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Status Updates posted by Poggy1165

  1. Father, forgive me, for I have sinned. I have bought a pannier tank. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kris


      The sin that you have confessed to is great. Too many years have passed before you to came to the true religion. Your penance is to follow the true path of the copper top. You will have to show real dedication to this path with many further purchases and paint your railway buildings in the appropriate light stone and dark stone colours. 

    3. steve22


      I'm sure there are plenty of priests tucked away on this Forum who will happily grant you absolution.  And as penance you simply have to buy them one as well.   

    4. truffy


      Nowt wrong wit’ pannier!

  2. There is nothing like railway modelling to make you realise that in some aspects of life (at least) you are a bear of small brain. 

    1. Mikkel


      Looked the quote up, it does seem very appropriate :-)

  3. Simple modification to a kit, he thought. Wrong, checked the drawing again, and he needs to replace virtually the whole wagon side. Oh well!

  4. I'm sorry, but no one will ever persuade me that waterslide transfers are preferable to Methfix. Unfortunately they were all I could get for my purpose.

    1. Spitfire2865


      Water-most abundant liquid on planet

      Meths-I dont even know if I can get it easily in the USA

    2. Mallard60022


      Waterslide + special fluids can be pretty good but you need to get good uns, CCTUK for example.

    3. Poggy1165


      I have this strange objection to transfers that crease up when varnished. And the "invisible" backing film that isn't? Sorry, Methfix will always be the Rolls Royce for me, these things are the bloody Ford Anglia. I only hope I can hide the mess under weathering.

  5. You know model railways are becoming an obsession when you watch "Endeavour" and the mottled brickwork in one scene is a highlight of the show.

    1. davefrk


      Snap, I was looking at the weathered stone....

    2. Regularity


      Haven’t watched it yet, but good to know that there is something to look forward to!

  6. 'n' it's all right now, learned my lesson well You see, ya can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself

  7. Amazing how dear coach wheels and buffers are in 7mm scale. Good job I've got a flexible friend..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is he prepared to loan you some wheels and buffers for a couple of weeks then?

    3. Horsetan


      Whatever became of the Access credit card?

    4. dvdlcs


      Access, now Mastercard.

  8. When you absolutely stink the house out with melted resin and she says "it doesn't smell too bad" you know you've chosen the right wife.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DCB



    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Does she have a sister?


    4. 247 Developments

      247 Developments

      Yes 2

      But they both hate the smell

  9. Plastic roof - warped. Brass roof - won't sit properly. Only solution to build roof plank by plank, as per the prototype and hope for the best. If that fails, wagon will go in the bin as I can't stand much more of this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Compound2632


      ... or try card?

    3. Mikkel


      Plank by plank would be impressive!

    4. railroadbill


      A month is too soon, Londontram! Let us be realistic with our timescales....[sigh]

      I have seen an s scale coach having a planked roof applied, impressive indeed but whether it was ever finished...

  10. Painting a viaduct stone by stone is a long and tedious business...

    1. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Look on the bright side - you could have made it brickbuilt.

    2. Horsetan


      Look on the bright side 2: at least it's not 1:1 scale.

  11. OK the drama is over. Decided to stick with my original layout idea. Just need to get my butt into gear.

    1. Kylestrome


      What kind of gear did you have in mind?

    2. Poggy1165


      One that works, as opposed to one that idles.

  12. I am toying with changing my layout plans completely. I can't make progress while I am so undecided.

    1. locoholic


      I keep doing that, which is annoying, as I've built the baseboards.

  13. The GCR cattle wagon plates have arrived. The annoying thing is I no longer have an excuse not to finish them.

    1. Poggy1165


      The cattle wagons, that is. They've been sleeping quietly in their drawer for some time now.

  14. Deleted a FR on Facebook from a young woman who is 'horny' and wants a man to 'satisfy' her. Clearly a case of 40 years late at Crewe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      Never look a gift horse in the mouth.....

    3. rob D2

      rob D2

      Forward it to me please

    4. 11B


      Sadly your to late. The FR (Furness Railway) seems to have been deleted back in 1922

  15. One day I shall learn to wear an apron when using stuff like varnish. Another shirt ****ed

    1. Horsetan


      At least your shirt will be weather-resistant. Cuprinol, was it?

    2. Poggy1165


      No, picture varnish.


    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Look at it this way. It'll look picture perfect forever now!

  16. Putting transfers on a rectangular tank wagon can be surprisingly difficult!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skipepsi


      It is the rivets wot dun it.

    3. Rob Pulham

      Rob Pulham

      Yes, I fell foul of that one too.

    4. Poggy1165


      I have got them on at last and reasonably aligned. Now I have left them to dry out thoroughly so I can protect the things with varnish. And once that varnish has dried, I can breathe again!


  17. Have actually ballasted a short length of track today!

  18. There are possibly more tedious jobs than hand painting rails and chairs, but offhand I can't think of one!

    1. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      Making up Shackles for Conflat L's.?


    2. nigelb


      painting indivdual brick or bits of ballast


  19. Just spent a pleasant (?) hours sticking cosmetic fishplates onto two metres of track. Surprising how many you need when the nominal rail length is 30 feet!

  20. In a dark mood. Seriously thinking of selling up and packing in.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I agree with these guys - if you rush a decision like that, you're likely to regret it.


      Far better to put the stuff away for a few months - especially whichever model(s) might be giving you grief - and look at it again in a few months' time.

    3. Poggy1165


      Thanks guys. I hope it is a passing mood, but it's been with me a good week this time.


    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Life can get dark sometimes, I should know. But don't let that destroy your hobby, even if it means packing it up into boxes for a while.

  21. Started two signals today. That is, fitted the finials to the posts. Still, better than nowt!

  22. Picked up some incredibly fine chain at Leigh Show, just what I've been looking for. But it's imported from the USA! Britain, workshop of the world, my bum.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vitalspark


      Ambis do fine chain but don't know where its sourced.

    3. RJS1977


      Unfortunately 'free trade' is killing jobs in this country (4.7m tons of steel a year imported rom the EU whilst our steelworks are closing).

    4. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Still it was a good show.

  23. This weekend I have finally cracked Slater's wagon springing system. May be no big deal to some, but I am made up.

    1. steve22


      A nice feeling, eh?

    2. Poggy1165


      Yep. Now I can build wagons with springing without sweating about it.


  24. Have just found a supply of 4mm rail. No idea when I bought it, still less why, but I suppose it could be useful if I can find room for a bit of narrow gauge. Or maybe a tramway.

  25. A random reference on this site has put me in the way of temptation. Must resist!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poggy1165


      No, a very expensive loco, of a certain foreign company. Love the loco, but have no realistic use for it.

    3. Northroader


      Not Austrian Sudbahn?

    4. Poggy1165


      No, 'foreign' as in Great Western.

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