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Everything posted by Corbs

  1. My Sudrian China Clay operation needs a pair of Bagnalls. Hornby and Bachmann do 'Bill' and 'Ben' but they are very oversized compared to the real ones. Decided to try and make something from the ERTL diecast ones, which are teeny and much more appropriately sized. The main benefit is having the cab and tank shape. Die cast metal, as it turns out, is incredibly tough. Now I see why they use it for kids toys. anyway the bunkers need extending and lowering. This is it on a cut down Pug chassis from Peter's Spares. The boiler has been moved forward to allow the bunkers to be bigger. The front cab windows are just stickers so I'll replace the front plate with styrene.
  2. I like my engines to be working locos, so have started a bit of weathering. In order to work it needs couplings, too! I had to bore out a substantial bit of chassis to get the kadee in, which is secured with a screw and located via a slot in the bufferbeam and styrene strip. I wanted the option to convert to 3 links without leaving massive holes in the bufferbeam, so the slot is a compromise. Appropriately, it is shunting a China Clay wagon (which is very clean!).
  3. Maybe it's getting more grip? Perhaps we should do away with these silly steel wheels on steel rails?
  4. 'Agnes' has finally gained some glazing, but has got rather grubby recently.....
  5. Looks great, I'd not realised the full size of the layout before!
  6. Now THAT is how you make your stand look impressive (Pic stolen from instagram) If you think that's a waste of money and bad marketing then please cheer up.
  7. I just looked at the #HornbyHClassRoadTrip 'Campaign' and you are sorely mistaken if you think the pics, tweets, videos etc. cost anything to make. It was probably an afterthought for something they were going to do anyway.
  8. Thanks guys My thread on it is here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/127306-00-yorkshire-engine-co-0-6-0st-buildbash/page-2 Although it took me two attempts at both the cab and the saddle tank!
  9. Don't suppose any of you fellows are getting an unskirted one and want to swap one skirt with one set of valve gear
  10. Looks the part, certainly. I've been wanting to experiment with decal paper for a while, am I correct in thinking you can't print white? May I ask what kind of printer you are using Dave?
  11. It's all getting a bit too 'real' in here...
  12. Apologies for the very samey image content at the moment, but I am progressing with the big Hunslet. I ran out of white letter Cs so the other side is shown here with black lettering. I'm adding details like handrails back on. The chimney is a cast one from RT Models. The black borders are currently not very even so I'm going round with the masking tape and cutting them in (well, I'm going to attempt to make them neat, otherwise there will be some heavy handed weathering to cover up all the mistakes!). Currently posing with the Hornby bufferbeams refitted for the time being. After a coat of matt lacquer, with the YEC 0-6-0ST which now has some hefty motion brackets.
  13. Corbs

    New announcement?

    I'm going to hazard a guess that it won't be a competitor with their current models in production. So it would be very unlike the Barclay or P Class.
  14. Looks great! I saw it on instagram and liked it. Makes me wish I'd done it!
  15. It looks great! As usual I'm planning to convert to RC so will need to figure out a way to disguise the battery and receiver, a challenge as it looks so detailed!
  16. Another pic of Birch Coppice from http://www.warwickshirerailways.com/misc/misc_coll-locos054.htm
  17. Michael Edge may be able to help you if you ask him?
  18. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/57549-ontracks-taff-vale-gwr-0-6-0t-locomotives/page-3 Dickon made this Taff Vale E class from the Electrotren 0-6-0ST and a Pug cab
  19. Cunarder was HE1690 Interesting link in the names on Bursar and Treasurer!
  20. MORE shameless cross posting! I made this YEC 0-6-0ST from a Bachmann 'Junior' and 'NotPercy' with HO wheels and a smokebox from a GBL 4575
  21. Corbs

    WCPR No 5 - part 6

    It looks so great. The disc wheels are spot-on, too.
  22. I have a Hornby Pug chassis block to measure up, possibly with a different motor. The body actually needs extending a bit to match the real loco's bunker.
  23. Ah, thanks Michael. Treasurer was on my wish list of future bashes so thats very helpful!
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