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Everything posted by muddys-blues

  1. Hi Nick I would go for drilling a series of smaller holes inside the area that needs cutting then use a pad saw or a rat tail file to tidy up Hope this helps Craig
  2. Hello Andy, thanks for your comments, there will be no striping on the seats as they will be 1970's guise of plain blue with greenish hint, if you remember they where of a cheque pattern that wasn't too obvious so I can get away with a plain blue, have a look at Spenc's Marleigh thread, he has a great picture of his 108 seats, they look so tired and worn when he had finished painting them, tonight I have just completed put all the seats together and bending 15 x more grab handles, I am now a bit bogged eyed, tomorrow I plan to undercoat the seats and make a start on prepping the body sides, so I am hoping to be posting a good number of pictures on here tomorrow night. Craig.
  3. I agree with you there Andy ........ looks really lovely, especially in 7mm ... are you yet Mr P ?
  4. Hello, just a little update on the 118 build, due to Family commitments this weekend I have just managed to get on with a little bit of work on building up the seats, some may ask why not get on with the body builds, as time has been short I would rather get on with some little quick jobs that can easily be jumped on and off when time permits, so I decided to tackle what can be a tedious jobs, a standard 63.5' High Density DMU car has a good number of seats - this DMBS (Driving Motor Brake Second) has 26 x 2 persons seats & 39 x 3 person seats, the DMS (Driving Motor Second) has 34 x 2 persons seats & 57 x 3 persons seats, so in modelling terms that is 62 lots of seat mouldings to make up. I must admit I have found it therapeutic ....... possibly until I decided to say to myself, it's 7mm modelling, I will be fitting saloon lighting, why not model those cute little grab handles that you find on the first lot of 4 seats on each side of both cars ??? anyway here is what I have fashioned on 1 set of seats to see how they come out, the handle is made from an 8mm staple looped around a scriber ... I may come to regret this yet 1st picture is the real thing from the Railcar Website, and the 2nd & 3rd are my first effort on one of the seats. Best regards Craig.
  5. http://www.railcar.co.uk/type/class-101/?images=vehicle Here you go, this website is an absolute gem of information .... hope you enjoy it find what you are looking for. Best regards Craig.
  6. Hello David thanks for taking an interest, and yes the profile is something I am going to look I to this weekend and see if it is plausible to take off some of the curve further down the body. Best regards Craig
  7. Hi Andy .... good to see you are still in denial & loitering on the 7mm pages , these EB kits aren't too complicated really, just the next size up version of a 4mm DC kits model, and you Sir are far from a duffer modeller Best regards Craig
  8. Hello, and welcome to my new work bench thread, the topics in this thread in the main will be build of rolling stock for my layout which at the time of writing up this thread is still at a very embryonic stage. I have been plodding on with the baseboard build, and I had set myself of goal of not touching any rolling stock kits until the boards are fully up, but after the bad start to the week with storm damage at work I thought I would treat myself to some kit building therapy and a little distraction from the baseboards. So I am starting off this thread building one of the Easybuild's DMU kits, this kit is in the main just a 2 car 116 / 117 unit, but as the body layout is also related to the BRCW class 118 cousin this is what I have always had in mind when I ordered this kit, my layout is to be set somewhere in the West Country, a location yet to be confirmed, so I have been building a list of DMU sets that I wish to model for the layout, all the units I will be modelling will be prototypes that have been seen in books or on the web, the units are being modelled as they where during the period of 1970 - 1978 The unit I am starting with is set number P480, this ran as a 2 car Class 118 unit out of Laira depot, it comes out of one of my modelling prototype bibles "First Generation DMUs in colour for the Modeller and Historian" compiled by Stuart Mackay, I also spend much time loitering on the www.railcar.co.uk website, this is an excellent site for tons of information on DMUs, So from left to right, one of the Bibles I use for inspiration, middle picture, the lower picture was my inspiration for this modelling project as great shot form 1978 showing a member if the 118 class without cab marker lights instead running with 2 x domino dots in the cab roof headcode box, and the 3rd picture showing the set at Bere Alston. ** I have listed all the copyright names on the pictures hoping this covers me to use on this thread, please notify me if this is a problem ** So I have started with a little fettling of the cab and inner end removing any of the mouldings that are not required, then as per the instructions it was bath time for all the plastic parts to remove any moulding or releasing agents, here are some pictures below .... I hope the pictures are of some interest to some of you, that's it for now on the updates, I will be preparing the seats tonight as I am just after a nice easy task "one where I can sit and chat with Mrs B whilst doing some modelling. My updates won't be a full step by step build, but I will try and keep them regular and pointing out any problems I encounter along the way. Many thanks Craig.
  9. Ronnie Pickering ...... Who ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rob D2

      rob D2

      What an arse !

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      A resident of Hull with no culture 2017 or not!

    4. Lord Flashheart

      Lord Flashheart

      Also known as the ###### (Boris) in the Picasso.

  10. Good morning Rod, nice to see some piccy updates, just one question on the FY foam bump stops, due to your choice of persuasion of which half of Merseyside you follow, could you not get any blue foam ? Best regards Craig
  11. Simon you could well be right, ...... cough cough .... I am not sure that 115 sits right on Rod's layout , now Rod not sure if this has been mentioned before but if you wanted to sell something to fund a couple of 503 projects I know a good home for that 115 Best regards Craig.
  12. Had to shut our garage today at 2.00pm, a couple underside canopy sheets came off in the high winds, I have another 4 or 5 hanging on for dear life, modelling mojo crushed for tonight .... thanks Ophelia ya' b#tch !!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. muddys-blues


      Mine is Andy thanks, just playing havoc with the properties and my hair ;-)


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Commiserations, hope you are able to get everything sorted soon.

    4. Jintyman


      It's had a go at my hair too Craig!!!!!!

      Been successful as well :O

  13. Quote "tell me about Telford ?" ...........
  14. Brian, that really is the Mutts Nutz ...... you lucky lucky Man Jints Craig.
  15. Ooh I do like a Tally update, looking good Jints, glad to hear you got the cobalts sorted. Best regards Craig.
  16. Hello Graham, good to see plenty of help for you on here, out of interest where about's in Gwynedd are you residing ? Best regards Craig.
  17. Hi Larry, it all looks fantastic ..................... dare I say the fiddle yard area is screaming out to me for some scenery on there Larry Best regards Craig.
  18. The disappointment of trying to make some silk purse baseboards out of sows ears baseboard kits .... I won't be using this "............. ...... " company again :-(

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Soon be 5 th Nov mate, Hwyl fawr.

  19. Jinty fantastic that ..... "even for a brew machine" .... now what excuse can I use for a visit and a paned, aah ... custard creams ? Can't wait to see it in the flesh, that station building looks the dogs, it will all come together very quickly ..... I can't wait for November to see Andy P drooling, sweating & being all fidgety, his brain will be whirring over with 7mm thoughts bouncing round his head "AGAIN" Best regards Craig.
  20. Hooker 'n' Heat ... what a great combo for some banging blues tunes

  21. For Heavens sake Man you need banning from this forum ....... oh Dear Lord please forgive me I am too weak to resist temptation Looks good Brian Craig.
  22. There's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out, and we're wearing sunglasses.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jintyman


      I think it's just a tad more than 106 miles from the Llyn to Chicago, but don't get too blue about it!!!!! ;)

    3. AndyB


      Can't be on a Ryanair flight - there's no way they would have stumped up for all that fuel.

    4. nigelb


      were on a mission from God

  23. Are 99.9% of HP printers just sh#t ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Everything HP is sh*t. Except the sauce.

    3. muddys-blues


      ^^^^ ha ha love that one ;-)

    4. Kev_Lewis


      You're welcome. But now I fancy a bacon butty.

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