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    South East Northumberland
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    Modern Image 00 modelling

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  1. Why do I receive notifications about topics I'm not remotely interest in?

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Spend some time to learn the new systems and you will find it can be customised to taste. How is a server supposed to know what you are interested in or not? Do Ocado turn up at your door with everything you want if should haven't ordered anything?

    2. Alcanman


      On the old RMWeb I only received notifications regarding topics I followed, so that server seemed to know what I was interested in.  I hate to moan but the new RMWeb seems far too complicated. I guess I'm just an old dinosaur. 

    3. MarshLane


      It may just be things that you’ve followed in the past but long since turned the notifications off. With the reset it’s turned them back on by default - try just going through your content list and ‘unfollowing’ or turning off the notifications for anything you don’t want. The software really is no more difficult than it was, things are just in different places or the names have changed over the years.

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