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big T

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Everything posted by big T

  1. Hi Leon Its been a while since I have been on here, but you seem to have made some quality progress! Liking the 60 weathering - One minor point - I always glue the buffers of my 60's as the heads have the annoying habit of swivelling round at the most imnopportune moments (i.e. when taking a photo!) - this makes sure thay are always straight. Do you plan on weathering 37506? Try and steer clear of doing too much on the bodysides - this is something I have found out through trial and error, and stick to a reference photo if you have one. Other than that - top job! Cheers Trev
  2. Not sure about it being an odometer - do DRS charge by the mile?!!!! The speedo is usually on the inner axle next to the fuel tank - you can see it on 503:
  3. A couple more for a miserable Monday morning! 37503 at Norden: 37377 at Rugby 37029 and 379:
  4. I did wonder if it was Jo - however it doesn't seem to have any cabling emanating from it?
  5. Cheers YVM! A quick question - has 610 lost an axlebox cover on the first wheelset or is it a modified one?!
  6. Loving the extra high cut outs at one end! Im sure there were others that had similar mods, and maybe one or two that had some of the low level tumblehomes removed too? Here's a few more - Droopy nosed 680 at RY: 885 and 109 also at RY: (Note the square buffers on 885) 678 again at RY:
  7. What is a super 60?!!! There is nothing 'super' about them - they have just recieved what they deserve - partial overhaul and life extension! I for one am glad that they are cobbling together a small fleet of tarted up 60's, but how long before these are run into the ground just like the others? Bring back BREL and the associated works maintainence programmes!
  8. Every year the numbers of 60's in traffic increases due to the 66's being used on the RHTT's. It used to happen with 37's too. The numbers generally fluctuate between 5 and around 15 in traffic. The 60's were the last main line type 5 built in the UK. Not sure about something larger being mooted, due to the downturn of traffice beginning to creep in at that point in time, and I doubt very much if the 60's could be adapted for passenger use - they were designed for one thing - digging deep and working on stuff 3,000 tons plus. Saying that I have had them on tours, and they do OK. (but theyre not as fast as a 56.....!) As any driver will tell you, once opened up on a sufficiently heavy train, they dig down, and compress their springs and you can feel it. From memory their traction motors prohibit fast running, but I have heard a few stories of them being clocked in excess of 60mph. I dont think they take power off you and apply the brake as a 66 does though.
  9. True, at the end of the day they are heavy freight machines, out in all weathers, with very little TLC expended (apart from pretty POTOS jobs) so is it any wonder they look rough around the edges? Ive seen 37's and 47's in much worse condition (especially internally) held together with duck tape......
  10. 60049 is on 6X01 Scunthorpe - Eastleigh CWR today if anyones interested? Its usually a solid shed turn as demonstrated by this object..... 66051 by Trev 'Big T' Hurley, on Flickr
  11. New compressor and airbrush here we come!

  12. 049 is rather loud too. Has anyone noticed it still hasn't got its plough on number one end still?
  13. Hi gents, This layout is shaping up really well! The wiring and your panel are superb, and frightening at the same time! As someone has said before fingers crossed it works when its all powered up!! Will you be modelling a specific period, or will you be flexible? Keep up the good work. Trev
  14. Hi Jo. Well impressed with your shed mate, in particular the jacks which are quality. Will there be a 60 making an appearance? Keep up the good work Cheers Trev
  15. Fantastic light for anyone going fotting today........I might make a trip out tonight for 8X09......(If the damn thing runs!)
  16. They are probably the next ones selected for the refurb programme......I would laugh if some wag reports 070 or 098 being next in line!
  17. I managed to catch 60010 on E41 yesterday. However, I can't find how to post images from Flickr to RMWeb so a link will have to do for now! http://www.flickr.com/photos/58806173@N08/6151114260/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/58806173@N08/6151116212/
  18. I like the look and feel of this layout, it has an open, airy feel to it. The wagons are lovely, particularly the C02 tanks and CE stuff. Look forward to more pics.
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