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Everything posted by ozzyo

  1. Hello Ken, interesting to see that you've modeled the only coal pusher tender (No 9359) that was coupled to the Lizzy's. It was normally attached to 6206 as that was the only Lizzy that had the steam fitting for the coal pusher. It's looking good. Who's kit is it? OzzyO.
  2. The rear sand pipe to the center driver on the off side in the photo? If not please tell us. OzzyO.
  3. Whit, (I was going to say sarcasm but I can't spell it) or MRC + pub take your pick OzzyO.
  4. And you believe all that with all the spelling mistakes. OK there from the USA but come on?
  5. How about the coupling rod shorting out on the rear brake hanger? OzzyO.
  6. Hope you tided up before Jodi got in . Soon be time for & . OzzyO.
  7. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    More so when there are three more starting at about £15. Opps up to about £30 now and they dont look as nice.
  8. Hello All, a couple of photos to show why you should where safety specs. This brush was brand new when I started cleaning up two castings. The bristles came of with such force that they stuck in my tee shirt and jeans. So think what could happen it one went into your eye! OzzyO.
  9. Hello Matt, I don' that will happen as the Company and the society had a bit of a fall out not that long ago. She was at the old Steam town museum a few years back. OzzyO.
  10. Why does it still take banks 5 working days to clear cheques? And there working day finishes at 3 pm yet the bank is open till 5;30pm?

    1. Horsetan
    2. ozzyo


      sounds about right!

  11. I'm glad the similar topics lists have gone.

    1. halfwit


      I woudn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it as I turned it off.

    2. ozzyo


      I never turned it on!

  12. Well to-morrows the big day. Up at 5am, train at 6am, Arrive Halifax 10am. In to the GOG Summer Show 10;15am. Let the spending commence.

    1. Horsetan


      Ah.....zer mystery ees solv-ed.

  13. It is now two days to go, my wallet is getting worried. So is the wife.

    1. Horsetan


      You're not going for the Olumpic ticket shambles, then.

    2. ozzyo


      NO, and thrice times NO

  14. It's getting close.Nearly two days to go.

  15. Three days to go, it's getting close now.

    1. Horsetan


      Waiting for a cheque to clear? ;-)

    2. ozzyo


      Nope, better that that. I'm going to spend money.

  16. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    It's just a bit of super detailing that the rest of us don' know about, maybe a bit like the plows. OzzyO.
  17. Hello Ron, when you are doing all the multiple trusses how do you stop the top one from sticking to the bottom one of the next? If you see what I mean. OzzyO.
  18. Hello Artzen All, I know what you mean, this subject has been in my content for a long time, then it disappeared from it. I would have thought that the link would have still worked when it was moved, it didn't. Anyhow I've found it again. So now to catch up. OzzyO.
  19. Four days to go, then it's spending time.

  20. ozzyo

    EBay madness

    I think that he was converting it to an A1A-A1A Warship . So the bogies maybe right its just the bodies now wrong. Or hes got a class 50 Warship chassis thinking that it's the same class. OK I'll put my coat on. OzzyO.
  21. Hello Birtiedog / All, so nothing exotic then just a bog standard knee type of milling M/C. OzzyO.
  22. its a Black 5. enough said. OzzyO. I like it more please.
  23. Not to sure about the new menu bar. Is it just change for change sake? But I do like the new drop down menu bar, thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      The colour change is just to attract attention to the new menu style.

    3. Horsetan


      All these little tweaks....why, it's just like eBay or Farcebook....

    4. halfwit


      Works for me.

  24. Ron, that is a bridge to far. WOW. OzzyO. As A PS, are you doing the bricks on the inside of the columns as well? OK I've got my coat
  25. Hello Bertiedog /All, I used a 7 ton Parkson mill that would happily take 3/4" cuts at 12" per min using a 9" cutter. or when set up by myself cut a 1/16" keyway to .0005" tolerance in both dept and width. What is this 10ton CVA ,please explain? OzzyO. PS.as a aside, I remember a mate of mine that was on a 25 ton (load on table) Kendall & Gent planeo mill and was cutting a key-way about 2 1/2" wide and had forgotten to take out the back lash on the lead screw. The next thing was BANG and bits of cutter were flying all over the shop.
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