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Steve Taylor

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Status Replies posted by Steve Taylor

  1. living room furniture rolled back, plans rolled out, baseboard design underway.

  2. Collection of 222 Kits priced up and ready for the Scalefour North bring and buy stand

  3. Hmm. Need money to buy kits to fill up my free time to stop myself from losing my mind...

  4. just watched seven valley railway on country file,try catch it on catch up if you can,interesting and anyone wanting a apprenticeship, have a look too

  5. Laphroaig Time!

  6. Enduring a Pacer from Darlington to Shildon, thank heavens we never had to endure these things North of the border...

  7. People paying invoices without me sending a reminder... Nice.

  8. a very substantial work tray built, and now constructing tea to the sound of Hamish and Dougal - Mrs Nauchtie and the dance of the seven voles anybody?

  9. has "accidentally" picked up a Brassmasters LFB Black 5 and Ultrascales for "experiments" :-O

  10. has an urge to learn how to play a theremin.

  11. Just got 5ltrs of Boutanone for

  12. Took the missus out chasing steam today & she enjoyed it :D

  13. is listening to "The Now Show"

  14. Two hours operating Gresley Beat at Stafford show - bliss!

  15. Time for Star Trek and Laphroaig!

  16. It's only four weeks on Saturday to the Stafford show.BCB in the flesh and another look at Gresley Beat.

  17. Has cut wood and is now glueing and screwing it together in an interesting way.

  18. bah - work in the morning, just got into the habit of this time off thing and its over

  19. bah - work in the morning, just got into the habit of this time off thing and its over

  20. feels the need for a Tunnock's Teacake

  21. Bliss! Just cleaned out a kitchen cupboard and found an unopened bottle of 10 year old Bushmills. Should sleep well tonight.

  22. Glad someone on some "War" programme remembered that the Wegrmacht fighting i Kent would have starved and tun out of supplies dues to the odd ship being in the channel after them :)

  23. Decision time, day out on the train cancelled due to weather, do i do some modelling or try and tidy the modelling room?

  24. is still surrounded by Polish builder's power tools. He's been very quick with the new wardrobe, but appears to have blocked off the portal to Narnia...

  25. What is it with these small new housing developments, that like to call themselves such nonsensical twee names as 'Badger's Grove', 'Foxglove Mews' or 'Meadow Rise' etc. etc. - you know the ones I mean - you can find them all over... Why are there no 'Blast Furnace Streets', 'Corporation Car Park Avenues' or 'Engineering Factory Roads'...?!

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