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Crisis Rail

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Status Replies posted by Crisis Rail

  1. Currently waiting for a train to Washington DC

  2. MASSIVE POO!!!!

  3. My new controller has arrived and its brilliant

  4. Virtual modelling has its place in a specific thread.

  5. Modelling embargo till the end of October... :-(

  6. Andy challenged by Hornby for Ice Bucket? This'll be interesting!

  7. ebay case opened, I am now being accused of pulling a fast one !!! well well "Kushtimush", describe your items as they are, not just say they are new when they are a poor item .. full stop.

  8. A glass and a bottle of beer to support the Lanc engine repairs, Win, Win

  9. Having a serious case of depression. Feel like crap and want to burst into tears. Not a nice feeling. All work related.

  10. Weird day today. Turned up for work 0600 to find out I actually had got the day off I applied for, returned home to discover someone had nicked my house name plate. Either tatters or someone thought it actually was a real totem. Been struggling with a difficult model all day and now my stepdaughter and her mother have just had a pointless row over the usual nothing so everyones in a bit of a grump. Telford had better be good tomorrow....

  11. Just going into the workshop to start casting LMS coach buffers, wish me luck.....

  12. ebay case opened, I am now being accused of pulling a fast one !!! well well "Kushtimush", describe your items as they are, not just say they are new when they are a poor item .. full stop.

  13. Down at the end, round by the corner close to the edge, just by a river.

  14. This afternoon, my wife and I 'topped' the cypress hedge between us and the neighbours - cut it back to about 12 feet high. Neighbour has just come round with a bottle of wine - a nice gesture, we thought.

  15. X factor tonight, I feel some more modelling may be coming on!

  16. Today I got to drive and fire 43106 on an SVR footplate experience, I loved every minute and urge everyone interested in steam to have a go ! :D

  17. This afternoon, my wife and I 'topped' the cypress hedge between us and the neighbours - cut it back to about 12 feet high. Neighbour has just come round with a bottle of wine - a nice gesture, we thought.

  18. So how come there are so many more V.I.P.s around these days - what else can this profusion of tinted windows on otherwise ordinary cars mean?

  19. Bachmann!!! Why do you put drivers in one cab??? You go through all the trouble to include things like directional lighting, independently controlled tail lights, cab lights etc. and then the daft piece of logic comes along - you put a driver in one cab!!! Urghh do you'll know how disgusting it looks when models are running backwards??? Just keep those "non-human like" drivers as a spare for buyers to fit!!

  20. Work, golf (won my match), work, family, modelling/watching Commy Games = a good day

  21. A fine warm afternoon in the Sunny North. Time for some "3 before 8" and a beer...

  22. has not set their status

  23. Got my 1st sound chip after all these years...

  24. Well done Germany lads, well played, deserved it all.

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