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mike morley

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Status Updates posted by mike morley

  1. Note to self; Next time remember to apply wasp-stripes BEFORE fitting buffers

    1. Liam


      ...otherwise you'll feel the sting.


      Hat, coat, etc

  2. First thing I did upon arriving at Stafford this morning was help push a car out of the mud. Doesnt bode well for the end of play tomorrow.

  3. Two hours to set up a new printer. Remember when all you did was connect them and Windows did the rest?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      No! I was once a victim of marketing and got myself a Mac. The most expensive white elephant I've ever bought!

    3. JJGraphics


      Apple, indeed. It just works . . . about five minutes to set up a new printer on my neighbour's Mac a couple of days ago.

    4. thaddeus


      took 5 minutes to setup an epson on win 7 a couple of days ago - I was almost impressed

  4. Where would we be without the classic wire coat hanger? Locked out of our cars or houses, unable to retrieve/extract that awkward thingy or, in my case a few minutes ago, unblock the fatberg that was preventing my kitchen sink from draining.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNERGE


      I use track circuit bond wires for similar jobs


    3. Mim


      Always make sure there are a breeding pair of them in your wardrobe and you'll never run out.

    4. waggy


      Not seen a wire coat hanger for a few years, all seem to be plastic these days, so i use a length of code 75 or 100 rail

  5. If cooking chicken and chorizo for dinner, it helps to establish whether or not you've got any chorizo BEFORE putting the chicken into the oven.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Tim, please enlighten me. How do you surprise a chorizo?

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Don't include it the meal, that will surprise it.

    4. Horsetan


      Chorizo surprise...


      - And the surprise is...?


      There's nothing in it except the chorizo.

  6. The taped Xmas music playing in Sainsbury's is not only too loud, it also includes a track sung by a man whose voice is seriously off-key.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Swifty11


      Try listening to it for a 9 hour shift, bah humbug!

    3. mike morley

      mike morley

      There is a Bah, humbug! club which I once tried to join, only to discover that it is part of an extremely up-market dating site that quite definitely want someone as down-market as a postman (which is what I was then)as one of their number.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      ... and to think that some people think "Bah! Humbug!" is a brand of mints, specifically marketed for the "festive season".

  7. A colleague at work who has complained about rarely getting a lunch-break (once every ten days, if we're lucky) has been threatened with disciplinary action for bad attitude.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Herbert Nigel

      Herbert Nigel

      Actually, thanks to previous action by the often slagged off unions there is at least a LEGAL requirement for a break of 20 minutes in a 6 hour shift. https://www.gov.uk/rest-breaks-work

    3. The Blue Streak

      The Blue Streak

      Unfortunately the unions have been nobbled by those who want to waive hard earned rights for an extra dollar or two. Rail industry is full of them. Once enough people think that an extra dollar is worth overriding a right or two it's a slippery slope. It's already happening.

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Yep. The police was full of donkeys like that, sadly. There again, the conditions reflected that...

  8. Until six weeks ago I'd never seen a Police car chase. I've now seen three.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. grahame


      Yes, it's amazing how those police cars love chasing each other.


    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I personally prefer the ones on the telly - with Sheriff John Bunnell doing the voiceovers - and Vinnie Jones is quite good, as well … .


      Sorry - it seems that might not quite be the reason they do those things.


      My mistake, officer - honest … .

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      I had to rush to get home before I ran out of petrol

  9. Finished work yesterday at lunchtime. Got the Yamaha out, rode to High Wycombe and only realised when I pulled into the otherwise empty car park of Cressex School that Wycrail is next weekend. I blame stupidity . . .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Now the important question: did you enjoy the run to and from Wycombe?

    3. kernowtim


      Better than it being last weekend!!

    4. mike morley

      mike morley

      Huw, the return trip was a blast - literally! Now, of course, I'll spend the next few days anxiously watching the post for speeding tickets . . .

  10. Just had a new king-sized mattress delivered and have discovered that as 60 approaches getting it up the stairs is now beyond me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Richard E

      Richard E

      Stick it in the living room and if anyone asks say it's a Futon ....

    3. Bernard Lamb

      Bernard Lamb

      When I last bought one it was taken up a couple of ladders by the neighbour and his brother and pushed in through the window. SWMBO never did work out how we got in into the bedroom.

    4. mike morley

      mike morley

      Richard E - it might well end up that way, unless Bernard Lamb can lend me his neighbours . . .

  11. I always thought Luton was the National Centre for Bad Driving, but now neighbouring Hitchin has joined in. Twice in three days I've had people trying to escape traffic jams come at me the wrong way round roundabouts.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      Try Littlehampton where traffic lights are just pretty lights that change colour and double yellow lines are merely for decorative purposes...

    3. irishmail


      So Luton has not improved since I left there 10 years ago!

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Not enough examiners to cope with demand at present, and very few being recruited.

  12. Opens box containing new Hornby Collett 3rd for first time. Extracts contents. Drops carriage on floor, damaging one end. 10 seconds, start to finish.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mike morley
    3. Horsetan


      ...or whatever you choose to call it, then. Business? Service? Profession?

    4. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Ah yes! The Big Boys in Boots book of Big Bouncing Girls, Christmas 1994. Quite memorable.

  13. I've just spent a couple of increasingly frustrated minutes searching for the paintbrush I was holding in my mouth. If this is getting old, I don't want anything to do with it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. steve22


      With you all the way, Mike. Mind you, not just old age of course. My son asked my wife if she was worried about my forgetfulness. Her reply? "Well, I would be only he's always been like this!"

    3. mike morley

      mike morley

      My daughter tells me it's bladder control that goes next . . .

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      Shoot me now!!!

  14. Trying, once again, to work out why a chassis that runs perfectly on its own won't when the body is attached

    1. Welly


      Probably that tight screw twisting the chassis?

    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Not yet fitted any screws! Starting to suspect its a compensated EM chassis falling foul of a body intended for a rigid 00 chassis

    3. steve22


      That must be the story of many a modeller's life.

  15. What does it say about how low your home town has sunk when last night's target for ram-raiding was a second-hand shop?

  16. Yesterday I applied the transfers to one side of a wagon and made a perfectly acceptable job of it. Today I do the other side of the same wagon and make a right pigs ear of it. Arrggghhhh!

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Funny how we always balls up the second side.

  17. Why, when paint is so reluctant to adher to a kit that isnt scrupulously clean and primed properly, does it adhere so tenciously to a tea-stained kitchen sink that is somewhat overdue a good clean?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarkC


      Murphy's Law in action...

    3. Horsetan


      The tea stains act as primer.

    4. mike morley

      mike morley

      A couple of minutes use of elbow grease, Cif and a scouring pad means I now have a clean kitchen sink, but my efforts haven't made the slightest difference to the paint.

  18. Five migraines in five days. Can I have some new blood vessels, please?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sharris


      I originally didn't take it when a migraine was coming - just took it daily for a couple of months (now I just take a couple when I expect to be in a migraine situation).

    3. Mallard60022


      See my PM.


    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Migraines are no fun at all. Been quite a while since my last one, thankfully. I believe adverse working conditions at my previous job had been a major cause.

  19. Which article of Sods Law is it that decrees you only notice you've fitted the axleboxes upside down AFTER the epoxy has gone off?

    1. BoD


      It was Septimus Parsonage's third amendment, sub clause four.

    2. Horsetan


      I'm assuming it wasn't the definite article.

  20. For a good example of how easily "fast and frantic" becomes "disjointed and messsy" compare the first half of the Calcutta Cup with the second half. And how long will Owen Farrell keep on getting away with high tackles before he either gets red-carded or decapitates someone?

    1. BoD


      And don't forget his occasional 'push' that turns a good defensive position into a possible match losing situation. He got away with it this time. Idiot.

    2. surfsup


      I've never really understood the fascination around Farrell. Overrated and Overhyped more like! There are more players out there with flair and I feel better game making skills than him.

  21. My third laptop in six weeks is in the final stages of malfunctioning its way to oblivion. Unlucky or a comment on Windows 10?

    1. bigP
    2. RJS1977


      I got through a number of Acer hard drives within 2-3 years. Every time Acer repaired it, within 12 months it had gone again.Fed up of keep sending it away,in the end I paid my local repair shop to do a repair & reinstall. They installed a different version of Win 7 which didn't have the hibernate function and told me hibernate could kill HDs. Hasn't happened again since!

  22. Puzzled why Paypal will not accept my card when trying to buy a Talyllyn calendar but is perfectly happy to accept the same card when buying a new brake light switch just five minutes later.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Could that be why Ffestiniog calendars are more expensive? They're "harder"?

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      They gauged narrowly, the good people at Paypal.

    4. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Be careful. My sister in law has somehow been robbed via PayPal. Some scam going off

  23. The end might be nigh. The Yamaha has failed it's MOT.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Next to my late best mates house, Mike!

    3. mike morley

      mike morley

      What looked at first to be a "Damn! How did I miss that?" thing (no front brake light) is starting to look like a failed wiring harness.

    4. skipepsi


      All electric string can be repaired or replaced.

  24. I wonder by how much the take-up rates of Firefox, Opera etc have increased since Microsoft Edge came out.

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Initial signs show a further decline for IE - http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp

    2. tersono


      Stats on the websites that I manage suggest that Edge isn't making much impact, but Chrome (in particular) continues to grow...

    3. thaddeus


      whats that then?

  25. Windows 10 is awful. And Microsoft Edge is even worse!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kylestrome
    3. JJGraphics


      It is worse than awful

    4. 2mmMark


      Recently acquire a Win 10 tablet. I've found it very good so far. Edge is OK but you ca't install addons like ad blockers

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