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Barry O

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Everything posted by Barry O

  1. so its your fault Pete?😄 Nope its the arcane planning system which isn't used elsewhere in the world except in the UK as we live in a democracy .. unlike other countries which are really run by "dictats".. and .. ?referendums? Last one of those created chaos here in the land of the free... Baz
  2. The layout has an interesting source of LNWR locos available.. its the wagons and coaches which would be a problem.. Baz
  3. Ey up! Train arrived 29 minutes late last night. My gripe is.. "its everyone else's fault" My contacts in the Rail World suggest that an "interview without coffee" with DaFT, LNER senior management or Network Fail senior management wouldn't have any impact.. they are just not capable of delivering customer service.. or even handling a face to face discussion with a paying customer. .. pah! Next up.. mugatea then prep for my cricket meetings.. Stay safe! Hope our less than 100% fit ERs are making progress health wise! Baz
  4. Drilling holes in mountains is nowhere near as hard to organise as buying up parcels of land from individuals.. then getting through planning etc.. Baz
  5. Very nice.. shame a certain Welsh O gauge layout is no longer out and about... Baz
  6. A new excuse.. my train home has been delayed by "Congestion" despite a number of cancellations due to an incident then a dewiring on the East Coast Main line. An absolute belter! Been a long day.. more cricket meetings tomorrow.. pah! DaFTmake it up as they see fit.. perhaps when they are forced to travel on the zooomas they will change their tune..although I doubt it. The major coverall is.. "environmental impact.. yep so we need carp seats to save the world... Doesn't matter though.. on a proper train home.. a Class 91 and a set of Mark IV coaches.. with full catering facilities
  7. I have also walked bits of that line.. Baz
  8. Whatever you call them they are carp! Seats.. poor. No toast available as no space for a toaster 9 car diesel/ electric set) run by very poor company.. (change of ownership but its the management who are clueless. Staff very dispirited..) Not helped by an awful interior colour scheme which is very dreary... Now 30 minutes late.. and my coach has a few minor wheel flats as ride is "bumpy" Baz
  9. Ey up! From the Late and Never Early First Class Lounge at Leeds Station. Currently Billy no mates as very few people seem to be Waiting for trains... (and I couldn't get on an earlier one as all seats reserved.. ok..so where are the people?? Swearing... well a combination of village rugby, rocket science delivery etc over the years has taken its toll (I learned some new words while in the Boatyard in Barrow). I seem to cut out swear words most of the time but react to being in the company of others who are using them). Time to.. go get on the azooooommmerrr... Baz
  10. At least the New Zealanders don't have snales or venomous spiders.. they do have ... the Kiwi...which attacks your shins in the dark when you can't see them.... well, apart from the albino one... Baz
  11. Ey up! Welcome back to a fellow SAFC follower @Smiffy2. Yes a lot of ERs are no longer with us.. some are still sort of around us but post very rarely.. if at all. Has a strange email about cricket yesterday.. a follow up conversation is required.. At least other countries seem to have avoided the two corporate disaster areas seen 8n Britain .. splitting up "big" companies to gain better shareholder value.. ICI, Vickers as prime examples..and " using borrowed money buy a company and sink under the interest payments as you have been allowed to buy something you can't afford" (ie ASDA, Morrisons) ..who makes money out of these deals? Could it be the Financial whizz kids? I am expecting one of the companies mentioned above going belly up shortly... When BAE and GEC Marconi came together the company changed from being an engineering lead one to suffering from "bean counter" syndrome... Time to get up, have my tea and kick Tuesday down the road a bit. For all ERs who are ailing or having medical interventions today may I wish you well! Baz
  12. "Gurt" is used in Barnsley to replace wife/girlfriend/woman...took ages for my mate (who's job moved to Barnsley) to realise this... Baz
  13. Ey up! Memories and dates trigger the release of my particular beasty. It was the same last year at this time.. I was in the sun in Australia at the time so its not linked to SAD. Baz
  14. Watching the Red Zone.. New York Jets are playing.. in the snow... Why watching the End Zone? Trying to keep a very large very back Black beastie in place. 46 years ago I was in the last year at Uni. Finals were looming as were a couple of very important dissertations.. then the big C took my old mum away from us... Found out today my late cousins' (who also succumbed to the big C ) daughter is on Palliative Care. .. again from the big C... Life is a bugg£r sometimes.... Bas
  15. Never had any problems with Gibson loco wheels.. and I seem to have used lots of them especially as the Markits wheels are very hard to get hold of (and are a bit wide treaded). Bad
  16. We have a number of ships which are a bit worn out (HMS Westminster is one) There is only 1 LPD active at any one time.. they have to use the other as spares to keep its sister "alive". Last two surface ships launched off the slips at Barrow. Baz
  17. Ey up! I have reinforced the lock and chain on my particular Black pooch despite historical items which are remembered at this time of year. I am in London for a meeting on Wednesday. The tube is "closed" due to a lack of "action" from some of the "work" force.... could be people don't bother going I to London.. less people .. less trains.. less maintenance.. less workforce required...... Time to drink my tea and venture off into the world. Baz
  18. He has been for some time. @PupCamdid contact him .. he hoped to get back to ERs once he managed to lock the black dog away. Baz
  19. Hmm.. Teddy Bear fur.. well, the late Dave Walker brought its use into the Leeds MRS in the late 1970s. His O Gauge Highland Railway layout (Laxford Bridge) featured its use. Can't remember if he used it on his OO layouts, It just happened he could get a fair bit of the "fur" either free or very cheaply. Dave was very, very good with all things "Artisty" and it was a game changer back then. Baz
  20. Ey up! Slept well. Off to the MRS later to crate up a lot of wooden boxes with parallel bits of metal on them. That's my afternoon taken care of! Watched a programme about Ferdinand Porsche last night. A lot "dumbed down" unfortunately but it filled a gap inthe evening. Time to gerronwithit! Stay safe! Baz
  21. went for a walk, answered 3 cricket related phone calls then answered three cricket related Emails.. No wine delivery today the delivery van is not playing today. An old boss of mine loved beetroot and cheddar sandwiches for lunch. Rarely did his shirt remain unstained! Baz
  22. Ey up! English language and Grammar has never been the same since the start of importing and screening American Television programmes. Today will involve a walk, a purchase andcollection of some bakery produced items and a fair bit of waiting for a delivery from the Wine Society. As I am currently"alcohol free" it may be a while for me to sample the delights being delivered by the aforementioned Society. I watched a programme about Korean shipbuilders yesterday. Oops the engine wouldn't fit into the engine room.. gas axes soon fettled that.. Time to drink my tea and gerronwithit. Thoughts are with our "missing" ERs. Baz
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