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Tim V

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Status Replies posted by Tim V

  1. A Gingerbrad Man sits inside a Gingerbread House. Is the house made of flesh? Or is he made of house?

  2. Coming soon, the Red Balloon!

  3. White Rabbits so I'm told...

  4. Party fears two...

  5. More opportunities to find out who's talking about whom, when, where and why, at the SWAG Summer curry evening at Newton Abbot on Friday 7th July next - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/123557-swag-summer-curry-evening-2017/&do=findComment&comment=2767086

  6. Who is talking about what and why are they doing it?

  7. 125 years since broad gauge was abolished- watch this space

  8. Glasto tickets were how much?..........Grief.

  9. whatever happened to Law 43????

  10. Ah, the wonderful relief of the low cloud and cool hill fog that has arrived at Kernow Towers!

  11. Has discovered the band Public Service Broad Casting....Fab stuff!

  12. Just about the only consolation for me with this horrible hot weather is the fact that it helps paint dry quicker.

  13. I wasn't really sure what was going on....

  14. recognises that his horse is strong and stable.

  15. Must get off the computer

  16. What's a hawk's worth?

  17. has started a 24-hour urine collection test....

  18. White RABBITS!

  19. has started a 24-hour urine collection test....

  20. Has rediscovered Old Spice! Cue a Carmina Burana moment.....!!!!

  21. Another hour and a half of my life has passed, spent on phone calls and 'on-line chat' with my internet service provider and then B.T.

  22. ******LOOK!!!! RARE ITEM!',',',*******

  23. Bank Holiday Weekend, here we go with the TV adverts. I don't need a new bed, carpet, sofa or oak furniture.

  24. Tomorrow's filming jaunt for me and Phil involves a story of two graves, corporate cost-cutting and a lot of 'clag'. Where will we be?

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