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Everything posted by 37114

  1. Just a gentle reminder that Peafore Yard is appearing at the T&SG MRC exhibition in Thornbury on the 19th and 20th November, it is not listed on their website but the Exhibition Manager has assured me it is in the plan etc. I apologise in advance for any overpowering spell of Engine oil dominating from the layout due to a recent spillage in the garage but I suppose it will be semi authentic for a Diesel era layout. I will also be in my most whitty mode when posed with questions about if my MK1 BSO is the Hornby version.....
  2. A series 3 only has four fuses, conveniently located on the steering column so you could give them a wiggle while on the move to fix whatever had stopped working. The 12 power outlet is not fused rather worryingly.....
  3. Doh! Knew I should have waited another year before I did a cut and shut to make one! As both my much laboured motorail flats and BSO are about to appear RTR, I think I will hold of on the XP64 coaches for another year..
  4. Now that is nice. Once I have recovered from my series 3 rebuild I would love to do a recreation of the Italian job 2a....
  5. I thought mine needed only mild restoration so think that you have made a wise choice. Looking at a local auction that is coming up for 8 x SWB series 3s, all wrecks but potential parts donors, very tempting....
  6. Amazing video, 80mph through the centre of London and the brakes started to go off!
  7. Saw this little gem in town on wedding duties today: Sufficiently spurred on by the Series 1 and Nidge's photos of his mini wheels, I decided to get my recently restored wheels back onto my project, which enabled it to leave the garage for the first time in 5 months:
  8. Loco on the left is 37072 in all over grey (so you are correct it is not dutch, it was one of a few which never went dutch), looks like it is 37035 on the right.
  9. I went over to my parents this morning with my engine crane to put the engine and gearbox back in my Mum's MGB. The engine and gearbox are the original fitted to the car which has done 300,000 miles (although it has had other engines and gearboxes in during part of that time) To create room the garage had to be emptied of other cars first out the 1970 Midget: This car is lucky to be on the road and owes it's survival to a front end smash in 1984. My dad bought it for spares but on stripping down the front end found the damage to be mostly cosmetic and bodywise it was reasonably sound bar outer sills and wings. It was therefore rebuilt out of bits in the garage and his previous Midget sold. It was originally intended for racing and had some mods including fibreglass bonnet and stripped out interior but my Dad never returned to racing after getting it on the road and it has been gradually returned to standard. Next out was the 1949 MG TC: Bought in the 1960's for £35, My dad has owned it ever since and has had a couple of rebuilds over the years. We both used it to take our respective wives from the church on our wedding day so definitely some sentimental attachments with this. Last out was 1955 Sunbeam MK III: This was out on the road last weekend on a rally hence the mud and was only restored in 2015, having been off the road since 1986. Always behind the MG's on the list to be done, it was only in 2012 that work started in ernest when my Dad retired. Withe the garage emptied and my crane assembled it was on to the job of the day: My Mum has had this car since 1980 as her everyday car hence the high mileage. It has had a number of rebuilds over the years to keep it on the road but as it gets less use now, it has had a bit more work this time for the "final" rebuild. A few hours later the engine was in:
  10. I have used the 3 link it comes fitted with on my stock, no issues so far.
  11. Wish I had sold it Dave in retrospect, Railway modelling is cheaper and arguably less frustrating, plus when something comes in a blue box it doesn't fall apart!
  12. Pallet Lane owes it's inception to Ian Manderson's Easington Lane, I remember seeing it in magazines but also at a show many moons ago (Bath?) and deciding then that it was the standard I wanted to aspire to even if I couldn't match it. Other inspirational layouts for me were Carron Road, Model Rail (when it was a supplement in RAIL) did a spread on it and I was amazed at the time by the quality of the design, the compact nature and the scenic work, while an earlier layout of mine was inspired by Pengwynn Crossing when it first appeared in RM in it's original format.
  13. I haven't been on here much recently due to taking a break from modelling (Land Rover rebuild) so only just found this - WOW! Lovely layout Dave, the coal screen building is an impressive piece of work and love the latest photos, the composure of some of the scenes looks spot on. I also have massive shed envy...
  14. Lovely layout, I have to say the transition of the road from Bridge to backscene is well executed, one of the best I have seen. Looks really good fun to operate as well.
  15. You don't see many MGB's as daily drives these days so I guess most are fair weather cars now, certainly daily use in Winter did nothing for my Mum's. Agree on warm garages for classic cars but with plenty of ventilation in case they get put away wet. BL rust proofing in the 70's seems poor, when I broke up the old Land Rover chassis it was in a very bad way, I think chassis rust proofing was a 10 minute salt water dip followed by black water based emulsion, thankfully the MOD seem to have realised this and treated them accordingly. Hoping that as the Land Rover will have galv chassis and bulkhead will mean it will outlive me.
  16. I think part of the problems with the MGB shell will be the pressings are 60+ years old. The biggest concern for me would be how you properly rust proof the new shell so you don't end up in the same boat in 10 years time. the MGB in particular has some well designed in rust traps (sills, inner rear wings, behind the rear section of front wings to name 3) that need properly protecting which ever route you choose.
  17. Renaults and Mercs seem to be the flavour of the month for general haulage and containers Jo, I don't think we have any Scania's in fleet colours but there are some FH's on the brick and block work. If you do model one and need some help with artwork, let me know and I can get you copies of the logos etc.
  18. Over the years my Mum's has had at least 3 major rebuilds, the gearbox is the original one albeit it had 5 years out of the car but lots of the rest of it has been replaced over the years. Such was the poor quality of rust proofing most of those MGB's on the road have had sills, floors etc. I think most bits of the MGB are still available, like Land Rover bits you need to watch for cheap poor quality part. In the aftermath of the end of MG Rover it was often quoted it was easier to get bits for an MGB or Midget than a ZS, ZR etc.
  19. My mum had an MGB in 1978 and had the same file when Children arrived but instead of getting rid we were made to squeeze in the back! The same car is still here everyday car but currently undergoing full rebuild, it has done over 300k miles.
  20. Yes, was fitted with new Galvanised chassis about 10 years ago, just didn't have the money to do the rest of it at the time, the old chassis was beyond saving.
  21. There is a car in this picture honest! The "sort a few jobs for the MOT" plan has degenerated to virtually a full nut and bolt rebuild, only the axle casings and mud flaps in this picture left the Land Rover factory in 1977...
  22. Agree, definitely worth a visit Kevin, a few decent pubs in the old cobbled streets on the other side of the water on King Street as well.
  23. Looking good as always Jo, bridge has come out well even if you do insist of putting vehicles of a certain haulier on it....
  24. I was behind YE54 BUS and also FA54VER the other day as well. Interesting models, I take it being in Gloucestershire you have seen the work of the Mellor brothers who exhibit at the Cheltenham show? I bought an EFE Atlantean at the last exhibition I was at which will get repainted into this soon: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fray_bentos/3207007433/in/photolist-5ToKzB-ksBHkF-fa873E-avwLCF-q68xrE-oiVR98-bDuHYD-oAfJnU-cbubJJ-fFrQBK-6eQaFz-rrQGkP-hLzmkh-oj7jr5
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