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Bluebell Model Railway

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Status Updates posted by Bluebell Model Railway

  1. mm needing an L&Y pug wheel set, don't really want to buy one to pinch the wheels off it..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      oh are they? Last time I looked they were out of stock... in fact still are, have been out of stock for a few years.

    3. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      Well, glad I replied now. Thank you for the opportunity. Hopefully you'll be more gracious to the next member who tries to assist you. 

    4. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      ok.... I was, who's put a bee in your bonnet?  I appreciate the assistance however I had exhausted every spares website. I'm sorry you have miss understood my meaning.

  2. Missed out on a SER Saloon on eBay... £75 for a damaged kit... Probably will never see one of those again..

  3. Adding a nice new cover image to my profile, nice and different :)

  4. Bachmann jinty connection rods... proving difficult to find.

  5. Shame there's not a replacement etched chassis for this K's kit... no matter what I do it's just not straight

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Weaselfish


      No, they look like etches but are machine produced. They definitely aren't a solid block like the old Cotswold chassis blocks. I'd certainly give them a call. I've always found them very helpful. I've no connection other being a satisfied customer.

    3. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      That's cool I just had a google of it I see what you mean, I shall give them a call tomorrow, and discuss with them, as it doesn't say it will fit a K's but worth an ask.

      Thanks for your help.


    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I'd recommend some kind of assembly jig to keep things square. Also vital that the rods and axle centres correspond exactly. Gibson do universal coupling rods that can be adapted to your specific coupled wheelbase.

      London Road do useful jigs.


  6. 14 hours left in a 3D print compeition, need's all the votes it can get, http://www.instructables.com/id/Model-Railway-Metropolitan-Railway/#step1

  7. Off to Railex shortly... :)

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Shower properly avoided? Rucksack left shabby?

    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      never bring rucksacks ;) I know the rules, shower on route usually from the sky.

  8. Excellent service by Narrow Planet, cabside plates, and window frames super!

    1. 46444



  9. Not sure I meant for it to be this big oh well..

  10. W24 Calbourne going to the mainland again... exciting :)

  11. Sad to read Bob Symes has passed away today :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. irishmail
    3. rembrow


      A truly talented engineer and modelmaker. RIP Bob

    4. westerhamstation


      Great man and will be missed

  12. Think it's time to start looking at buying a Desktop 3D printer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wild Boar Fell
    3. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      Yes possibly will take some work on, although doing so at the moment, Matthew, good question I have had a few sample prints from FormLabs, and waiting for a couple of others... then the question of money begins.

    4. Wild Boar Fell

      Wild Boar Fell

      I haven't tried a formlab, mine is a Duplicator 4 which can be picked up for about

  13. Another sale on Shapeways... nice :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      Indeed seems to of gone down well... although the next items not far behind.


    3. Wild Boar Fell

      Wild Boar Fell

      Glad it has, it does look superb.

    4. 69843


      Good to hear, and the Mets were certainly NOT a waste of time.


      I'm considering a set, particularly if I redo Met 1

  14. First sale on Shapeways.. so the year and a half development was worth it!

    1. Trebor


      sale of what !

    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      Metropolitan Railway stock.


    3. Horsetan


      Sale of the Century.

  15. The storm is coming..... excellent!

    1. backofanenvelope


      Once again dear friends...

    2. Mallard60022


      Bit of a breeze......

  16. Can't quite understand why that 3D print has come out like that...

  17. A good announcement from Bachmann.. poor bank account.

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      Good for mine though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MarkC


      That charge pays your admission to a show where you can get it, of course. Forward planning is now the key :(

    3. RedgateModels


      I am glad I work 5 mins from Shawplan :)

    4. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      haha ya rub it in, Yes I had hoped to buy from a local show... I managed to get 2 / 3 pots... but sadly couldn't find the 3rd... and sadly I can't always plan ahead as it depends mainly on money... I buy when i need... or maybe take out a loan next time...

  18. Off to Stoke Mandeville for Railex....good bye money,,,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bluebell Model Railway

      Bluebell Model Railway

      maybe a couple, but nothing really worth mentioning, mainly paints ect... brought

    3. 69843


      Sounds good then!

    4. Horsetan


      The best things in life are free,

      But you can give 'em to the birds and bees, Just gimme money

      (That's what I want)...

  19. The search for a chassis for my next kit begins...

  20. Fantastic to see the Bluebell are within reaching distance... or a few foot at least away from connecting to East Grinstead... amazing.

  21. Finally got a U-Class! and had a good day at Risex Exhibition too

  22. ahh weekends... what a bore...especially when parts you order have gone awol

  23. looks like ill be looking in to some 3D printing for coaches... should be interesting... i hate cad programs

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