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Everything posted by ozzyo

  1. Hello All, well I've got the DRO mounted onto the lathe, it has not been all clear sailing but it has worked. So onto the build? The main mounting bracket with the mounting and clearance holes drilled in it, the slot for clearance for the mounting screws milled in as well (more on that later). A test fit of the DRO unit, this showed that the clearance slot was not wide enought. So a wider and deeper slot was M/C in it. Well I still wasn't happy with it it didn't look right, so back on the mill and milled right through it, this will let most of the swarf drop though it. I hope? The mounting bracket for the DRO reader mounted to the cross slide. I was going to make this about 2" long, but then thought if I leave it about 10" long it should help keep swarf off the reader. Only time will tell. All mounted up, just some small jobs to do. Now all I have to do is to get used to using it and not the dial. All the parts were setup to within .001" over the full travel of the cross slide. Now for some test work (you watch me drop something on it and bu99er it all up). OzzyO.
  2. Hello All, well after more planing and drilling. I'm at the stage (shouts of get on it its leaving) where I can start to mount it to the lathe. The only part that I'm undecided about is the main mounting, this has a rebate M/Cd in its top surface to clear the mounting screws. Do I M/C it into a slot (swarf will drop through) or leave it as a rebate. I think that the mill is calling me. OzzyO.
  3. My pet cliche that I hate, is a modern layout with clean roads (all the same colour) with no drain covers, manholes, repair work OR potholes, in them. I don't drive but I can still see them. OzzyO.
  4. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    Just reread post # 1315. Well what has that got to do with EBay. Just sounds like the mans? a muppet. OzzyO.
  5. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    This has got to be a p1## take, limited edition of 100,000,000 photos of the tickets. I wonder what a big run would be? And with 10% going to charity at £999.00, £900 quid profit, OzzyO.
  6. Hello All, been doing a bit more measuring and planing just need to get some metal for fixing the DRO to the M/C. I may have got away with the 4" DRO as the 6" has about 3/4" overrun, but hey you don't know that when you buy them, and it was only a couple of quid more (IIRC £3). I think that I've got the main mounting bracket drawn up as I need it, so its going to be measure once and cut three or four times, sorry that's measure three or four times and cut once. The only thing that gets me is the mounting screws for the read out stick out more than the mounting brackets lift the rule / reader rail (strange)? OzzyO.
  7. Hard question to answer. One layout that I remember, but I wont say inspired me was "Otogo" I think that the owner was called Jack? rabbits popping out of the hill, TPOs dropping off and picking up mail, etc.. In the same hall was. Garsdale road, lovely it had it for me, I wanted to have my locos like them, all red and running in a real setting. Kendal Castle, the last great project. By this time I had got to know David (RIP) and this was one of the layouts that had got me up into 7mm. All I wanted to do was to be able to build locos that would look that nice. Dewsbury, by Bob Essery. fine scale to be worked up to. I have a fourth one but I cant say, we're only allowed three. OzzyO.
  8. Haverthwaite, if it's the one that I'm thinking of was at Haverthwate a couple of years back. OzzyO.
  9. Hello all, My DRO turned this morning in the post, not bad 2 days from ordering to delivery. Now all I have to do is figured out how I'm going to mount it. I will try and keep yous posted on this as I go along. OzzyO.
  10. Ron, what would that load of 13 tinnies equate to in full size? Do you know? Fantastic modeling. OzzyO.
  11. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    More like 24" to the foot. That's a lot of scrap metal!!!!!!!!!!! OzzyO.
  12. Thanks for that link, flubrush / Jim, I've now order one from them. at a six inch. length. The cross slide travel is about 4 1/2" better to much than to little ( next size down was 4 inch.). These are photos of the back of the cross slide, now all I now have to do is try and fit it to the cross slide. OzzyO.
  13. ozzyo

    Loch Dour

    I always said that the last shot would be a cracker if you could get it. OzzyO.
  14. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    If you think that's somethings wrong going on, on EBay, why not just report them. I have in the past. The name for "party bidding" is shillin or shilling. ie. a mate will keep bidding up to a price and stop, if the other bidder will not out bid him he will drop his bid. and the other man is expected to pay up at his top bid. OzzyO.
  15. Hello Bertydog, thanks for the reply, but as I said it would be mounted at the back of the cross slide, and so will measure the movement of the cross slide its self. Not the rotation of the lead screw. On the cross slide of the lathe backlash is not to much of a problem unless you are doing bores and undercuts. As most of the time you are only cutting from the front! ie. the outside diameter. OzzyO.
  16. Hello All, I've been thinking about getting a digital read out for my lathe cross slide. Has anyone any experience of them, are they easy to set up, are they accurate (I think they will be). The one thing that I'm worried about is the metal swarth will this affect it? I'm also thinking about mounting it at the tail stock end of the cross slide is that a good move? OzzyO.
  17. ozzyo

    Loch Dour

    What are you doing putting posts on here at 13;41, you should be at work . What have you done to the Mills? First time out on the train in daylight! for a long time. Out in the dark back in the dark is my norm. See you Wed. OzzyO.
  18. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    Dont forget if you can paint you can paint anything.Houses, portraits, the new map of Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    More to the point some people have bought some?
  20. Glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't read the instructions then . OzzyO.
  21. I Can only say WOW. I can't say it any louder that's as big as the letters allow. WOW. OzzyO.
  22. Why do bacon ribs cost so much? But taste so nice!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sailor Charon

      Sailor Charon

      Bacon ribs? Where from?

    3. halfwit


      Pigs I'd guess... ;)

    4. ozzyo


      Good guess, with some salt and other bits and pieces. Oh for a good black pudding.

  23. H/T, just use them as normal lathe tools. Them tools are top dog. You can also use them as parallels. OzzyO.
  24. Photo please, and where from? OzzyO.
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