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Everything posted by muddys-blues

  1. Not a 7mm modeller ..... you are now loitering in the funny farm, you Sir will soon be a 7mm modeller, it’s just to good to resist Best regards Craig
  2. P'tang, yang, kipperbang

    1. SHMD


      biscuit barrel


    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Still not watched that yet. I feel I’m missing out!

  3. Nah it's from carrot crunching country ... Western
  4. Anything else in the pipeline Jints ........ ?
  5. Hello Andy good to see you back on here raring to go ..... what is the request for the points ? Are you extending PB ? Best regards Craig
  6. www.class47.co.uk is your Fridnd Andrew Hope this helps Craig
  7. Hello Busstopprints, do you produce 7mm bus adverts or can do ? Best regards Craig.
  8. “Let’s see what you could have won” ... RIP Jim Bowen

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NHY 581

      NHY 581

      I’ve got £100 here and it’ll take me two minutes to count out.’

    3. DCB


      He will still be with us on Dave's Bulllseye repeats for many years to come

    4. Horsetan


      "Iiiiiin one."

  9. I saw that on ebay last night .... ...... this was whilst I was considering putting up my 24/0 kit for £900.00 ovno Best regards Craig.
  10. Somebody contacted me a couple of weeks ago asking about a Craftsman class 120 DMU kit, I have deleted their message by mistake, are you that person ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      No, I am Spartacus!

    3. beast66606


      We're all Spartacus !

    4. uax6


      I'm more Farticus..

  11. OOh that 20 is sublime Jinty ...... and the workbench looks well organised !! Is that 25 done yet ? Best regards Craig.
  12. Hi Keith & Bob, my recommendation to put something on the GOG is just another angle to find out how many people are in Keith's position, as once a list of people starts to be collated we get to see a picture of how many people are in Keith’s position, £400 plus is a serious amount of money to see disappear off into the etha. We aren’t talking about an Airline or a Christmas Hamper going bust here, which is a pretty faceless company to deal with, we are talking about a small company who’s owner is well known through the hobby, PW is someone I am not criticising in anyway, but I am sure Peter is someone who feels for the working man, the people for whom any amount of money is lot only to possibly be left with nothing. This is why I mentioned about going around this in a respectful manner, there is no need to use abusive vitriol in the list, just get people to state hard cold facts of what they are owed. Best regards Craig
  13. Hi Keith, are you a member of the Gauge O Guild forum ? if so go and post your predicament on there, as I would like to think Mr Waterman wouldn't like the negative publicity, by this ?I mean put the factual information on the forum without be slanderous or abusive in anyway "unlike some people have already posted on certain forums". This episode is only going to leave a sour taste in a lot of People's mouths who will be left out of pocket, no matter how large or small the figure is, any amount of money can be alot to the everyday Man. I hope you get your monies back. Best regards Craig.
  14. Thanks for those Class 27, funny how some people have knocked the Darstead MK1 details, but that Heljan BG shape is just so so flat. Any chance of some pictures of that layout on a 7mm modelling thread, it looks nice on the little snippets. Best regards Craig
  15. That’s really lovely Brian, that will set the atmosphere nicely. Best regards Craig
  16. I have had to close the business for the morning, the forecourt is like a skating rink, and the strong wind is making twice as difficult, stay safe People

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. muddys-blues


      People in the 60's & 70's just got on with it, if you slipped it was your own fault, unfortunately these days we have to think someone slips, and I get a solicitors letter next week !!! that's the difference these days

    3. Rowsley17D


      Isn't progress great.

    4. Regularity


      Ice ages are defined by having permanent ice cover at the pole(s), so we are still in an ice age. In the late 70s, analysis of cyclical data did indeed suggest that we should be heading for greater ice cover. Maybe without the industrial revolution we would have been...

  17. I have had to close the business for the morning, the forecourt is like a skating rink, and the strong wind is making twice as difficult, stay safe People

  18. Larry, that is lovely, I am looking forward to your next modelling instalment, when you start building the "new DMU shed" for Carrog Road .... Best regards Craig.
  19. Hi David, I have built 4 x of Easybuild (Shawn's) bogies, and all mine run nice and quiet, I know others have had problems, not sure what the issues where, but as I understand it now, Shawn has done an alteration or upgrade to his motor bogie assembly and it is slightly diiferent. Building them is a piece of cake, and Shawn must be one of the most accommodating and patient people I have ever dealt with, his service is second to none. Hope this helps Craig,
  20. May be we will never know the figures .... but in the grand scheme of things do we need to know ? it's not our business to know. Yes I for one hope JLTRT come back in another guise, but until then best to let sleeping dogs lie. Best regards Craig.
  21. Anybody in the UK after some OO scale Kadees ? PM me I have a good number, many new and unused, height gauges etc, I am sticking with 7mm modelling now, so I have no need for the HO / OO one’s. Best regards Craig
  22. Hi Mike, you have every reason to be chuffed and biased, Sean has done a wonderful job there, that signal box is a lovely model, it seems a shame to put the roof on it as there so much detail in that interior. Best regards Craig.
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