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Everything posted by 5050

  1. Hi Frank, interesting thread. I picked up a Bachmann Mogul last year at Wakefield for peanuts, unused but with damaged slidebars one side. I immediately went round to see Andrew and bought a Comet chassis for loco and tender. Having seen this thread (and the dicussion we had at Wakefield - last year?) about your tender drive I'm assuming that using the Comet chassis with it would be perfectly OK. If so, put me down on the list for one as well please!
  2. As the length of a layout like this is always going to be but a fraction of the length of an equivalent prototype I wouldn't worry to much about fidelity. Make sure that the lengths of the sidings are such that doing the shunting isn't to easy, make them just long enough to hold 'x' number of wagons so that the procedure of shunting needs a fair amount of thought before and during moves. On my 'Enigma Engineering' layout I did this and also used a simple card system to determine which wagons went where. An Inglenook design is, I know, totally different to EE but a card system does ensure some level of purpose to movements.
  3. I've still got my cache of wrappers. Getting bigger every day. If you want some I can post them with an SAE. PM me for my address.
  4. Thanks for a quick reply James. I understand now that the locos come in completely assembled.
  5. As a point of interest for P4 modellers, would you be able to supply body (and cylinders) only? I don't doubt that your chassis will be excellent but if conversion isn't easy this would be a good alternative.
  6. My first company car was an Allegro. A sort of baby-poo mustard colour. Ate front wheel bearings for breakfast (and not inna bun!). Mind you, with front wheel drive it would go where Cortinas feared to tread. Got me home from Manchester in late'79/early '80 (?) when the M62 shut with snow. Passing Cortinas etc. as they lay dying in ditches...................
  7. That's the first version Tim, 'a little bit more' actually seems to have quite a bit more!
  8. Wow! I picked mine up at a show (Doncaster BRM?) a few years ago for a few quid. Probably been remaindered at the price I paid - which I actually forget now
  9. A transistorised controller with a centre off. To me, that's a rare beast. I would rather have that than a switch like on my Gaugemasters.
  10. All the info you'll ever need on Kitmaster and Airfix in here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lets-Stick-Little-Bit-More/dp/1906919496
  11. I have some thin (1.5mm approx) self adhesive black foam that came with a kit for a loco/wagon work cradle and I stick a small piece of this to the underside and/or topside of the motor depending on how much clearance there is inside the boiler. But I have also done this where the motor has had to be positioned 'high' to fit right inside a boiler. A short lengths of brass tube soldered to both the back edge of the gearbox and the top edge of the chassis. In practice I solder one longer length and cut as necessary. In use the drill is replaced by a length of suitable wire.
  12. Specific liveries can be seen as more 'restricting' to those who model their own 'freelance' (I use the word with caution!) layout. I've removed names etc. from locos because they wouldn't fit with my 'prototype' whereas the basic livery would.
  13. I'm always nice to him Just hedging my bets......................
  14. You consider that easy? There's also the need to make new part axles to fit the EM/P4 wheels onto - providing of course that the axle holes/bearing surfaces are 1/8" - and to ensure they are able to fit tightly onto the new centre section. All in all definitely not 'pretty easy'!
  15. You would still be left with a relatively expensive OO chassis to find a new home for.
  16. This is a bit tempting I must admit. For P4 I would make my own simple chassis and probably use the Peckett wheel centres supplied by Dave Bigcheeseplant along with High Level gearbox of suitable dimension. I'm sure Ruston Dave would be able to assist with the fine details
  17. Granted, but it will depend on how the gears are fitted/formed. If they are separate sprockets fitted onto a 1/8" axle then they may be removable and fitted to a 1/8" axle such as the AG ones. If however they are moulded as a one piece central section of a 3-part axle (with possible split frame current collection) then conversion - without an awful lot of work - is well nigh impossible.
  18. Why be sorry? P4 and EM modellers do tend to do a lot for themselves as a matter of course. That's probably why they work to these standards in the first place. I also use a LOT of plastic in my modelling - including wheels which I do not really have any option not to.
  19. Of course, I could always build an OO layout using the new bullhead track and points that are now available.................
  20. Well, to me it means that swopping wheels and axles for suitable alternatives such as Gibson wheels could be rather difficult given all the cogs and suchlike that would have to be transposed to the new axles. Captain K's idea of JE chassis would work I suppose - but what would you do with the OO chassis? Find a 7mm narrow gauge modeller possibly that would pay a realistic price for it? May as well buy the JE kit and have all the pleasure of building it.
  21. I meant it! Especially for those of you who may be diabetic, lactose, gluten or nut intolerant, losing weight or just don't like chocolate. I've got several more now too.
  22. Dear me - all this and the 15xx and Hudswell!! I wonder how friendly my bank manager is these days......... I would echo the comments about P4 and EM conversions. Having a keeper plate is good - provided the axles are 1/8" and adequate clearance behind the crossheads is useful too.
  23. OMG, a 15XX AND one of these!! I'll start saving my pocket money now! As asked on the 15XX thread and already asked here above, how easy will it be for conversion to P4 and EM? 1/8" axles and drop out wheelsets would be a definite advantage. No need for valve gear clearance here!
  24. I'm tempted, sorely tempted, really tempted etc. etc...................................... How will it be for conversion to P4 and EM? Plenty of room between the valve gear and crossheads for instance? 1/8" axles? Drop out wheelsets?
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