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Everything posted by ozzyo

  1. Hello all, I'm thinking of buying one of the Proxxon drill sharpener's No.BSG220. Has any one any experience of using one of these? & are they worth the money? OzzyO.
  2. Do I change the Gas supplyer. Without telling the wife?

    1. Horsetan


      Depends. Was she supplying the gas?

  3. Hello Ron, that sounds like an advert for some cider!!!! Love the bridge work. OzzyO.
  4. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    Why not just report the person then? OzzyO.
  5. fed up with British Gas and Eonn. Just going to up the price by approx 17% . what wouldd happen if we all did that?

    1. ozzyo


      I want to have a a 17% waged rise, but If I did that I think that I would loose a lot of work!!!

    2. gwrrob


      The whole business is a cartel.They're all the same.They have us by the bo****ks.

    3. Horsetan


      If you can afford it, emigrate.

  6. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    It also has weathering on the coupling rod that I don't think that it had when it was first sold!!!!!!! As I said it's in the U.S.A. OzzyO.
  7. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    It's in the U.S.A. need we say more? OzzyO.
  8. A mate of mine who was a driver never wore a B.R. uniform, nor carried a B.R. drivers bag (he carried an old fashioned shopping bag). It had all the bits in it I suppose? R.I.P. my old mate. OzzyO.
  9. Hello all, now what about a de-streamlined A4? OzzyO.
  10. How long till the sleseball, reinvents the News of the World ?

    1. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      The Sunday Sun ?

    2. Horsetan



      What he said. It's already happened.

  11. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    Just seen one for some Birchwood Casey touch up pens for £1,006.65 or some thing like. OzzyO.
  12. Hello Brian, the small tank reminds me of the 'caustic soda' tanks that ran on the W.C.M.L. in the 80s. OzzyO.
  13. That was a LARGE number 3, 11 if my count was right. OzzyO.
  14. This government and most of the words governments all seem to think that oil is the b all and end all of power. Why? Electricity can be produced by a lot of cleaner ways. OzzyO.
  15. Hello Ken, 6207 had this tender for approx one year 1946 - 1947. OzzyO.
  16. Hello Ken, interesting to see that you've modeled the only coal pusher tender (No 9359) that was coupled to the Lizzy's. It was normally attached to 6206 as that was the only Lizzy that had the steam fitting for the coal pusher. It's looking good. Who's kit is it? OzzyO.
  17. The rear sand pipe to the center driver on the off side in the photo? If not please tell us. OzzyO.
  18. Whit, (I was going to say sarcasm but I can't spell it) or MRC + pub take your pick OzzyO.
  19. And you believe all that with all the spelling mistakes. OK there from the USA but come on?
  20. How about the coupling rod shorting out on the rear brake hanger? OzzyO.
  21. Hope you tided up before Jodi got in . Soon be time for & . OzzyO.
  22. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    More so when there are three more starting at about £15. Opps up to about £30 now and they dont look as nice.
  23. Hello All, a couple of photos to show why you should where safety specs. This brush was brand new when I started cleaning up two castings. The bristles came of with such force that they stuck in my tee shirt and jeans. So think what could happen it one went into your eye! OzzyO.
  24. Hello Matt, I don' that will happen as the Company and the society had a bit of a fall out not that long ago. She was at the old Steam town museum a few years back. OzzyO.
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