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Everything posted by Mikkel

  1. You're probably the only one who noticed that. Keep 'em coming please.
  2. Ooo, nice detail. Must have been satisfying to do. The ladders look superb.
  3. You'll be running a kennel soon! I suspect the seller of the Dukedog on ebay thought: "Good thing this bloke doesn't know there's a new Dukedog coming out RTR soon. No doubt he's a complete newcomer to railway modelling who knows nothing about Dukedogs" ;-)
  4. Mikkel


    Looks good Chris. The paintjob on the wagons is particularly good, I think. Must try the chaos black on a loco sometime, several people have recommended it.
  5. Your "signature class" :-) Brilliant. What's so amazing about your locos is that they are so neatly and precisely built *and* at the same time have all the character and casual wear of a real-world engine. Such a hard combination to achieve, I think. Oh, and the water on the tank top is superbly done.
  6. The master of the cassette! Your work is so appealing it always makes me want to go and try it out myself :-) And on top of it all, you've discovered a whole new species of grasshopper: Rmwebicus Petecus Barcelonensis
  7. That made me curious so I looked up dyers and scourers on the web. It seems to simply describe someone who dyed and cleaned your clothes for you, eg: http://www.elizabeth...s/dyescour.html And here is a dyer, scourer and hot presser: http://news.google.c...pg=4000,2995813 So this is perhaps basically yesteryears dry cleaners? I really like this scene, it will looks fantastic in model form!
  8. Excuse me Madam, would you mind moving, the tide wants to come in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N15class


      Are we at the seaside?

    3. Mikkel


      No but I wish we were!

    4. Horsetan


      Ooh you are naughty, but I like yer...

  9. Hi Chris. Nice to follow this build. It looks really good so far. It must be very different building a 4mm plastic body compared to a 2mm brass one! The comparison shot with the 2mm version is interesting. I can see what you mean about "presence", although no doubt a 7mm modeller will say the same about a 4mm model :-)
  10. Mouth-watering stuff Nick! I know it's not done yet, but already it looks like a virtually complete scene. The atmosphere is great. I especially like how the grass forms an important part of the scene and "frames it". The short lineside grass in particular is really convincing, I think. As you say it looks like the PW crew are doing a good job here. Someone's going to have to do something about No. 188 though. Wagons tend to roll better on the rails :-) The strainers are exactly the kind of detail that makes a layout such as this interesting. Definetely worth the effort, I think. And now that you've pointed out their existence, I will never be able to look at a GWR layout again without checking if the fencing has strainer posts. The ash colour in the yard looks pleasing enough, but you are probably right that it would benefit from being a bit lighter. But only a little, I think?
  11. Hi Jon, those are fantastic bogies. The brake rodding seems particularly impressive. I must try out zap-a-gap: If it can hold that microstrip in place on the springs (the spring cups) it is just what I need. Thanks for the tip
  12. This will be good. There don't seem to be that many 4mm MR BLTs around, especially in pregrouping days...
  13. Modelling is clearly an extreme sport sometimes! Nice work on the cab, it looks like tricky stuff to get right. PS: A bit unfortunate that the builder can't measure angles. I hope the stairs will be safe enough... ;-)
  14. Totally agree. Modelling is about creating an illusion, and you do it so well. Copying pictures into blog comments is a very advanced technique which only very few people can master. Many have tried but few have succeeded. Sorry guys, but either you have it or you don't. The photo just has to be uploaded anywhere on the web. Then right click it, copy, go to comment, right click again, paste. Or just click "image" icon above and paste in the URL.
  15. Only just found this. Really nice conversion job! But the paintjob is what gives it that extra character, I think. There's a certain style of painting that just somehow looks "right" and characterful on a loco, and I think you've hit it here. I agree. I think it's the bogies next to the large driving wheels that made them look a bit "unbalanced".
  16. Mike, I'm repeating myself, but I find this really superb - both modelling-wise and the way you've captured the 1984 theme. It's understated in just the right way, and therefore very plausible. And you've made steam seem a very realistic part of a futuristic scene - which could easily have looked odd. This shot is pure art, I think. You've got to to post it in the "most realistic" gallery. How did you do the boarded up bits?
  17. Mikkel

    Chim Chiminey!

    Very clever and creative use of plasticard, and the texture looks good too. Inspirational, thanks.
  18. Nice to see you blogging again Ian. And good to hear that the pacemaker is ticking along. I like the idea of a scene mixing domestic and light industrial buildings. This is the kind of messy reality that makes things look real. Am looking forward to seeing the mock-up - oh sorry, the "concept model" :-)
  19. Wow, those have been six eventful weeks. You really made progress. Congratulations. The station looks great! Oh, and did you mention some family stuff too?
  20. Do I really have to prove everything? :-) http://www.flickr.co...ool-971387@N24/
  21. Relax said the nightman, we are programmed to receive.

  22. Great work Captain. Apart from the lovely signal I like the look of the wires on the loading gauge. Looking forward to seeing the cobbles, as I'm thinking of doing some.
  23. Fantastic thread. Thanks to everyone for the photos. For some reason, looking at these images I was left with the thought: There is still hope for the railways. And for the world.
  24. Hi Al. Painted backscenes are not normally my cup of tea, but these look really good. Maybe because you've left them sufficiently abstract and hazy? You have a great eye for this sort of thing. I also really like the 93xxs, not sure what it is - maybe because they're so compact and simple yet full of character. Please can we have some more of these lovely scenes.
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