, must do better. 😆 If they were doing the streamlined Tyne + Wear PTE Sentinel, I'd be in for six of those. Ho hum....
  15. 10th Anniversary of the Great Gathering is cheeky but rather clever, I rather like it, and I think it will sell through - whereas I doubt it could in another ten years. So tempted by a new 8F, but it's not to the standard (we imagine) of the forthcoming retooled Black 5, so perhaps I'll gamble on it being a discounted product in 2025.
  16. Every day is a school day; NEVER heard of this creation before the announcement. Fabulous freakery. I'll be sure to run the three I've pre-ordered with my two Fells.
  17. Clever selection, I'll be getting one in tribute to my late father who was raised within the sound of the Binns Road works hooter, and who saw the prototype on the main line passing the back of the house in Wavertree. A really apt and fitting addition to the HD range and the real thing even ran to Leith Central using the Waverley route, whilst being trialled, so mine won't need to stay a shelf-queen! Seriously, great piece of eye-catching competition here, well done Hornby.
  18. Their entry into HO by any chance? 😜 Seriously, a great announcement - featuring both LMS bogies and the plate type. Another essential* gap filled, saving up eagerly, I may even have to forego that EOI for those KR 40s. * essential not being defined as any rational person would.
  19. I have one here, mint but opened, ready to build!
  20. Talk about niche! I want one to run behind my LoadHaul liveried Fell.
  21. The Siku range includes many very impressive models in their own right. The other great facet of the brand is that you can look at it up close in many of the surviving traditional toy shops, and retailers who carry certain more upmarket toy brands alongside other core goods. Mention of the 1:87 tower crane reminded me that this particular item caught my eye in Cowgill's of Clitheroe a few weeks ago, which is ostensibly a high quality greetings card shop. The range is very attractively marketed, and the tractors especially interesting, recalling the Britains range of agricultural models, but rather better quality. (I imagine that places like Clitheroe with a rural hinterland favour such toys and models in a way that cities possibly don't.)
  22. It seems likely; a Google shopping search wasn't barren, by any means. Although I have no personal experience of the products themselves. One example below. https://www.modelscenerysupplies.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
  23. D49, 8F, Palvans and Prestwins, even the Class 100 DMU has made a half-decent showing; some great performances in the lists. Thanks for your efforts getting this mega survey together, fellas! Interesting reading.
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