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Crisis Rail

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Status Replies posted by Crisis Rail

  1. Heljan Railfreight Class 26 back in favour - again - trying to source - again eBay trawl - again.........

  2. Should have done a little more research on the boat I bought earlier. Tis a little larger than I had thought!

  3. Anyone else can't upload pics from their iPad?

  4. Dad heard a Pink Floyd interview on the radio today where Nick Mason said they don't get recognised and he can shop in Sainsburys without being spotted. I've spotted him. I've moved him to a quieter till. Not gone "aren't you the bloke with the Ferraris?" Though :-)

  5. Bathurst weekend. The perfect excuse to plonk oneself down on the couch

  6. "Pink Floyd guitarist and singer David Gilmour says he is "pretty certain" the band's new album will be their last" - can we have that in writing...?!

  7. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

  8. Note to oneself. Pay attention to the M25 in front not the class 92 on the other carriageway...

  9. Every day the infernal ipad does more to wind me up. Current favourite trick is the blue loading bar on the internet sitting at about 10% for no apparent reason. Either magically resolves after 5 minutes or so, or you need to turn it off and back on. I presume the apple fan boys don't get issues like this...

  10. Autumn has finally arrived - now waiting for the first dusting of sleet on the mountain tops :)

  11. I really, really, really bloody hate anything electrical........Aghhhhhhh.......

  12. happily playing trains

  13. Testing kadees with two baby Sulzers on a 3' long inglenook shouldn't be this much fun!

  14. Cant believe Bury FC are top of the league.

  15. All I need is TV show, that and the radio.....

  16. Well, I've proved them all wrong. The doubters, the critics, the mockers, and my mentors. I've reached 50 today despite all the odds. :)

  17. is going to see Kerry Ellis tonight

  18. To scrap or not to scrap. That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows or poor running and limited operation. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing them rip them up and start again???

  19. Autumn has finally arrived - now waiting for the first dusting of sleet on the mountain tops :)

  20. Annnnd now to let the weekend begin! Off to the Ribble Steam railway for a bash behind the teddy beat!

  21. fed up of hotels

  22. It's mid September and I've just lit the barbecue. Excellent. Now for beer. :-)

  23. I do belive that ebay has crashed.

  24. I wish i had more money

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