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Everything posted by Brinkly

  1. Has built a couple of wagons and realised that he forgot to order the Bill Bedford W-Irons! Not a happy bunny!

  2. Cheers Al, Perhaps you could try carpet felt as a method. I'm in the process of building a little scene and intend to use it, the worst thing is the length of time that it takes to dry after it has been bleached! Regards, Nick.
  3. Hi Al, I've just discovered your blog! Such lovely work. Just out of interest what have you used for grass, carpet felt or hanging basket liner? Kind regards, Nick.
  4. Hi Martin, In a very old Model Rail the showed how to use Kingspan with Explanding Foam, would you like me to dig the article out? (Excellent idea though) Regards, Nick.
  5. Just spent the last five days in the South of France and didn't want to come home! :-(

  6. Just spent the last five days in the South of France and didn't want to come home! :-(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ozzyo



      why do you keep repeating yourself?

    3. Brinkly


      I don't know I only post it once.

    4. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Were you there for the F1 by any chance? I only caught the practise session but it was fantastic to see and hear the cars for real.

  7. Thank god it's Friday tomorrow! I've already had to have two pints this evening!

  8. Feels completely exhausted! Can't wait till next weekend when I can have a break!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Nothing on? Let the chap get dressed first! :-P

    3. Brinkly


      (hahah!)I don't think they would let nudist into Railex! (And quite right too!)

    4. Brinkly


      (hahah!)I don't think they would let nudist into Railex! (And quite right too!)

  9. That is a cracker of a track plan. Really nice. Regards, Nick.
  10. Has spent a lovely 25th birthday riding on the WSR with the other half! Now she's cooking dinner, I think I picked a winner! ;-)

  11. Has spent a lovely 25th birthday riding on the WSR with the other half! Now she's cooking dinner, I think I picked a winner! ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brinkly


      Thanks for that Tim! I'm sure she would be delighted to come! ;-)


    3. Taz


      Happy birthday mate. Enjoy the rest of the day :)

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Just ask her not to bring any ginger cake!


      By the way, did you know that all your responses to these thingeys are coming up twice at the moment?

  12. Despises hayfever!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      and what's Hayfever's opinion on the matter?!

  13. Really does need to start fitting AJs to wagons!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      No, no, no! You really ought to be fitting 3-links to your wagons. Don't you realise there's an EU Directive on the matter?!

    2. Brinkly


      You have seen me using 3-links, it's painful to watch! ;-)

    3. Brinkly


      You have seen me using 3-links, it's painful to watch! ;-)

  14. I'll say! Looks very good and flowing. B) Do you have anymore photos or track plans?
  15. Has just managed to shut his finger in the car door! Broke the blasted nail and my god it hurst! I've gone off Jags!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brinkly


      Vorsicht finger in Tür!


    3. Taz


      What ya mean? It's how it punishes me if I ignore the sat nav :-p

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      OK then, what if it was a Honda? :-P

  16. Has just got back from a Christening and on the way home bought a couple of wagon kits!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brinkly


      It did indeed! Seeing that the baby in question wasn't very impressed with the whole affair!

    3. Mallard60022


      Go for a Baptism as well and then you could get some more stuff!

    4. Brinkly


      haha! Yes! Well I do enjoy a trip to Winchester!

  17. I drove past Laira Deport this afternoon on my way back from a meeting and slowed up (as much as a dare!) going past allotments. There was a nice rake of tanker wagons sitting at the far end of the deport and my first thought was ‘They look just like Martin’s!’ Regards, Nick.
  18. Has just been told by his brother that my Volvo is very poorly! Two huge holes in the engine block from the failed cambelt. :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kris


      That's not good.

    3. Mike G

      Mike G

      Thats' not poorly, more like terminal! Your wallet has my deepest sympathy.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      But never mind! You just told us that you've got a brand new combine harvester - that'll do for getting to work, surely?!

  19. Why are weekends so short!?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      What Brinkly needs is for this poor benighted country to go back to the early 1970s, when there really was a three-day weekend....

    3. DonB


      Or indeed a 3-day week with 4-day weekends, I remember it well! Nightmare trying to operate a process that required 24 continuous production!

    4. Brinkly


      hahah! Yeah Tim hours and minutes are always a place for confusion! 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, but 24 hours in a day, explain that to a 4 yearold before you even go down the route of 1/4, 1/2 and 1/4 too!

  20. Is preparing to depart for the second of four weekends engagements this month! Perhaps I should become King....

    1. BlackRat


      Depends on what your kingdom is! ;)

  21. Now I've got a brand new Combine Harvester and I'll give you the key!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Whoa there, Horse - calm down!! I know our Brinkly has been described as a handsome fellow, but I wouldn't go quite so far as to describe him as a 'fine-lookin' woman'...!!


    3. Brinkly


      Well only at DRAG captain! Hahah!

    4. BlackRat


      I aint got fortyyyyyyy acres, just two at the mo. It comes of running 6 miles!

  22. I still find it quite beyond belief how fiddly those kits are, you must have the patiences of a saint! I don't think I could do it! Regards, Nick.
  23. Cracking work Martin!B)(I've also just found your blog, glad I have!) It looks so subtle I’ll have to have a go on a couple of my own oil and milk tankers. Thanks for the example.
  24. Is currently undertaking a stock take whilst watching You Only Live Twice!

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