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Everything posted by forest2807

  1. Thanks for clarifying Ian. I think Oliver Rails has seen my comment - it is a trivial point but one worth making IMHO.
  2. I'm afraid I don't understand the first two sentences.
  3. Re the new website, not sure I like being addressed as 'hello you'.
  4. Maplins do them. I have some in my box of bits to do my DBSO one day. Can't remember the serial number but Maplins website is easy to navigate. HTH.
  5. Lima locos are engineered quite basically but engineered well. It is, I am sure, within the capabilities of most modellers who frequent this site - even relatively inexperienced ones - to breathe new life into an old badly running or non running Lima loco by simple cleaning, lubricating, checking pickups and connections, springs and brushes. They are brilliant to learn on!
  6. Pedant mode on: League of Gentlemen! Sorry!
  7. Interesting discussion. I know the 86/1s had Class 87 bogies, but what about the rest of the underframe equipment? Was that 86 or 87 style?
  8. Halfords rattle cans clog up far less than Railmatch/Precision. I've never had one clog up on me actually.
  9. Major producer, yes, but I don't agree with the assertion that we all love Hornby - (yes, I know it is a bit of a sentimental generalisation, but still). When I was a youngster, late 70's/early 80's, even to my inexperienced eyes Mainline products were way superior to the toys that Hornby produced. Moving on into the late 80's/early 90's, Bachmann appears on the scene and raises the bar massively, leaving Hornby in their wake. In my opinion Hornby have never caught up. Yes, there are some impressive models from Hornby, the Class 60 and many steam locos that I know nothing about spring to mind, but when I think of quality, precision, accuracy and reliability, I don't think of Hornby. To my mind Hornby are a toy producer which from time to time rolls out a very impressive model, but who's core market and raison d'être is and always will be mass market toys. No, I don't love them.
  10. Also it should be mentioned that paint from a rattle can really does go everywhere - a lot is wasted in overspray - it is best done outside in my opinion. With an airbrush you have much more control over the amount of paint coming out, the pressure, and the area covered by the jet of paint coming out - it is a much cleaner process - or so I am led to believe, I've not got round to it yet, as I mentioned in my previous post, but I'm sure someone will back me up.
  11. Richie, the advice generally given is to spray the lighter colours first and that is usually the route I take - yellow ends, then roof and finally bodyside ( for a large logo BR Blue loco at least - more complex liveries obviously need more masking and have more stages to go through). Spray cans can give very satisfactory results and I have used both Precision and Railmatch in the past. However, it is very frustrating when a blockage occurs in the nozzle or in the can - and this occurs with alarming regularity. There are many discussions on various forums about this, check them out and read about it, it's not just me! I and others have said in the past that they are not fit for purpose - I've lost count of the number of part-used or even nor even started cans that I have thrown away because no matter what I tried I could not get any damn paint out. These frustrations led me to invest in an Iwata airbrush a couple of years ago but to my eternal shame I have not got around to using it yet - it is the cleaning up operation afterwards, thinners, airbrush cleaners, etc, that puts me off.
  12. Looking for one of these please. I believe the box contains parts for two buildings so I wondered if anyone might have built one leaving the other surplus to requirements - I'd rather not pay for two when I only require one. Thanks in advance. Adrian
  13. The old body will fit on the new Hornby chassis with a bit of work, I have done one but subsequently sold it on. It had a slight hint over an 'overbite' in the bufferbeam area, but not enough to stop me selling it on eBay for a decent amount. It was only noticeable to a Class 56 afficianado tbh.
  14. Not sure if the last post is a cross one directed at me Cheesysmith, but if so I think we are at crossed purposes. I am in agreement with everything you say!
  15. I think a Heljan Class 58 chassis would be hard to come by. You could buy one complete loco in a less popular livery and sell the bodyshell. For clarification, I would add one word to Cheesysmith's first sentence 2 posts above: "The only difference between the OLD Hornby version and the Dapol/Mainline version is the fact that the Hornby ones came with separate cab door handrails." The new Hornby version is far superior in terms of chassis/motor/drivetrain. And a wee bit better in the way of body shell, but as stated previously, the Mainline/Dapol bodies were way ahead of their time and stand up pretty well alongside more modern models. On a separate note, I have a couple of (new) Hornby Class 56s in bits awaiting rebuilding/respraying. As my 'to do' list is longer than my projected lifespan, if you are interested in taking one/both off my hands, drop me a PM.
  16. Thank you, that's very kind. Bear with me and I will measure up the wee beastie for you over the weekend. I'm actually thinking of reducing the distance between the radiator grille and the bufferbeam at the front - just a couple of mm, but I think that would improve the proportions.
  17. Wouldn't the best course of action have been to have returned the loco to the shop for a refund? If I understand consumer rights correctly your contract of purchase is with the retailer,not the manufacturer. I suspect that you have now nullified that contract through attempting a DIY fix.
  18. I think I tried to make a purchase from this seller this morning - a Hornby Clan for £22.83 (warning bells should have been ringing, I know) but fortunately PayPal refused to make the payment and advised me to contact them. I initially thought my PayPal account had been hacked and was unusable but I checked and all seemed fine. Clearly PayPal had my best interests at heart, thankfully. I saw another listing from the same seller this afternoon - a Bachmann 108 for about £23 including free postage from China. If it seems too good to be true, etc, etc......
  19. There might be a step by step guide on YouTube.
  20. That's a very good point, thank you for pointing it out. I may well have to follow your example and do the same with the radiator grille.
  21. Oops, how embarrassing. Well spotted Gordon. I quite thought I had used a Heljan chassis. It was a few years ago, so I'm claiming senility. Yes, it is definitively a Bachmann chassis. Apologies for any misunderstanding and for getting on (and spectacularly falling off) my high horse.
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