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Everything posted by Corbs

  1. That's great. I'll do that next. Do you think that the receiver dropping signal might be causing the issues with the motor running away?
  2. Thanks Frank. How should I attach a new aerial, would soldering work?
  3. Hello fellow BPRC fans, I have a few issues getting one of my setups to work. The loco has been butchered a lot, but the essence is a Hornby 'Pug' chassis, now with a 3v motor fitted. The receiver is a Deltang Rx61-22-W and it uses a 1s LiPo battery. I use a Tx22 controller. It has a few problems. Firstly, it takes so long to synchronise the Rx with the Tx. They seem to constantly forget each other. Whilst it has a solid light to indicate they are in synch, there is no response to any input from me. I have to switch them off and re-bind the Tx to the Rx, sometimes multiple times. Then, often I will only get a short period of responsiveness before the motor stops responding to controls and just keeps going of its own accord and won't stop until it's switched off. Are these two issues related? The binding problem was there before I changed the motor to a 3v one. The aerial snapped off the Rx some time ago, could this be part of the issue?
  4. I'm subscribed to your loco thread so if you put pics up I will see it I would like to keep this one about my YEC loco.
  5. Because it would be a J11 instead of a 3F which is what I want. It's not really relevant to this thread or section, not being an industrial loco
  6. Skirted version can be seen in this video at 3:14: https://youtu.be/MSPzoBn_YgE?t=3m14s
  7. 'Bustered's conversion of the Hornby Railroad Bagnall into this convincing industrial is what this thread is all about: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/108979-Hornby-bagnall-detailing/
  8. Amazing. When I started modelling this level of detail was unheard of in RTR
  9. New Ford Fiesta STs are some of the most stolen cars at the moment, many thefts due to the keyless entry.
  10. On the smokebox front casting, it looks like there is a bit of excess material in between the top of the cylinders and the bottom of the smokebox door. Could this be cut and shut to reduce the height?
  11. Ahhh excellent. I have 2 quarries to serve on my railway!
  12. Thanks Chris. What is the next stage? I know very little about commercial model production.
  13. True, but if no-one points out any mistakes then that increases the chances of mistakes making it through to the final thing.
  14. oh wow, I had not realised that had become so expensive! Cheaper to buy the Bachmann one.
  15. I had an RC receiver wired in that wasn't behaving itself so I've sent it back to Micron who will hopefully send me a new one
  16. The dettol did its job well, as did the razor saw to get rid of the 'skirt' and thin the smokebox front. I think the proportions are beginning to work better. The chimney's been cut down.
  17. For a long time now, I've been unable to enjoy the layout properly as one of the point blades on the loop had broken. No amount of glue would remedy this. Trains also frequently derailed going over it (some reverse grades were the cause of this it seems, along with the misaligned points. I had had enough, so yesterday set to with the chisel and hammer and tore out the offending section. I didn't want to have to flip the whole layout, remove the legs, only to access the point motor so I cut an inspection hatch. Much swearing and some help later, and it's installed. I've had to add another dropper but am still getting short circuits when the track is aligned a certain way, but crucially the layout is useable again and I can shunt once more
  18. If you don't want to hack in to a Bachmann model, you could use a Hornby Jinty chassis under a GBL C class?
  19. Will be interested to see how well lit it is, I have a very similar plan in mind for my shunting puzzle.
  20. No.16 posed alongside SCC No.3, showing the dummy motion brackets.
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