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Andy L

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Status Updates posted by Andy L

  1. Well after being with Nissan for 2 years i'm now lead sales man, Leaf Specialist, and Motability Accredited. Mad hours very little time to play trains. Oh and by the way got hitched 5 months ago as well!!!! Feels great to be back on RMweb.

    1. beast66606


      welcome back - no changes then ... !

  2. going into work on my day off for a test drive, then off to Birmingham for a little show at a the NEC, i'll be pl,aying trains at Franklin (0n2)

  3. just got in after long 1st day with West Way Nissan. it was brill!!!

  4. Got a Job!!!! I'm a Trainee Car Sales Executive, starting Monday!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Will Vale

      Will Vale

      Well done! Now brush up your Swiss Tony impression :)

    3. beast66606


      You've got to caress the bodywork. Breathe softly and gently. And give every inch of it your loving attention. And make sure you've got a nice wet sponge.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well done Andy, good luck with the new job!

  5. Well that went A o T. Why do my best intentions go BANG mms infront of my face?

    1. Horsetan


      A custard pie moment?

  6. got it wrong before, got second interview with Bristol Street Motors (Bluebell was its old name) still great tho

    1. slow8dirty


      Congratulations, doing something right ;)


    2. mike tugsandsheds
  7. two interviews done. i think they went well, knackered now tho.

  8. 15 CVs farmed out yesterday, 1 interview from that at 2pm, and another at 4pm. Wish me luck!!

    1. slow8dirty


      Best of luck, Im in the same boat myself, stressfull is not the word!

    2. Welly


      Good luck! I've been there and all I can advise is never give up!

  9. farmed out 15 CVs this afternoon, call at 6 for an appointment at 2pm tomorrow... :-D

    1. Danemouth


      Good luck for tomorrow


    2. Coombe Barton
  10. up at 7:05, take missus to work, 7:18, back in bed 8:00

  11. now do i drink either warsteiner, or the local bitter tonight? oh the really tough decisions I have to make!

    1. Kris


      Why choose, drink both

    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      I whole heartedley hic agree with the gentleman hic above...

  12. well thats it another Independent D.I.Y store as gone bust... It just so happened to be my employer

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Oh hell - not much more can say.

  13. Interview Wednesday 14:00, wish me luck

  14. gonna build board 1 (2 and 3 already done) for Dean Park (MMRS new 00 Modern Image Layout) tonight

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