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Everything posted by wagonbasher

  1. Valdez is coming.. that is a strange one. Burt Lancaster with a mission. you don't want to owe Valdez money. Andy
  2. Ok, what about the 'Trinity' films Andy
  3. Munny says.. ive killed women and children, ive killed just about everything that walked or crawledd at one time or another and I'm here to kill you Little Bill. Andy
  4. Then, I apologise I've re read your post and see the reference is to 'a' committee rather than 'the' committee sorry again Andy
  5. I don’t think there is a need for a new team even if candidates were available. Hi Phil I don’t blame the society for a poorly attended exhibition. Event disrupting snow is not common in a 21st century winter let alone march. The no insurance thing is forgivable given the ‘unlikleyhood’ of it happening, it’s not happened before, lesson for the future. poor comms is poor. It’s about skills and understanding. This is important and the GOG need to learn this. Forums, the web site and RMweb are incredibly powerful tools. Good communications is important for event promotion, explaination, and engagement with your customers. The group must control the communication ( that means commenting, explains and responding) . Fail to do this and the rest of us fill in the gaps and have field day like they did here today. What I personally consider unforgivable is the ‘free rider’ accusation (untrue and irrelevant) the claim that ex members are nob heads and no further apology for these rude (at best) statements. The society needs to either retract those insulting claims or explain to us why the individuals were not representing them he societies views. silance can be seen as agreement. Andy
  6. Wow... what scale are you modelling? Andy
  7. In To summarise 'Free rider gate'... Post 40: Dava who judging by the informative and instructive first paragraph of the post is either part of the exhibition or society management team 'implies' that the non members are free riders. In basic terms the society are making a contract with the visitors, they are making an offer to the non members (for this £x.xx you can come to our exhibition and if anyone out there is still going and they 'accept the offer' / pay that money the contract is complete). No free riding.. From that point onwards, judging by the replies to this post, 8 people were offended by Dava's statement and that includes current and ex members. For a while I thought we would see an apology or an explanation either from Dava or an official within the GOG. A retraction, a 'sorry I didn't mean it like that, maybe a 'please ignore him he does not represent the group, that sort of thing could save the day. probably still could. Then about six hours later it came, a response from a self confirmed GOG committee member happy hippo No apology No explanation No retraction But a comment that ex members and ordinary members are nobheads (I don't like the choice of the word ordinary when describing the members, ordinary as apposed to ?) anyway.. Its a pity that this exhibition will be remembered for the snow rather than the year Dava insulted non member exhibition attendees. I wish anyone who goes (regardless of how much they paid), any exhibitor or trader that gets through the snow all they very best Andy
  8. If I'm reading it correctly the four BV kits they describe are not available yet Andy
  9. If I understand this, we are also invited to nominate bad westerns Sabatta Lee Van Cleef with his fleet of fancy guns and a crazy Mexican with an indian (sort of hippy) friend. The most 1960's hippy is Banjo.. don't underestimate him, that banjo has fire power. A trash film, I would watch and curse every time its on Andy
  10. get ready little lady, hell is coming to breakfast. now spit Andy
  11. I like the video, they just need a crew in the cab if the things going to move. Andy
  12. Ive got the ply.. I've gone for 6mm, I thought the 10mm was over the top. The chap in B&Q was not happy to cut such relatively small pieces and he said he couldn't do the curved ends. Pahh, I've got a file, we'll be ok. There is quite a lot of the 8' x 4' sheet left over Andy
  13. Hmmm maybe. Let me study the plan and the available parts from that 'aliian' railway company. Andy
  14. Frankenstein entered a body.... oouhhoo... I never saw that version Andy
  15. scratch build, scratch build, scratch build... sorry I got carried away You could scratch build it. Andy
  16. I've been thinking about this... dangerous I know. You said by pass the internal switch True belt and braces would mean that you use the devices own internal switch and the micro switch. That way they would both switch the points power supply or in the event of a failure the power would be switched by whichever devise is still working. Simply using one rather than the other is just wearing a belt instead of braces. We seem to be assuming that micro switches never fail. Or, is it just easier to fix at a show if they fail If you don't fancy wiring the switches together one option could be to use the toitoise until it fails (different views as to how likely that might be) and then fix the micro switch afterwards. Andy
  17. presumably you have had to open the thing up to get those bolts in place? Andy
  18. They probably have themed nights, (I don't know anything about such places either..) Andy
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