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Everything posted by wagonbasher

  1. What I like about three link couplings is scale operation in terms of time. model Train stops in the right place I look around for the bent bit of brass thingy decide I need my glasses look for glasses Oh, there on my head (slightly greasy now having sat on my hair - too much detail I know) Now, with glasses improved chance of finding the bent bit of brass Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle, cuss.... Tonge just slightly poking out of mouth for reasons of concentration. done it. That sort of replicates the shunter bloke / guard etc, climbing down, ducking under, asking the driver to back up a bit more, haul the ludicrously big lump of cast steel off / or on to the hook duck back under and give the thumbs up Andy
  2. What a fantastic shot Later today I will post a list the WD camps with railways (in 1916 the ROD had taken control of the Camp railways.) As Andy says no 0-4-0's on the chase but the best bit of detail here is the tank side writing on the left hand locomotive. W.D. No' 60. We know the Avonside was number 92 but have no pictures. The Longmoor locos don't carry numbers and are more likely to carry names. This would justify tank side writing Very good, thank you Note the WW1 period engine crews do not wear the 'puttees' around their calves in the way the regular army do, this can be seen on the new photo and on the model Andy
  3. Its back on the rails now, lets forget him and move on, where did we get to? Andy
  4. A selection of viewing corrals, with height gauges on the entrances arranged in the correct height sequence should fix that... Damn.. Nothing to stop smaller viewers going into the tall people's corral. Back to the drawing board. And
  5. Bless em' all, the long and the short and the tall! Andy
  6. Are the coach bodies cut down LMS / BR suburban's ? Or maybe those 4 wheel Hornby coaches again cut down Andy
  7. Given that you have modelled or plan to model quite a few obscuring buildings (a thing I like by the way) I suspect your thoughts are correct. Andy
  8. sorry, I thought it was something we didn't know Andy
  9. Probably a little over scale for the layout. How will Chris model 7mm legible lettering... probably hand made letters from plasticard knowing chris Good find Stu Andy
  10. When you write 'Reading' I presumably refer to the town. Rather than the activity we all enjoy in WHS? Andy
  11. Bbc coverage and your own promotion through rmweb. Seriously, Mr Hughes.... When planning his visit said he was trying to find timetables and what's running and he found your RMWeb posts more informative than the societies web site. Andy
  12. Hi professionally built simply mean that someone was paid to build it... It is not a qualification Andy
  13. The ravens will leave the tower before I move out of Stafford. Its not that we Staffordians don't like travel, we just like to be back in the borough before dark Andy
  14. Let me know, I could suggest some venues Andy
  15. Oh Eric, what have you done. I feel you may have started something. Andy
  16. Crockery in Staffordshire.... I should hope so, that's where they make it.. (well used to) Andy
  17. There was a 16 foot gap... is that what you mean? Andy
  18. we've made a list.... I don't think make them move was on it!!! Andy
  19. Andy.... I've worked out why Tackeroo didn't run Andy
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