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Everything posted by muddys-blues

  1. Andy you will be fine ..... I have felt a prick many times !!! And continue to do so every 4 months. Good luck today
  2. That's good a crowd funding project that doesn't even introduce who they are !!! If I was running that I would like my prospective customers at the very least know who I am running this project, especially when you are asking people to handover £600. Come on gents at least do the prospective punter a service of knowing who you are ...... not just having to ring a mobile number first. Good luck with the venture anyway Craig.
  3. Stunning pictures Jints, stunning weathering, but this picture really really does it for me, many thanks Craig
  4. Looks stunning that Jints ..... Many thanks Craig.
  5. Agreed ..... but it would have been magnificent in 7mm ;-) Best regards Craig
  6. Bala = 4 letters !!! Blaenau = 7 ....... Peters keep up lad are you daydreaming ??
  7. Does that kettle thingy 'me bob loco clickety clack a lot along that track ? ...... that small scale layout is just begging to be ripped up Best regards Craig.
  8. Ooh in the words of Master Yoda ... worms, off, can, he, his, does, open. ;-)
  9. Ooh nice auto coach Andy, has it got passenger warnings on the inside of the doors to warn the punters they will get their blocks knocked off if they stick them out before passing under that bridge ;-) Best regards One of the Welsh Possi
  10. Yes hope the pooch is okay Andy Craig
  11. Jintyman, on 31 Mar 2018 - 18:27, said: A Stationmaster? You need a station for one of those, and you haven't even got any platforms to stand on, let alone a station!!! Jinty To shay, hahhaha, got your own back then matey, hahhha, still bet mine's done before yours, haha ******************************************** Now now Ladies, stop the bickering !!!! Craig
  12. The 4mm version is looking good Larry . Ooh that 7mm building will look nice on a layout .... lucky so & so’s ;-) Craig
  13. Hello Larry, excuse the pun, glad to see you are back on track with the 4mm Carrog, those touch ups have made a difference. Best regards Craig
  14. Aah holiday season starts .... I forgot what it is like to be spoken to like a subservient oik !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      I'm not coming down next Month now mate, hahha.

    3. 47707 Holyrood

      47707 Holyrood

      I'm a security manager on a holiday park....

    4. muddys-blues


      ^^^ hmmm I can imagine very well how you get spoken to then now and again

  15. They are both very nice pieces of works there Jints, and the angle iron is a nice touch.
  16. Hi Rod, it keeps asking me to sign in to continue to Youtube, I have never had to do that before !! Best regards Craig.
  17. Jinty don't encourage him, he will be asking about the platforms next ....
  18. are you sure you haven't given up the 4mm modelling ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. Jintyman's busy catching blue "Rats" ....
  20. Hello Larry, every cloud has a silver lining, I am sure those 7mm buildings will have a happy home ... no doubt they will pop up on this forum very very soon ... winky smiley thing as my iPhone doesn’t put the emojis on for me !!! Best regards a very happy Craig
  21. Sorry Andy, but as Peter BB says, it's no a prototypical model of the site so leave it as it is. Best regards Craig.
  22. Very interesting, I had a 4mm kit form the late Alistair Rolfe "No Nonsense Kits" but sold it off before building it, but I have this in my project stash for a 7mm build .... best regards Craig.
  23. Pen-y-bont, an area at the edge of Bala lake in Snowdonia where the River Dee leaves the lake ..... Andy you may want to get some hyphens for the station boards. * Penybont, a village in the Ithon valley in Powys, Wales Best regards Craig.
  24. Here here, I echo those sentiments as well Larry, I was gob smacked with those Carrog buildings. Best regards Craig.
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