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Ian Holmes

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Status Updates posted by Ian Holmes

  1. Anyone else getting pop-up ads in Chinese here on RMWeb?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dungrange



    3. Hroth



    4. truffy


      They’re recall notices for your toy trains. 

  2. I've seen some very interesting images of railways serving APCM quarries and works lately. Can anyone suggest some good online reference material to check things out in more detail?

    1. spamcan61


      Of marginal relevance maybe, but as it happens I was searching for info on the Houghton Regis APCM plant yesterday and came across this site, which gives a good deal of details of many cement works. Although it doesn't focus particularly on the rail side there are links out to other sites:-



    2. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Fascinating site nonetheless. Thanks for that.

  3. Just found a pair of P4 track company kits and about 5 yards of P4 flex track bases and rai. What layout was I going to build with them?

    1. Compound2632


      P$ is about right!

    2. mogtrains




  4. Oh my! The last time I checked into RMWeb was May 2017. I sense a New Year's resolution coming on...

    1. DavidLong


      About time we heard from you again, Ian!

  5. Was offered an incomplete HOn30 layout the other day.

    1. Claude_Dreyfus


      Did you accept?

    2. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      I have to pay to have it shipped to me. I'm investigation if it's affordable.

  6. My British Oak Coal Depot layout will be located in the Main foyer at the WGH show this weekend. The first layout everyone will see.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Good luck with the show!

  7. Surprise of the day was an invite to exhibit at the Worlds Greatest Hobby Show in St. Paul February 6th and 7th

    1. RhBBob


      Very nice, Ian. No doubt that will lead to many more exhibitions. Kind regards, Bob S aka RhBBob

  8. There are other locations than Florida to inspire you to build a US outline model railroad ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ian Holmes
    3. Dr Gerbil-Fritters
    4. Alcanman


      Fargo, North Dakota. Maybe I've been watching too much TV

  9. Santa bought me a Heljan Wagon & Maschinenbau Railbus for Christmas. Not many of those in the middle of America

    1. PaulRhB


      Hasn't one of the museums in the US got one of the BR 4 wheel railbus prototypes from the 80's too?

  10. Happy 10th Birthday RMWeb!

  11. "Cottage modelling for Pendon" techniques are not appropriate for making a gingerbread house

    1. Metr0Land


      Yes that plumber's hemp can be quite chewy

    2. Horsetan


      Tastes like card.

  12. even a few minutes working on the SLT model is relaxing

  13. Don't get too excited. But I'm working on my layout!

  14. got the last APA box at IKEA in the Twin Cities!

  15. Overtime, overtime, Overtime. Work, work, work, that all I've done for months. As a consequence I had my first stress related "attack" yesterday. These are not nice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mickey


      Indeed - as CK says... and I know these things too well!

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      I have the same problem, Ian. So I know the signs. Take care of yourself and MAKE time for your relaxing hobby!

    4. rembrow


      Ian, I know how you're feeling, I suffered work stress for years from long hours and pressure, unfortunately it led in my case to depression and a near breakdown. I opened up to my family and took counselling and for me life got much better. Take care of yourself and try to change your work/life balance

  16. Long overdue, I bough myself a new NWSL "Chopper 2" (no class 20 jokes please) and a binocular magnifier

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Good for you! Sounds like you're properly tooled up now...

  17. I finish cutting the grass and a Thunderstorm rolls in. I feel like Sisyphus.

  18. Thirty years later Stop making Sense by Talking Heads is still awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ginger j

      ginger j

      I had to go look that up...it seems to be pleasing to my (rather odd) musical taste. Some decent music there!

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I went to see it in the pictures when it came out.

    4. Mickey


      Think I had all THs albums back in the day

  19. 1st place in my age group (50-59) in a local 5K this morning. What's that got to do with model railways? Nothing. I just want to brag. ;)

  20. foam core board on sale for only a dollar a sheet instead of $2.99 . I'll have some of that thank you.

    1. DonB


      Despite your mini-tutorial in forum, I still can't get on with the stuff! perhaps the USA item is different in texture to the UK version?

    2. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      I don't know. I'll have to see if I can find some when I'm back in September and compare the stuff.

  21. Happy Birthday to me....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steve22


      and from me too!!

    3. DavidLong


      Indeed. Greetings from Manchester, UK to Lake Woebegone, MN. It is Lake Woebegone, isn't it . . . ?

    4. witherbrow


      happy birthday from all the lads on the ark royal


  22. Mulling over the practicalities of making a scale model of an O scale micro using Z scale components...

  23. Just started the MGB up after its winter slumber :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. class"66"


      Sounds good!!!

    3. Mallard60022


      Do you have to drain the carbs when storing it?

    4. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Mallard, No. I just run some fuel stabilizer through the system for a while just before I put it away for the winter.

  24. Cr@p! I can't find my Venier Caliper

  25. For some strange reason, I found myself reading The "Micro Layouts" website on Tuesday. Only later realising that it was three years to the day since my good friend Carl Arendt had passed away.

    1. trisonic


      Can't believe that it has been that long...

    2. backofanenvelope


      Me neither and sorely missed..

    3. skipepsi


      He was a'doer' the sort of person the world needs.

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