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Worsdell forever

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Everything posted by Worsdell forever

  1. Very nice Jonathan, one thing If I may point out, the number on the tank sides should be the 12" ones, with the LNER in 7 1/2".
  2. Watch 'Who wants to be a Millionaire' competition clip before the adverts and see where I work...

  3. Will be off to the Pickering show soon.

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      is back from Pickering show, a good day.

  4. just followed the link from the road vehicles group and read the whole thing through. Absolutely superb. B) B)
  5. Fireworks just over the horizon!

  6. I scratchbuilt an ex NER ES1 (see my avatar) then the Judith Edge kit appeared. I scratchbuilt both a Q5 and a J24 then Arthur Kimber's kits appeared. Scratchbuilding currently on hold... (thoroughly enjoyed building them though)
  7. Now, you can't have empty bottles of anything, what you have there are 4 empty MEK bottles... Anyway, just here so second what Colin said this morning.
  8. Probably the only man to have a number one in a Smoggy accent...
  9. Just the opposite for me Also another vote for Cash's 'Hurt'. And to add another to the list, Kirsty Maccoll's version of 'A New England' to me is much better than Bragg's original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fwtFSEovro Also 'Days' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOKWqtocXWs&feature=related
  10. That looks great Jonathan . Do you have a J72 to stand next to it to show just how much bigger it is?
  11. Wow! Stewart, that bridge and verge are just spot-on. Nice subtle colouring. though I can't see what needs doing to it.
  12. And don't forget I started this and I saw her first...
  13. It seems Susanna Reid is popular with RMwebers :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. halfwit


      Bleakley and Bradbury are just bloody annoying. Who is Reid anyway?

    3. ozzyo


      Who are any of them?

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      thread in wheeltappers just for you ozzyo

  14. Susanna Reid or Christine Bleakley?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Allegheny1600


      I'm with Temeraire!

      Not being greedy but with Redgate, too!

    3. halfwit


      Jennifer Garner.

    4. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      Margaret Rutherford

  15. I find this essential, after driving from Whitby to Expo EM North at Slaithwaite last September without all the baseboards for Greyscroft Mine, I now double check...
  16. If I ever find out Nick I'll let you know! Adam's right, I haven't the space, or enough wagons, to find out. Perhaps when it finished I'll try and persuade Paul (Worsdell forever) to let me loose with it on his EM layout at an exhibition... not that this one is really good enough to appear in public. Paul. It will be welcome any time Paul.
  17. Really like the fish vans Jonathan, I must give that a go sometime, if ever I have time...
  18. Superb buildings Peter, can almost smell the whiskey...
  19. Hi Mike, It's been handed over to David, he can do what he likes with it now, all his other locos are in this condition so that is no doubt how it will stay. Look out for a layout thread soon, I took quite a few photos yesterday of Stainsby and David asked me to put them on here.
  20. As promised, a couple of photos of 1010 in service on Stainsby. She ran well, the only problem was that I had wired her the opposite way to the rest of David's locos, a five minutes and a soldering iron sorted this.
  21. Rhubarb 'n' Custard :)

    1. Garry D100

      Garry D100

      To eat. Or to watch ;-)

    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Sweets, to suck.

    3. bcnPete


      thankfully, the sweet doesn't taste like the real thing...rhubarb is on my 'can't do' list...but the sweet...yum!

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