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big T

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Everything posted by big T

  1. I've enjoyed reading this thread jack, and think you have got some very good skills, which some more seasoned modellers would be proud of! Keep up the good work and supply more photos! Nice one Trev
  2. big T

    Peak 45015

    If I had a pound for every time this mouldy potato has come around, I'd be a millionaire!.
  3. Hi Shaun, We were at the Little layout show last weekend, exhibiting our "Shelfordby" layout (we were in the corner to your left) and we had a brief chat. The one thing that struck me was the amount of detail you had managed to get into such a small space without it looking overcrowded. Very cool! Nice one for your first show too. Cheers Trev
  4. Nice one mate, what do you plan to do to it? Will it be venturing out to play?!
  5. another layout!

    1. Pete Harvey

      Pete Harvey

      Good show that man!


  6. another layout!

  7. Loving the Brute's Peter! Just needs a can of lilt and a packet of packet of home made sarnies and its my first foray into solo spotting at BNS in the 80's!
  8. One of the best modern image layouts I've seen, keep up the modelling Dave, smashing work.
  9. Rolling stock sale contact me

  10. Rolling stock sale! contact me!

  11. Rolling stock sale! contact me!

  12. Exhibition required for Pensbridge!

  13. Exhibition required for Pensbridge! Any offers?!

  14. Hi S.M Like others, I used to watch your old thread with interest. I'm glad that you have decided to carry on (again!! ) with modelling, and will definately be keeping an eye on your latest developments. There has definately been a shift towards Architectural modelling, with the buidlings/landscapes providing the main focal point for the layout with the railway running as part of it, rather than the other way round, which I feel provides a truly realistic end product. I am intrigued by laser cut products too - added dimensional detail. Is this a costly exercise? best of luck for your amended venture! Trev
  15. Hi Richard To quote Maiden - "22 the Avenue" etc..! Takes me back to my youth too, now Ive stepped up the heavyness of my music a bit, and think that railways and metal go well together - I always have music on when Im working on my layout it helps with the concentration. Currently listening to Degredation Paradox by Human Mincer..... lots of fun! Anyhoo good luck with your new layout! BR Blue, Maiden and the 80's... top stuff! Trev
  16. Ill raise your double headers with three up! (strictly only 049 was under power) - 049/074 & 107 at Barnetby: [/url]"> http:// 312 at Portway: [/url]">http:// Finally, 56097 on full chat on a fully loaded gypsum train at the GC, with a GB shed on the rear...... [/url]">http://
  17. I like the feel to this layout, as it is uncluttered and doesnt have the usual "cram everything in" approach to it. The colours are right, and the pipework for the fuelling point is well portrayed!
  18. Hi Leon Biffs chips are really good. I have one of his 08 chips and it is quality. You can get them through DC Kits. Trev
  19. Cracking work Richard! Been watching your progress on FB too.
  20. Dude!!! Loving this thread! Good to see pics of DP, Jonesy etc!!! Do we not have any pics of Beefy or Haytch at Bardon, Mantle Lane or Moira?!!!! Also there appears to be a distinct lack of pictures of your goodself in the seat!!!!
  21. A minor thing I have spotted Jo from one of your shots of 059 is that the flap containing the multi working socket is open. This may not seem much, but EWS riveted them shut to prevent multying up a pair of 60's - I would like to see a pair with an umbilical cord working hard!! Good shots as usual matey!
  22. Hi Alex, Glad to see you posting again and keeping your hand in with Boxenby. Looking forward to more progress as most of us are mate.
  23. 20 is currently working off Lawley Street and I think that 19 did a Peterboro-Crewe Monday
  24. 079 is out on test (or it was yesterday) Two tone grey with no vinyl discolouration - scoop it in before it goes red.......
  25. Good job with 506 mate - may I make a suggestion? - Add a small patch of matt black around the exhaust ports and I think that will be set off nicely!
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