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Everything posted by richbrummitt

  1. There is no fear, all I have to do is make sure that the wagons stay in the siding. There is a catch point, but it'd be a farce if the stock just derailed itself once uncoupled from a loco. I think if I had to take it all up this would be round the tip to be replaced with new baseboards for Tiddington.
  2. Marginally, but I can't buy anything in boxes for use directly. Even the rather good mathieson wagons need their headstocks drilled for couplings, a wheel swap, and the brake shoes chamfering for clearance. That's about as close as I'll get.
  3. Images sorted now. The stray wire in the first picture is an incoming feed to either the track or the uncoupling magnets that for some reason has decided to detach itself and needs putting right with the soldering iron.
  4. Cheers Kris. I couldn't remember other individuals whom I knew had done such when writing this entry. I'd like to know what I need to do to make the pictures embedded rather than linked to the gallery. I notice that I am over 10,000 views now. I'm sure that's a few people visiting a very many times but it's nice to be noticed.
  5. I've started work moving the layout forward again. Here's a photograph of progress since I got back from Peterborough. Progress has gone backwards to move forwards. I've printed out and mocked up the main railway buildings, the station and signal box. I want to get these started, and they can be worked on and completed before being incorporated into the layout when it is ready. That bit is all fine so far. You will see that a large chunk of the rear siding has been removed. It seems fashionable to tear up the track if you have a 2mm layout. Julia did it on Highclere to improve the foundations of what I am sure will be a superb layout in all respects when finished. Others have followed in an effort to improve running. Unfortunately I am in a different category. I got it wrong! Have a look at the following images that I have showing the actual yard area. Yes, all the photos are from the Oxford end because the location is in a pretty tight spot between the Asylum (now flats) and a pair of semi-detached houses, with the best vantage point being the road bridge at the end of the platform. They all show the siding next to the wall at a higher elevation than the rest of the area. I'm sure the wall was pre-existing (the siding was added later anyway) and therefore the ground level could not and in case there was no need for it to) be lowered. This was going to create a problem for me with a siding on an incline and I tried to keep all the track on the same level. I hoped that the viewer could be deceived with an alternate ground contour. You will see from the next pictures of how the ground on the model would be, and how ridiculous it would appear. I concluded therefore that the siding had to come up nearly three scale feet to be closer to platform level, unless any reader has an alternative idea based on the evidence and circumstances?
  6. On 6 wheeled stock with a moving underframe I fit the springs to the underside of the solebar and allow enough gap between the spring and the axlebox.
  7. parcels with lathe ancilliaries coming in thick and fast.

    1. eastwestdivide


      I bet you don't know which way to turn.

    2. ozzyo


      That will cost you, then your moniker will go to skintbrummitt.

    3. richbrummitt


      I've been considering these for a long time and they're approved by management. £700 of car tyres today eclipses my tool spend, but was a necessary evil.

  8. So where's the pictures/videos of the trains running :-p
  9. I thought you moved recently? Maybe that was someone else.
  10. the wallet is taking a battering on eBay tonight

    1. richbrummitt


      paypal balance now more than depleted. Time to stop.

  11. That is really neat. The pictures don't convey how small that is, even with the rule for scale. I don't think that the knife marks look bad at all. I'm not sure if they add something: you often get some kind of marking around the white lines if the road has been re-surfaced or even just re-lined. I agree with your supposition that they will probably fill up and disappear with further painting. Once again your perserverance and dedication has paid dividends.
  12. Ah yes, unpacking. I still have some of that to do after 6+ years (not trying to claim any record - I know there are people who can top that by a decade or more). Got a cricked neck looking at some of those pictures. It'll be nice to see progress on the loco =)
  13. New toy (Proxxon MF70) built. Now to find something to make with it.

    1. ozzyo


      Now starts the leaning presses of milling machines.

  14. Rebate the board to fit the turntable properly. We can figure out a way to do it neatly next time I'm over.
  15. I have seen this done and was an option in my mind. Thanks for mentioning it though. It will serve as a reminder. Not awkward (okay maybe a little). We'll try to take any kind of money =D Thank you for the kind comments about the layouts. The 3D printed items were GWR passenger cattle boxes. I do have an SECR utility van made from a backdated chivers finelines kit. Pete and Nick, thanks for the encouragement. I have to try and keep to a plan now...
  16. Oh dear. I had a day out on the 2mm association stand with Littlemore today and the conversation went something like: "Are you going to exhibit your layout then?" "Yes." "When do you plan to have it ready for?" "If I have it in a somewhat presentable state within a couple of years I'll be reasonably happy." "Would you come to such and such exhibition?" "Er..." "When is it?" "I'm not sure I want to commit to anything right now." "Usually January." "Oh, okay." "Shall we say January 2014 then?" "Yes, provisionally..." This really isn't very far away and I haven't done anything on the layout since the golden jubilee expo last year so I've got a lot of work to do before this deadline! I have recently come around to the idea that I can make stock at any time but need a layout to play with them on. I have sufficient items that, although not correct to the time period I wish to present, could just about scrape through a weekend exhibiting. First up is re-designing the switch operation. Although it worked I had doubts about it's long term robustness and the pitfalls of adjustability. This was realised when I tried to re-attach the switch rail that some scrote managed to detach whilst the layout enjoyed a day out at Alexander Palace earlier this year. It is back on in the right place relative to the other rails, but not throwing properly. The difficulty will be doing this with the track in place on a 7/8" thick trackbed of plywood! I've also decided that the rear siding should not be at the same level as the rest of the of track. Looking at pictures in the three books covering the line it is clear that the gradient here increases to almost platform level. The whole siding therefore needs to be inclined so that the stops are three scale feet higher than they currently are. This worries me a bit because free rolling wagons will not tend to stay where they are put, but it looks really odd trying to cheat the ground level here to keep the rails level. Also to be sorted out before finishing the trackbed will be the installation of (hopefully working) ground signals. These will be the rotating can type indicator signals. The only thing that I have done recently is scale plans for the station building and a type 5 signal box cut them out and mock up to see what the major buildings will look like in place. I can safely say that this blog is about to get more concerned with the subject of it's title, and less of my dithering about making miscellaneous wagons.
  17. No problem. That carriage is really nice. I'm going to order some 4 wheelers from shire scenes so it might get added to the list. I'm not sure whether what I built for my midland OCT is micron art or shire scenes. I'd go for something different with the livery, maybe light green like Kimberly? You can make the livery more or less challenging by the amount (or lack of) lining. As an idea you could print out some liveries slapped on in the computer and see what looks good and fits in with the scene at Highbury.
  18. I liked these (particularly the OCT with carriage) when I saw them. Is it from the ex-PC kits available through Ultima?
  19. I've only ever used the SMP. The C&L looks a bit nicer from what I remember but, as you rightly point out, who looks at it that closely. The flat bottom and bullhead rail only need to align vertically and horizontally. You don't need to have any rail joiners as long as you have power to both sides of what would otherwise become an isolating gap in both rails. I would pack up the thinner sleepers on plywood or slightly thicker cork/card (or whatever you prefer for your trackbead) to account for the difference in total depth of the track and sleeper between the two types.
  20. I think to convey the feeling of the area you need some mountains, but maybe just as pale silhouettes - as if it is a really drab day with limited visibility, to suggest they are there without them taking any focus. I particularly like the view from a small boat too.
  21. Wheels are necessary for the pile of coach bogies that are getting built. I acquired a couple of books and bits and pieces. As such I'm now reading Edwardian Enterprise and have drawings for a type 5 signal box. I already have the station building drawings for Littlemore so that's the two main buildings that have to be modelled covered. Just got to clear some space to start them
  22. It was good to meet you. I bought more than £30 worth of rolling stock wheels. Far less exciting than your purchases.
  23. richbrummitt


    Agreed with Kris. Keeping it simple and achievable is paramount to completing and ultimate enjoyment (which is what you built it for). I think the last thing you need right now is another larger project alongside CJ-M sapping your Mojo.
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