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Blue Max

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Status Updates posted by Blue Max

  1. S4 & EM mags arrived here also, as well as Railway Modeller. Still can't find a copy of Feb. BRM locally after a week of trying, given up on finding one in local stores now, will have to order on line.

  2. Things aren't all bad, just won a Coopercraft coach and Slaters NER Brake van on ebay, just need arm to mend so I can build them

    1. Ozexpatriate


      Off you pop to Madame Pomfrey in the infirmary. She'll put it right with a spoonful of Skelegrow.

  3. Fractured arm- just brilliant!!

    1. Londontram


      Could have been worse...... it could have been me. Seriously though shite way to start the new year

  4. First operating session with DCC N Gauge at Peterborough tomorrow, hope I don't get many spads

  5. I've just met Dick Turpin in the local Vauxhall dealers, £600 for a new air conditioning pump on a car thst has only done 8,000 miles. Daylight robbery

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I always thought Mr. Turpin was the guy who set the fares on most TOCs.


      A lot of them seem to be set at expense account distress purchase levels.

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Saying that, car insurance premiums also seem to be set at more than the market can bear.


      I suspect there might be a reason for Harvey Keitel (who played a gangster in "Pulp Fiction") advertising insurance - it all seems to be a racket.

    4. Slohcin


      Isn't it still under warranty?

  6. I've just met Dick Turpin in the local Vauxhall dealers, £600 for a new air conditioning pump on a car thst has only done 8,000 miles. Daylight robbery

  7. Just getting the shopping list together for York this weekend,something tells me this could be an expensive day out

    1. Rowsley17D


      yes, me too. List all at the ready. There on Monday.

  8. Looking for a company to make prints from glass plate negatives

    1. Boris


      Unlikely, you either need to make a rig using a flatbed scanner (google) or contact your local photography club to see about contact prints.

    2. auld_boot


      Or maybe try your local college for evening courses and learn to do contact prints yourself, but wear old clothes if you do as that developer stains anything it can!

    3. Echo


      See if you can get them digitised - you can get infinite prints off them and put them on the web if you want to then

  9. Looking for a company to make prints from glass plate negatives

  10. After almost 3 months of trying to get a date for the safety mod to my Hotpoint tumble dryer, I am no closer. 4 phone calls to different departments this morning with no joy. What incredibly poor customer service. Help!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is there some major product fault, then?

    3. BlackRat


      I rung, they delivered a replacement which is not quite the same model......called them as I needed to register it to be told......ohhhh that's one of the ones we need to replace......you couldn't make it up!

    4. admiles



  11. WCML closed north of Carlisle until February, government needs to find the funding to complete the reinstatement of the Waverley route in its entirety!

    1. newbryford


      Possible change of travel plans for Glasgow Ex if not fixed intime.....

    2. vitalspark


      Should be ok by then.

      Much less funding and easier to properly upgrade and double the G&SW route from Carlisle.

  12. So who's going to be first to post 'Where's my MRJ 243, it's late again'?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zero Gravitas

      Zero Gravitas

      Can't reply as I am too busy sitting by the letterbox waiting for it to drop through...

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I still haven't read 242 yet, despite moaning it was late and having to call Cygnet...

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I've installed a new, wider letterbox specially.

  13. Backs gone again, where's the extra strong pain killers

  14. Backs gone again, where's the extra strong pain killers

  15. Placed bid on Ebay for a NER Carriage Door Key yesterday, pretty annoyed that the listing has been removed.Was prepared to pay a good price for the item, hope the seller has sold himself short

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      you may find it was removed by ebay, i tried to sell a vintage railway key a few years back and it was taken down

    3. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      This is the second tim ethis has happened for a carriage key, so perhaps big jim is right

    4. Horsetan


      Out of interest, why does eBay remove old carriage keys?

  16. Great day at Toddington, Wadebridge and Wells on one train, excellent

  17. Great day at Toddington, Wadebridge and Wells on one train, excellent

  18. Pete Waterman reached an agreement with Peak Rail to move his locos there for restoration - happy days

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      I wonder if the Haddon Estate is still implacably opposed to Peak Rail extending through their land?

    3. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      My thoughts exactly Horsetan,can see Mr Waterman wanting to extend at least as far as Bakewell if he has any say in the matter

    4. Horsetan


      Old money comes up against new money.

  19. Early start for York in the morning Model exhibition then NRM, perhaps a bit ambitious?

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      may see you there

    2. 25901


      Becarefull of Sheffield and yellow 158's lol

    3. Astockfan101


      and the fell of doom!

  20. Had a good look round the WD 2.8.0 at K&W Gala today, can the slush fund extend to a Bradwell kit?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I've had one for a while. What I'd like to do is pick up another one and see if it can be converted to the 2-10-0 version...

    3. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      naughty. Don't give him ideas. Wouldn't you need two chassis though to cut and shut an extension piece in?

    4. DougN


      Dave will sell you the bits. no doubt!

  21. Glengoyne or Glenturret, decisions decisions!!!

  22. Glengoyne or Glenturret, decisions decisions!!!

  23. Kemilway coach etches arrived, took 8 months from order but well worth the wait

    1. Horsetan


      Only eight months?

  24. So the broadcaster Peter Snow has a 60 metre oo gauge layout in his loft, that sounds pretty impressive

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Pics or didn't happen.

    3. BoD


      There's an interview somewhere with him showing it to John Humphries. (his layout, not his swingometer)

    4. Adams442T


      He must spend all his time winding those Hornby clockwork engines up!

  25. LMS Liveried Beyer Garret imminent from Hattons (in next week?)

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