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Everything posted by 81C

  1. I used to do that Phil I could make £100- £200 a day I always carrier rock salt on the van in the winter. Stavros
  2. I've for the prefect car for GDB it has plenty of head room inside. https://www.ebay.co.uk/b/Berlingo-Camper/121904/bn_55195241 BTW it has a flavoured windscreen as well so you don't have to sit in the back.
  3. Rob can you let me know if you find a photo of a 1361 with shirtbutton livery besides 1363 spent all day yesterday going through the library with no success. What I did find was a set of 1361 plates which just might fall on my loco with some Masterpiece figures.
  4. So your in the "DOUBLE PINK" team then Rob The Heljan one's are OK my two have not had much in the way of running yet but perform well with Gaugemaster DC controllers I ducked out of a Kernow one as the electonic track cleaners I use fry coreless motors one thing I did was to see mine running at the store before buying. My only beef with the loco's are the footplate edges are a bit rough and will need attention of a file & paint as well as straightening a few things up at the end of the day it's down to personal choice I'm happy with them if I wasn't they would have stayed in the shop.
  5. Small world an old class mate's wife was Mungo's sister in law all the girls in that family were go go dancers their mum ran the bar in my old local, not a lot of people know that. Enjoy the snow you all . Maurice Joseph Micklewhite .
  6. You can damage them by trying to pull them out as I have found, 2 of some that I have had the buffers glued in.
  7. There are screws underneath hidden by the brake rigging they hold the deck onto the chassis, you need to carefully push the buffers out from behind the drawbar there's a small amount of plastic showing once they are out of the way the body should come off. Cheak out the 6 wheeled Toad thread I believe there is a photo.
  8. You could always swop it for a Hornby Smokey Joe it's top speed can match warp factor 9 of the Starship Enterprise.
  9. If the footplate plastic then I'm surprised most small tank loco's have cast one's these days I'd be intrested to see what they could pull before slipping with that gear train they have, still with a plastic footplate it at least gives anyone half a chance to carve those humps off, what a shame it was a well thought out model until the "Carbuncle Jinx" desended I do hope Chris can at least get a return on them.
  10. Thats a sore point I believe Chris at Kernow is the only one that can tell you what went on unless Mike knows I lost interest in the model some years ago when I found out it had a coreless motor going into it.
  11. I don't cower from any women except the SWMBO.
  12. Going to do a bit of MODELLING today OOOOooo somethings gone wrong with my fonts.
  13. Brian if you you are taking about the 1361 loco's they remained untouched till the end the 1366 Panniers were an additonal group Mike might enlighten us here I'm sure I read somewhere they were to make up the numbers of the scrapped CMR loco's to cover dock work. Having done a bit of checking (Kernows web site)1363 was and odd ball with bits placed on willy nilly to get the thing out of the workshop due to spares shortage of the class I think Castle Pendennis Castles Dad at Didcot said 1363 had a front cylinder from one of the scrapped engnes I hope Mike again could clarify that, the Heljan loco seems wrong for 1363 which was caused by the tank change I'm happy to renumber mine and try to deal with the too tall safety valve bonnet. J.T.L. Appy
  14. I found these cleaned up and painted good platform fillers. https://www.peco-uk.com/product.asp?strParents=3298,3301&CAT_ID=3305&P_ID=16818
  15. Knocked this up in the warm I managed to get Newton Abbot from the HMRS sheet it looks as if I will have to do the name again it's a bit skewiff and the G has slipped.
  16. Sorry for replying so late I missed your post you might have found out by now but this is what you want. http://www.hattons.co.uk/18792/Bachmann_Branchline_36_010_Pair_of_Collett_bogies/StockDetail.aspx
  17. Thanks for the info' Mike I knew about the saddle tank am I right in saying it came off one of the Cornish loco's I might try and find what one is the nearest to mine and do a few mods I'll read up on what you wrote about them earlier, that particular loco was bought for the livery rather than the number those plates have yet to be purchased and most of the errors seem to appear on the Kays kit like most makers are just guessing at things lately.
  18. Knock me down with a feather, but it doesn't have splashers and below footplate resemblance of something made by Lego, would you be comparing it with the one at Didcot in current build state?. I suppose ill have to hide it in the shed. B.Rastoff
  19. Mike your good lady might like this place and if you get a window seat you might be able to see some trains. https://www.dundasarms.co.uk/pub-restaurant/
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