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Everything posted by carlw

  1. Hi all, It's been just over 3 months since I put the last update on here, that's not to say I haven't been working away on the layout and stock. Although I did take a bit of a break over the summer to spend some time with the family. As mentioned in an earlier post, while at Lydd rail it was suggested that I could add in the fuel road at the front to help break up the end of the scenic section and also add some operational interest. Work has started on this and the track and wiring for it is complete. I have made a start on the building which is now in need of detailing. For the floor surface I think that I'm going to get some etched mesh as that appears to be what the floor is built of on the real thing. Stock wise I have been working on a few things. I will show two of the items here that have made the most progress. The first is a 73 which has been repainted from EWS (yuk) into the original Dept. Grey. I think that of the 4 locos that received this livery 73106 lasted the longest, and as Steve already has 108. It will become 73106. Here is a 3D model of a Halibut that has taken a long time to get to this point. Mainly because the yellow paint took about 6 weeks to dry. Which is very odd as the white primer and the grey was set in 24hrs. I have been purchasing bits and pieces over the last few weeks and I will add an update for these in the future, some of which have already made it onto the workbench. Last for today's update is something that from looking at the layout you won't notice, but it will make exhibiting it more interesting and also stop the big hand of God visiting all the time. I have added 7 Seep electromagnet uncouplers. So a big task now will be adding the little etch to the peco couplers and maybe even converting some of the Farish couplers into peco ones (Steve I might need your help with that please). Cheers Carl
  2. If that's poor modelling then I dread to think what you must think of some of mine. Yours is up there as some of the best I have seen. Carl
  3. Looking good Simon. Is it a fridge graveyard? Carl
  4. The layout ran well for me also. Except when this dodgy operator forgot about the fiddle yard points. ;-) Cheers Carl
  5. Having spent most of yesterday helping Steve operate Lymebrook yard. It's an amazing layout in such a small space, so I'm looking forward to reading your right up on the layout. Carl
  6. I have had a great weekend away at Lydd Rail where Hither Green made its debut. After a bit of work (cleaning wheels) the layout ran well. After several conversations a few upgrade ideas were decided upon. The biggest change will happen at the front right hand end of the layout, where to hide the exit to the fiddle yard and also to add a bit more height it was agreed that I should add the fuel point shed. Not only will this add to the scenics but it will also allow a bit more operating interest as trains could be delivered to the sidings and locos cut off to be refueled before being stabled in the loco sidings. Cheers Carl
  7. Afternoon all, A little update this week. Mainly so that Andrew knows I'm not being lazy and that I'm still working away on these wagons. I think I have done about 400 transfers this week. Here are an example of 3 wagons that have seen my attention this week. Only 2 more weekends to get stuff done, better make the most of the time left. Carl
  8. Andrew, Looking really good, I think that control panel will put most people's layout to shame. That's enough tippy tappy from me. Off to the loft to do some more work on the layout Carl
  9. Hi Kev, Long time no update :-) The layout is coming along nicely. Carl
  10. Steve, Can only do so much, paint and varnish needs time to dry ;-). Been doing other bits and pieces in the mean time. I think I was in the loft for about 5 hours today.
  11. Hi all, Lost of work done this weeks. Only 4 weeks left until Lydd Rail so the push for the finish line is gathering pace, with lots of my spare time spent in the loft. First job complete is the painting of all facia and back boards black. You would not beleive how hard it was to get B&Q to sell me a Black paint. I'm also still up to my eyeballs with transfers. I think that this week I have done somewhere I the region of about 250 individual transfers. The 10 Seahorses took 88 by themselves ( luckily they come as a pack so all letters and numbers are in groups on the sheets. I don't think I will get all wagons complete by Lydd Rail but I'm sure I came forgiven ;-). Cheers Carl
  12. I was only 7 Andy. Wow. Surly Mr Wade was only in secondary school when he built these :-)
  13. Clive, That's starting to look really good. Carl
  14. All except the tops code letters are Railtec the letters are from Fox.
  15. Oh wow didn't think you would still have them. Not looking bad for about 30 years old?
  16. Hi, Thanks for the feedback. For the Railstores wagons I have used Humbrol 80. Cheers Carl
  17. Thanks Steve I am feeling really please with how this has turned out, it has turned out to be a good proving ground for the scenery for TWY (which has been neglected over the last year). But the benefit with this layout is that it has allowed me to get on with stock which can be used on both layouts. The Wagons are coming along nicely, I think I have done 500+ indivual transfers so far. I think the only transfers which won't be complete on the by Lydd rail are the numbers. I have email Steve at Railtec to see if he could do me a pack for them rather than me having to do each number one by one. I have found a bit of time to start on a BY van and a SR CCT. I have had to strip the Halfords primer off them and re do it as the paint ran out as I was doing them and splattered on them. I have painted the facia boards black last week and they look really smart. I have been thinking about how to make Mr Tailby happy about dimensions this week, I might cut out some card to cover all but one of the fiddle yard roads so that the only one left to use would fit within the 288sq CM rule ;-) Cheers Carl
  18. I will make sure I bring a tape measure to make sure you abide to the rules, especially the ones on size! ;-)
  19. Are you actually building this layout. I thought it was only George who builds the layouts ;-)
  20. Maybe we could have an award for who broke the rules the most
  21. A nice image of Mr Farmers layout
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